Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Metro Implementing Electronic Elevator Status Alerts

Today, a new link to something called "ELstat" appeared on the Metro website.

According to the blurb:
ELstat, Metro's elevator status application, can notify you if elevators are in or out of service at any Metrorail stations you select for monitoring. In case you need an elevator to access or leave our system, these alerts can help you plan for your trip ahead of time, or adjust to changes in elevator status while you are in transit.

You may configure alerts to be sent only on specific days at set times (a "specific time" alert), or throughout a time span, as elevator statuses change (an "interval" alert).
After creating an account linked to your email, phone number or both, you can choose how you want to be notified.

If you choose to receive your alerts via text message, you'll have to familiarize yourself with this list of station abbreviations.

According to the FAQ, the system's accuracy appears to depend on Metro personnel entering an out of service elevator into the system. Let's hope it doesn't end up like this.

I created an alert, which seemed to work fine. Don't know if it's actually sending out alerts. Metro said they'd let me know.

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