Friday, May 15, 2009

Money Well Spent? Helpful? Funny?

What do you think of this new Metro video? Aren't those passengers getting a little upset that the train doesn't move for more than three minutes?


  1. Must be filmed in second life where i'm a magical wizard and the metro system works.

  2. It's so nice that Metro is employing digital little people as train attendants. (How tall would that woman be in real life? Lookit where the seats are in comparison to her!)

  3. I thought it was cool. I think we need to figure out a way to put the public shaming on people who block the doors. Maybe hand out a "citizen's citation" like some people do for people who park terribly?

  4. @brady You're right. She's a midget.

  5. Someone on Metro's Youtube page suggested broadcasting this thing on LCD screens inside the Metro system. I think that might push me to a third rail kiss.

  6. I couldn't make it through the entire thing. Not even the campiness, unintended, made it interesting. hang it up metro!

  7. Mildly amusing, but overly long.

    I did like the way the guy in the red shirt simply disappeared when he tried to drink something on the train - if only it happened that way in real life.

  8. Can we add "Sad?" to that list? And as for public shaming of door blockers, I generally just mutter, "Tool" as I shove past them.
