Monday, August 30, 2010

Pak ur bags. Getin paid time off 4 this

From Kristi:
Aug. 28 at 10:53 a.m. headed toward Franconia/Springfield, although the operator stated the train was headed to Largo Town Center.

He texted while moving between Rosslyn and Arlington Cemetery. Then again between Arlington Cemetery and Pentagon.

I could see because of the sunlight.

I don't know if he texted while in the tunnel, but he texted while slowing and speeding up.

I commented out loud that he was texting, but he still did.

Another Metro worker, perhaps a supervisor with orange vest came on at Pentagon City or Crystal City. This operator knew this and did not text again as we exited the tunnel.

I did not see him text again before we exited at Braddock.

Maybe he should stop texting and start paying attention to his job.

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