Friday, July 9, 2010

C'mon DC

New York tricksters sign makers created this unintentionally hilarious repetition of a classic meme, which no doubt will hit home with Orange Line riders caught up in yesterday's meltdown.

New Yorkers also came up with this classic prank.

We wonder why we haven't seen anything like this from DC Metro riders. Perhaps Metro alone provides a sufficient dose of tragicomedy. Or perhaps Metro's megasuckiness stifles all creativity.

Other items:


  1. There's nothing funny about WMATA except the smells.

  2. We have more people dying on Metro than on their subway. I'm thinking death is the ultimate creativity stifler.

  3. I don't know if you could say the FML MTA signs were created by tricksters - they're honest to god signs on the NYC metro...

  4. at 8:23. I think it reads better now. Thanks.

  5. totally off subject...but can we talk about the nightmare commute last night? Track circuit malfunctioned at Vienna at about 6:30 took me over an hour to get home from Farragut West. Did anyone else get stuck in that mess?

  6. I would TOTALLY be behind some guerilla marketing campaign on Metro! There's a LONG list of things to "educate" Metro riders on, but I want to start with the teaching people to stand on the RIGHT of the escalator. And before anyone blames tourists, I see locals doing it an awful lot too year around.

  7. at 9:05 took the Red Line during rush hour to an engagement after work. expected the worst, but it was ok. looks like a bullet was dodged on the orange. still took 1:15 to get from cleveland park to efc at 10 pm.
