Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another Groper

1999 "Don't be a pervert" poster from the Tokyo subway. Via Timothy

From anonymous:
I have been groped three times by the same person. The groper is a male Caucasian, about 5'10", heavier build, around 50 years old.

The last time this happened was late February. I'm sorry I cannot provide a specific date, as I guess I tried to suppress the incident. It was on a weekday at Shady Grove between 7 and 8 in the morning.

He gets on at Shady Grove, and I believe gets off or switches trains at Gallery Place. He always had a blue Jansport backpack.

On all occasions, I would sit on the inside of an empty 2-seater, and over a span of a year, maybe year and half, he has unfortunately sat next to me.

He would attempt to surreptitiously touch my leg with his hands that were beneath his backpack.

I have tried calling Metro police in the past regarding this matter, but the woman who picked up was of no help. She would not log any of the information I had fresh in my head at the time and insisted I go meet with an officer at a station.

If this can be somehow relayed to and taken seriously by Metro police or anyone who can be of help, I would feel so much more comfortable dozing off at times on the train.

Thank you.
Other items:
Metro hires consultant to make business case (Examiner)
Development begins along Silver Line (Fox5)

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