Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bad News for Bikers

Do you bike to Metro? What could be done to improve the experience? If you don't bike, what, if anything, could Metro do to encourage you to?

From Andrew:
I'd say once every ten days, I see a bike that has had parts stolen. Sometimes, there will just be a broken lock where a bike used to be at the New York Ave./Florida Ave. Metro. In the above photo, someone had their back wheel stolen.

I lock my bike up here every day with two locks. Still, I feel lucky when I see it in place each day.

It's even more concerning because the station manager is about 30 feet from the bike racks.
And a tweet from yesterday:
@IMGoph multiple bikes had parts stolen at the NY ave station tonight (including mine) IT IS NOT SAFE TO PARK THERE. #WMATA DOES NOT CARE
Take a look at recent vandalism at the Anacostia station bike lockers.

Perhaps Metro should consider selling bike racks inside stations where possible.

Other items:
Weekend delays and closures (WMATA)
Another escalator goes Metro (TBD)

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