Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Return to Sender

Many of us have written letters to officials or companies expressing a concern with one thing or another.

Most of the time, we expect to get a canned response or no response at all. At least maybe someone read it, right? Maybe.

But how would you feel if you'd taken the time to write a real, physical letter (they do pack a little more gravitas), bought a stamp and mailed it only to have your letter returned unopened and marked "return to sender?"

That's apparently how Metro handles many of the letters it receives.

For readers who've been around a while, you may be familiar with the Officer Ludwig case. If you're not, you can read the details here and here.

Not much news on the legal front, but the case appears headed for a decision, after much delay, this July.

In talking with the Ludwigs, however, they told me about something I found absolutely appalling.

Toward the end of last year, the Ludwigs asked their Facebook friends to send snail mail letters supporting the family to Metro.

Many did, but to everyone's shock and amazement, a lot of them were sent back marked "return to sender" as seen above.

Mark Ludwig, officer Ludwig's son said he didn't think many of the letter writers expected a personal response from Metro, and they probably expected the letters to be tossed in the garbage, but they wanted to at least let Metro see there were people out there concerned enough about the case to take the trouble to write.

Despite that, he was shocked at the callousness displayed by Metro take the extra step and actually return the letters unopened.

"What if one of those letters contained something really important not related to my father's case?" asked Ludwig. "Someone at Metro got paid to mark those letters 'return to sender.'"

Ludwig added "It just makes you feel like they don't care at all, like they don't have a heart."

Other items:
Metro police force has grown with ridership (WTOP)

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