Monday, March 21, 2011

Metro Huffer

From an anonymous reader:
I've lived in DC for a few years now and thought I had seen it all--until the morning of March 18 on the Red Line.

This particular morning was no different than any other until a woman boarded the train, though I don't remember at which stop, as I had my nose in a book, as I do most mornings.

The woman sat in the reserved seating and had three or four bags with her.

Though the weather was nice, she was dressed in a heavy, black coat with a large hood. I thought nothing of it when she first got on until I began smelling a terrible chemical odor--almost like nail polish.

I looked up and saw the woman, just steps away from me, huffing hairspray.

Though she was in a public place, she made no apologies for it and didn't even try to hide it.

She had a napkin in one hand and a bottle of Suave in the other, would spray the spray near her nose, and rub the napkin over her face.

I was stunned.
Other items:
Metro to spend $851 million in capital funding (Examiner)
Metro trying to lure bike-to-rail commuters (WaPo)

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