Friday, June 24, 2011

Metro Forward ... FAST!

I've posted numerous stories involving reckless bus operation, and there have been several embarrassing pictures of booted Metro vehicles. Reports of poorly driven buses are a near daily occurrence on Twitter.

In 2010, Metro vehicles, including MetroAccess, accumulated 733 traffic violations for a total of $65,500 in fines. Almost 500 of the citations are for speeding, according to data provided to Unsuck DC Metro through a freedom of information request.

The majority of the citations are marked as unpaid, but many are marked as "forwarded," which a letter accompanying the data says "means that the ticket was sent to the operator's supervisor."

Eight tickets are for $300 or more, all in DC. Some of these are labelled speeding and others as "traffic signal." According to the MPD website, the highest speeding fine listed, 26-30 miles per hour over the speed limit, is $250. Wonder what speed brought down a $350 fine. All of these are marked "not paid."

Based on the tag numbers, some vehicles have up 3, 4, 5 and up to 6 violations each.

So here's the question: Is this actually a relative few citations given Metro runs hundreds of buses and other vehicles every day, or is this just the tip of the iceberg proving Metro has a lot of renegade drivers out on the streets?

Other items:
Metro Board passes budget (Examiner/WaPo)
Metro may curb workers' hours (Examiner)
Bomb scares twice a day (Examiner)

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