Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Want to Know about Recent Crime? Forget it.

Again, Metro fails with information riders could really use. Seems like they're becoming less transparent all the time. They've been saying for months they're going to start publishing the service disruption reports again, but so far, nothing.

From Amanda:
On Nov. 19, I boarded a Red Line train at Silver Spring to meet some friends for dinner. I boarded, like I always do, near the back of the train, prime for switching at Metro Center.

I sat in a seat that was sideways, and I was on my phone when I took my seat.

My eyes wandered around like usual, and I found myself meeting eyes with a man who was masturbating under his shirt.

I promptly got up from my seat and walked to the back of the train.

When the train reached Fort Totten, I got off the train and called Metro Transit Police.

I was pleasantly surprised by how helpful they were in handling the situation because I was really shaken up by the whole thing.

Later, I wanted to see if this man was arrested. I checked the Metro Police blotter to find that it hasn't been updated since June 2011.

I was so angered by this because I experienced something and wanted to make sure someone followed through.

Aren't there rules for keeping those records updated?

How do I find out if this situation was really handled to the fullest extend?

How do I know if I am safe from seeing this man ever again?

While a few weeks has passed since this gross incident, how do I know if I am safe riding Metro and how do I know they actually did anything about it?
Other items:
Cameras don't deter crime in parking lots (Examiner)

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