Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ludwig vs Metro: More Tragedy from Metro's Sloppiness

On August 10, former Metro cop Paul F. Ludwig III, only 61, died after a short, but brutal battle with cancer. He died before achieving his last wish in life: to settle a protracted and bitter legal battle with WMATA that left him and his wife homeless.

His story has made the Internet rounds to some degree, but it has been as a social media story. We reported here a while ago that the Ludwig campaign had forced Metro to take down its Facebook page, but here's the human side of a very sad tale.

Metro’s carelessness manifests itself in many ways. From the simple, laughable typo on all the Metro system maps to major tragedies like the Red Line Crash of June 22, 2009, it should be obvious to anyone that Metro is infested with a lax culture that all too often ignores details that cost the agency millions or, worse yet, leave employees and customers dead.

Here’s yet another tragic story of how Metro’s sloppiness, followed by near-belligerent defensiveness, ruined the life of one of its own.

In August of 2008, former Metro Transit Police Department officer Paul Ludwig and his wife Linda were living a relatively good life. He was getting his disability check from Metro because of a back injury he’d suffered while on the job in 1990, after a mere eight years of service with MTPD. It should be noted the Ludwig had, before coming to Metro, served eight years in the DC police force, receiving numerous commendations.

Despite Ludwig's attempts to rehabilitate his injury, his back problems left him permanently disabled. It took nearly three years for Ludwig to get Metro to finally let him retire with disability pay. The struggle was a foreshadowing of things to come.

While hardly a lavish amount, the stipend provided Ludwig and his wife with a modest yet comfortable living. But in July of '08, Ludwig received the letter from WMATA telling him that starting in September, his pension was going to be cut drastically.

To make matters worse, WMATA informed him that his pension should have been slashed one year prior.

"Because of this error they informed my dad that they were going to suspend his pension entirely starting in September until the repayment was made," said Ludwig's son Mark. "They claimed he owed $24,000 and some change."

Mark said his dad later got an amended letter saying the amount owed was $20,000.

“Mom and dad had very little money coming in, so eventually, they were forced to short sell their home and move in with my brother Paul, who is currently an MTPD K9 cop.

“We weren't going to allow them to be homeless,” he said. “We had room. They weren't going to be out on the street.”

The sharp reduction in pay was particularly shocking because in 2001, as a proof of income document he needed to refinance his home, Ludwig received a letter from Metro stating his benefits were for life.

The letter, which is pictured above, reads:
Mr. Paul F. Ludwig III retired on disability from the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority on June 1, 1993. His current monthly pension amount from the Transit Police Retirement Plan is $2,278.90 which is payable for his lifetime, and is subject to cost of living increases.
The letter is addressed to a mortgage official and is signed by Marlene J. Ruston a "senior benefits program specialist - retirement."

When Ludwig contacted WMATA regarding the steep cut in benefits, he spoke with James R. Davis, who was, at the time, a "plan administration manager," at Metro. Ludwig, confused by what was going on, referred to the 2001 letter.

"Davis scoffed at my dad and said the person who’d signed the letter as a ‘benefits specialist’ was ‘just a secretary,’” Mark said.

When his dad pressed Metro further, Mark said Metro’s response was “Well, sue us.”

"Dad spent a number of months visiting Metro, talking with the union there, the chief of police and others. He was trying to resolve this on his own at this point," said Mark. "He was told after one particular union meeting that they were going to get his situation taken care of. After weeks of inaction, dad called Metro to ask what was going on, they basically said nothing had progressed with his situation."

In August 2009, Ludwig had enough and filed suit against Metro.

The case is still under litigation, so Metro is reluctant to comment on the details. They do confirm Ludwig was a former employee and that they are currently being sued.

Originally, the case was brought by Ludwig, but now that Ludwig is dead, it will require some legal maneuvering--and more delays--to pursue the case as the estate of Paul Ludwig.

Metro did confirm the following about the disability plan:
Under the existing contract between Metro and the Fraternal Order of Police/Metro Transit Police Department (MTPD) Labor Committee, Inc., MTPD officers whose employment ends because of a disability incurred in the line of duty receive a monthly disability retirement income benefit equal to 60 percent of their annual compensation at the date of disability.

These payments continue until the participant reaches normal retirement age, which is 25 years after date of hire or the attainment of age 65, whichever occurs first. At that time, the disability retirement income benefit stops and the participant begins to receive his normal retirement pension benefit. The normal retirement pension benefit is based on the participant’s final average earnings and years of service at the date of disability.
Unsuck spoke with a lawyer who specializes in pension law, who said it was unusual for a disability plan to have a drop off like that, particularly before Social Security would kick in.

Metro cops who retire normally, without disability, get a pension for life and their spouses are entitled to a percentage for the rest of their lives. The spouses of the deceased disabled get nothing, said Mark.

Regardless of the fine print of the plan, the lawyer thinks the Ludwigs have a good case because of the letter they received from Metro in 2001.

“The test is not what the person wrote or who they are, it’s what the recipient of the letter reasonably believes--and here there are several points in the letter that indicate reliance on the information in the letter--is reasonable.”

For example, the lawyer said, that the letter is addressed “to whom it may concern” would be an argument that the letter was meant for someone else, and that it was being used for a purpose [such as refinancing], and that it was true and reliable.

“In my experience, when a circumstances can lead to a reduction of benefit changes, plans issuing letters like that would normally caveat it,” they said. “There would be a disclaimer that it’s not fixed in stone.

“That letter couldn’t be better [for the Ludwigs],” they said. “No wonder their lawyer took the case.”

But instead of getting better for the Ludwigs, things got worse.

This past May, Ludwig was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and according to Mark, one of his dying wishes was to see his case against Metro come to some conclusion so that his wife would be able to live the rest of her life without the stress of financial uncertainty.

“Dad's original mediation hearing was set for August 9, 2010, which turned out to be the day before he died,” said Mark. “After the hearing was set, they then got a call from a Metro lawyer asking for a continuance because the lead attorney’s son died.”

According to Mark, his dad told Metro they could have all the time they needed, considering the circumstances.

But the months passed, and it wasn’t until Ludwig’s cancer diagnosis that the mediation hearing was set for March 8, 2011. At this point, Ludwig was fed up with the mediation process, and requested a jury trial.

“Metro has plenty of corporate lawyers,” said Mark. “They delayed because they wanted him to die, so they wouldn't have to deal with him. There's no reason they would have to set that hearing to 10 months in the future.”

The Ludwig’s claim against Metro includes, according to Mark, the following:
  • Moving the mediation hearing to now
  • Reinstating dad's pension for his lifetime
  • Establishing a retroactive "survival clause" for my mother so that she will receive dad's owed pension for her lifetime since he has now passed
  • WMATA paying my mother all of the back pay from September 2008 to today
  • Any other monies my mother and father were suing for (lawyer's fees, stress, hurt, distress caused by this situation
Furthermore, the family would like to see Metro
  • Abolish the "magic" cut off date for Anyone at the department forever
  • Establish the survival clause for all Officers
  • Pay owed money to any other officers affected by a similar situation
Given some of the violence that has occurred on Metro of late, it’s not hard to imagine a scenario in which a relatively young cop could be disabled on the job and then face the kind of cataclysmic drop off in benefits well before Social Security benefits kicked in.

Some of the incidents of late, in which Metro cops have been pilloried for either not being there or not being there in a timely fashion would lead one to believe that the current pension plan is a disincentive for Metro cops to assert themselves in potentially dangerous situations for fear of being injured and falling into the same benefits crack that Ludwig did.

But for the Ludwig's, the heart of the matter, as Mark, said, is that "no one from WMATA has even bothered to call and say 'I'm sorry.'"

Despite Ludwig's death and all the delays, the family shows no sign of giving up the fight. So far, its biggest weapon against Metro has been a Facebook page set up by Ludwig's grandson, Logan. In short amount of time, the page has garnered nearly 51,000 fans. But that's really more of a social media story, so we'll turn it over to allfacebook.com for more on that.

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This page speaks out a lot against the Metro Union, and rightfully so, but this is one of the few instances where I see the Union as an important part of the process. The Union should do whatever it can to keep this from happening, not what it has been doing by making sure terrible employees keep their job.

This part:

"Some of the incidents of late, in which Metro cops have been pilloried for either not being there or not being there in a timely fashion would lead one to believe that the current pension plan is a disincentive for Metro cops to assert themselves in potentially dangerous situations for fear of being injured and falling into the same benefits crack that Ludwig did."

I have known a lot of Police Officers in my life and when it comes to doing their sworn duty, this isn't a thought in their mind. The reason Metro PD is slow to respond is that the system is massive and they don't rely on outside police officers to respond to disturbances on Metro until it is too late.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 760 weeks ago

I'm a MTPD cop, and this story has it right on. There's a HUGE hole in the plan that WMATA needs to fix. Policing suffers from stuff like this. Decisions based on numbers fail to take into account what happens on the streets (Rails).
Just when you think you can't hate the Metro any more...WOW.
My heart goes out to the family. What a terrible situation. Looks like Metro's administrative and legal team is about as top notch as the texting drivers. Get it together Metro. Our lives are in your hands!!!
So Metro screws over this guy, but assholes who beat up mascots, threaten passengers, text while driving the bus or train get a quick paid vacation? Metro needs a complete overhaul in its labor management.

Oh, and also....

FIRE DAVID LACOSSE! (the moron in charge of the escalators)
I've always wavered back and forth between thinking Metro is a joke and Metro is evil. Now I'm pretty sure which side of the fence I'm on.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Why not both? The two are not mutually exclusively.
Dragon of Life's avatar

Dragon of Life · 760 weeks ago

The union appears to be too busy keeping willful violators of Metro policies employed to actually perform the service for which they exist.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
FOP Member's avatar

FOP Member · 757 weeks ago

What makes you think that the Union is too busy to actually perform the service they do? What you need to understand is that the Union is willing & available to all the officers. And the Union Rep for MTP is one of the finest officers in DC. But it's up to the officer to request their legal team to represent them. In this particular case, Officer Ludwig chose not to use the Union to represent him, and attained a legal team of his own choosing. The union attorneys are no cost to officers, but it's always their choice to pay for anyone they feel who will best represent them. It's often a matter of what they can afford which dictates the choice. In this case Officer Ludwig was fortunate to pay for private attorneys to represent him :)
Maybe the Guardian Angels need a disability plan too, at least when working the Green Line:

"Teen arrested in fight stopped by Guardian Angels on Green Line train

By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 31, 2010; B04

The Guardian Angels stopped three youths involved in a fight on an inbound Green Line train Friday night and turned them over to Metro Transit Police when the train arrived at L'Enfant Plaza Station, according to Metro and one of the Guardian Angels.

Transit Police arrested one of the youths, Jermaine Washington, 18, of Upper Marlboro, for simple assault, according to Metro spokeswoman Cathy Asato.

The incident was the latest in a spate of violence surrounding L'Enfant Plaza Station. Last week, two men were injured and taken to the hospital from L'Enfant Plaza after they reported being assaulted on a Green Line train headed to Branch Avenue. Two suspects fled, and police are investigating, Metro said.

Earlier this month, a fight that spilled from a rail car onto the platform at L'Enfant Plaza left four people injured and led to the arrest of one adult and two juveniles. "
Metro User's avatar

Metro User · 760 weeks ago

The sad part is that this man is NOT THE ONLY ONE being put in this situation by Metro. While his case has made the internet rounds, there are many more out there that are suffering due to Metro's cutting of benefits and poorly treating the people that they have injured. I can only assume that those people don't have, or think that they don't have, a case or the means to find an attorney that will help them stand up for what is right. This is such a sad situation. What Metro is doing seems criminal.
The cop union and the operator union are not the same.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Who cares that the unions are different. They did not support a member. I thought that's what they are supposed to do, investigate unsafe work place, mistreatment and be the voice for the members. What's the point of having a union if they sit on there a*s and do nothing. This was ans still is a issue the union should have taken on. If workers did their job like they they would be fired. Maybe that's what should happen Fire The Union....
Union Member's avatar

Union Member · 757 weeks ago

Cindy if Officer Ludwig chooses to not use the Union as he did in this case & select a legal team of his own choosing, what's your issue? Officer Ludwig had every right to turn down the Unions offer for legal representation!!!! The Union cannot force any officer to assistance.
Dumb and dumber what is the difference??
Join thie facebook page and show support to this family! This is a very sad situation!
join this family on facebook to show them your support! This is a sad situation!
Samaritana's avatar

Samaritana · 760 weeks ago

The Metro should do the right thing in this case, and in all cases involving the lives of thoses who have served with loyalty, FOR THE SAFETY OF THOSE ON THE METRO.
I'm sorry but after reading this I am livid. I can't wait to move out of DC to avoid using their corrupt and rather ghetto modes of transportation. Take me to London or NYC any day. And please - if you haven't been there and ridden on their mass transit systems, do not comment. They are the most efficient and rather affordable modes of transport ever built.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Tokyo's is the best in the world. Hands down.
More is More's avatar

More is More · 760 weeks ago

I've had the pleasure of riding New York's, London's, and Barcelona's subway systems and they truly explemplify everything that Metro is not!
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 760 weeks ago

Hey Unsuck,

Thanks for all you do. Three stories this week that either were ignored by the mainstream or picked up a day late!

1. spamming metro (picked up today by the post and dcist)
2. texting operator
3. Ludwig

Somebody call the Post or TBD and see if they're awake.
3 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Thanks for the kind words.
You said in the previous article you are not going to report to Metro about the texting? Why not? You could report it to them, then post their pathetic letters trying to justify action not being taken against this guy.
I think the reason why he doen't report it to them is because, supposedly, WMATA employees have actually taken the time to occasionally visit this blog and have occasionally left comments here as well (not enough of them, and probably the same old "if you need to report a problem, fill out the form on our website").
Seems to me they could have got rid of one of their lawyers and their inflated salary and did what was right in this situation and gave the poor man what was owed to him. What a bunch of scum!
It's a shame Office Ludwig had to use energy fighting WMATA instead of using his ENERGY to fight his Cancer!!! SHAME SHAME SHAME
Unacceptable!!! These agencies do not lay down for these types of lawsuites Which is why the The Ludwigs have stood tall during this very trying time. Remain alert. That is what we were taught in the academy. This a fight you will win. It takes time the good guys always win in the end!!!! Theresa V.
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 760 weeks ago

This story is an OUTRAGE. Mainstream media.//////hello??? WMATA......make things right by this family. you fucked up. do the right thing, it's probably costing you more in legal fees anyway. assholes.
sfnovelwriter's avatar

sfnovelwriter · 758 weeks ago

I was a whistle blower for safety who got hurt on the job and have gone through 6 years of hell with these people at Metro. Their lawyers are evil and they don't give a damn about you or what they do to you. I got totally screwed in the deal financially also and get a whopping 600 a month in disability pension...and don't even get me started on what the workers comp people at metro do to you, they destroy people financially and you can't do a damn thing about it. I'm certain workers comp isn't anywhere in the Obama healthcare bill. Problem is with Metro's sovereign immunity clause in their compact you can't sue them if you are an employee they as we say get a pass. Check it out you'll see that they do, they also get an automatic appeal to the higher court (100 percent of us don't get automatic appeals to a friendly court of any bad decision against us do we?)
These guys are as dirty as dirty gets and don't even get me started on what they do to whistle blowers like me....I hope his family gets all they deserve and if they want another witness on what these nut jobs do to people email me I'm more then will to testify.
This is a BUNCH of POLITICAL BULL. It sems the MORE YOU WORK and the HARDR you work in this COUNTRY the LESS you get in THE END. IT is a DAM SHAME AND WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO FIGHT TO CHANGE THIS. Let the politions TAKE a PAY CUT and PAY THEIR MEDICAL BENEFITS not us. They need to start doing what they are getting PAID to do. GOD BLESS OFICER LUDWIG and his FMILY.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
apparently they do NOTHING. so why pay them...a union is supposed to SUPPORT their members, not be against them, or did they not get the damn memo? seems to me like I would be looking for who wears knee pads in that union, those are your up and comers ;)
Officer in Blue's avatar

Officer in Blue · 756 weeks ago

Patty > The police union in the case of Officer Ludwig is not allowed legally to be involved unless there is a request to do so. IN THIS CASE .. It's was Officer Ludwig's decision not to invoke the union to represent him. THEREFORE, they cannot be involved. Officer Ludwig decided that it was in his best interest to hire a team of outside lawyers to represent him & his decision should be respected. Now if you want to help then donate & help pay the attorney fees go ahead. The average legal fee in the DC area cost $300 an hour. And being this is a civil case it could take years to resolve. Your call ...
What WMATA has done to Paul Ludwig III is criminal. To abandon an officer who was injured in the line of duty is beyond my scope of understanding. WMATA needs to make this situation right. They need to give Linda Ludwig every cent they owe her, an apology and close the loop hole so no other first responders go through this. Visit Officer Ludwig's FB page, click like and forward to all your friends. There are now over 80,000 "Honorary Ludwig's", show your support. Let's show WMATA we're not going to take it anymore.
Thank you all,
Doris Cole McGoogan
Metro hires physicians who are not licensed to practice in the Wash. DC to perform IMEs.

When is a Judge going to fine Metro?

The Union needs to be "flogged" then punished by the AFL_CIO.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
SIU Investigator's avatar

SIU Investigator · 756 weeks ago

Name the physicians .... There are allot of people in the government who would like this information.
I joined the honorary ludwigs on facebook. I'm a former icu rn and nursing instructor living with cancer so i know what a financial and emotional disaster this can be.
the situation with the ludwig family is unforgivable...with common thugs, depraved politicians, druggies,gang members, and wife killers getting media attention all over the place why can't a decent family fighting a corrupt system get any attention? sadly, i guess quiet heroism just isnt that exciting anymore.
I just read your fathers story it makes me sick & all though your father is in heaven your mom as well as you kids deserve that money. My gosh he served to protect & this is what Officer Ludwig desrves. Shame on DC Metro what the hell is this country coming to. May God bless & watch over all who is in a simular positions. I also pray for the little girl that is fighting the same thing. Bless you all, andrea
garrett ludwig's avatar

garrett ludwig · 753 weeks ago

"Summer Breeze"

by Garrett W. Ludwig, 10.2010

When the summer breeze blows down he maple trees.

It was the summer heat where my grandad rests in his eternal sleep. From his last breath he sang a song from heaven to his feet. He spent 48 days and 48 nights til he saw the lights.

We got on channel 9 to pass by time. It went so good we got on at 5, 11!
The cancer spred he had nothing to do fought back, and back, and back. Til somehow he came threw.

The Dr. said "He will last for two or three nights." He came out of his bed and showed the Dr. that's not right!

He sat down and he said, "I saw a light on the wall relly bright, bright as the sun I saw Jesus on the wall, he said, "Stand up, stand tall go to your family and tell them this!", Jesus said.
A deal was struck, an agreement reached: Metro said, "We want you to protect our property, our people, and uphold the law, even to the point that you may die in the process...and for that we will pay you XXX including benifits for disabling injuries." Officer Ludwig (God bless him) said, "I will take your meanial amount of compensation and I will defend with all that I am, at all times." One does not need a law degree to see that one party has upheld this agreement, the other party has not. Officer Ludwig made us all proud, and Metro should be ashamed personally and professionally for willful and wanton disregard for NOT DOING WHAT'S RIGHT!
may gawd damn the metros hierarchy!

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