Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where's WMATA's Facebook Page?

Not that many of you were wondering, but here's an incredible story about where it went via All Facebook:
"Logan Ludwig is 13 years old. Like other kids, he likes to play Guitar Hero and hang out with his friends on Facebook. 58 days ago he found out that his grandfather, a decorated police officer of 19 years, was dying of stage 4 lung cancer. Because of a loophole, his employer, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, had denied him benefits and cut his pension from $3000/month to $700/month. Officer Ludwig was forced to sell his home, declare bankruptcy, and live in the basement of one of his son’s homes."
Logan then went on a social media campaign to make others aware. Read the entire story here.

WMATA confirms the clamor created by the story led them to take down their Facebook page.

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