Thursday, July 29, 2010

Don't Stand, Don't Stand, Don't Stand so Close to Me

"When crews start deviating from the standard operating procedures, they are about three times more likely to commit another error that has consequential results." Robert Sumwalt, NTSB

@make_lemons Oh look. My bus driver has her boyfriend to keep her company. #wmata (7/27/10, F8, 5:25pm)

From an anonymous reader:
My bus driver spoke to a passenger standing in front of the yellow line the entire time I was on the bus. He overran one stop, and the passenger had to run to catch the bus. This takes place the day after the findings of Metro Red Line crash. It seems Metro has a long way to go.
4E bus route Pershing Drive to Rosslyn
According to Metro:
The policy is posted on signs above the windshield of every Metrobus. Those signs say:

“Please do not talk to me while I am driving, safe operation of the bus requires my full attention.” and “For passenger safety, federal law prohibits operation of this bus while anyone is standing forward of the yellow standee line.”

If a Metrobus customer feels their bus is being operated unsafely, we ask that they contact our Customer Service department at 202-637-7000 or online at and include a bus number (four digit), date and time so that we may take appropriate action.

We would never discourage customers from sharing their experiences on blogs, however, a direct report from a customer to our Customer Service department, rather than a second hand report via a blog, is important to the investigation and to any disciplinary actions that may need to be taken as a result of the investigation.
This happens on trains, too

Other items:
The appalling negligence of the Metro Board (Examiner)
Should we blame the Metro Board? (City Paper)
Dead on Examiner cartoon
Don't forget your second round of fare hikes start Sunday (Examiner)
Wheaton development (Washington Business Journal)

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