Tuesday, December 4, 2012

MTPD on the Job

 Contains some NSFW language

Metro says they arrested two people and the incident is still under investigation, according to this report on Fox. Seems as though quite a few perps got away.

According to the description on YouTube:
Friday night (11:15pm) fighting breaks out on Green Line at Fort Totten stop after a black girl grabs a cell phone from a white college student. The victim ends up being punched and beaten on the platform when she runs after the thief; a couple of the thief's friends pushed her down and beat her until she started bleeding around the mouth. The victims's friends (a mixed crowd of 8-10 Univ. of MD students) retaliate by not letting the train doors close as they try to get the cell phone back. Police (Metro & DC) finally arrive but fail to let the victim identify anyone and instead let the train close it doors and proceed on. this was actually the last train of the night running from Greenbelt to DC... Even though Metro police said they would stop the train at the next stop, it's unlikely the matter was investigated because they didn't bother to talk to any of the victims. WOW!!! What a night and a horrible first time visit for some young college students.
At the end the MTPD officer urges the cameraman to turn off the camera and says there are police waiting at the next station.

That may be true, but the witnesses are all at this station.

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