Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Riders Repeatedly Locked Out of Station

From Reece:
Three times during the last month, the person who is supposed to open the Dupont Metro station in the morning has arrived substantially late.

This has made a lot of people late for work and otherwise caused great inconvenience.  This person should be fired.  The normal chain of command is obviously not working.

Two of the times were weekdays, and once was the morning of Dec. 29.

The first time, there was a large crowd of angry people, and a Latino guy, who was relying on the Metro, mentioned he was going to get fired if he arrived at work late one more time (which presumably he did).

Meanwhile, people getting off the train at the Dupont station were, quite ridiculously, stuck behind the other side of the closed gate.  These repeated consequences are ridiculous for one Metro employee who got out of bed late.

I've already complained to Metro about this, but don't actually expect them to do anything.  

Other items: 
2014 budget does not recommend fare increase (PDF/page3/WMATA)

Silver line will bring big bus changes to NOVA (PDF/WMATA)
Another suicide (Examiner)

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