Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Increased Safety or Nuisance?

Video and text from Phil:
Have any of your readers mentioned that the buses are now screaming “PEDESTRIANS, BUS IS TURNING” and then again in Spanish? It’s so loud it wakes me at night and can be heard for blocks and blocks around.

Why not just put a continuous fire siren on top of them?

Here’s a video of the X8 bus. Note how you can hear it even on a cell phone video from before you can see it to over a block away. I actually followed this bus around Stanton Park and up Maryland Avenue NE until it got to the H Street intersection. It blasts this annoying message at every corner of the park, every time it turns and every time it stops to pick up/let off passengers. This in a somewhat quiet neighborhood. All night.
Metro confirms this is part of a pilot program.

Other items:
Metrobus impostor gets probation (WUSA)
Dulles stop could ruin view, group says (WaPo)

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