Thursday, February 24, 2011

Metro Experiments with Convertible Bus

From "intrepid singing attorney Matt Schwartz ("
Trouble on the 3Y line the other night as a big gust of wind blew the top off bus 2550. The top panel is meant to be removable - there's stuff under there, the driver tells me - but apparently it was not secured well.

See the wire?

Looks like thin copper wiring was being used to secure the flap. It was no match for the wind.

The other side was held down the same way.

The driver told another driver (of the 16Y) what happened, and that driver said the exact same thing happened on her bus last week!

I'm not sure if the wires were there as an additional safety precaution or if they were a jury-rigged replacement for broken latches, but if the roof blew off on the highway, there could have been major trouble.
Other items:
When is a murder not a murder? (Examiner)
Has Metro canceled electronics upgrades for buses? (Raschke on Transport)
PG County eyes development near Metro stations (Examiner)

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