Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blinding Transparency

I'd always sort of admired Metro for posting their disruption reports on their website.

I've not seen anything like that on other transit websites, though I admit my search was not exhaustive.

Sure, the reports painted a sometimes ugly picture (sometimes funny), but in those reports, in black and white, was Metro coming as close to baring its soul as it has ever has: a quiet but refreshingly frank admission that things are not right.

Those reports were, by far, the most honest thing ever to come out of the Jackson Graham building.

But they're gone.

The same "We are currently exploring ways to use technology solutions to allow us to provide disruption information in an online format" message has been there for months.

For a while, the old reports lived on, languishing unupdated, but with the new transparency, those too, appear have died a quiet death.

Let's be real here about the bureaucratic, impenetrable "Vital Signs" reports that appear to be the replacement. They don't come one tenth as close to painting a quick, accessible, accurate and brutally honest picture of the state of Metro as the disruption reports did.

But disruption reports aren't the only thing that's wilting under the intensity of the new Metro transparency sunshine.

The police blotter, a daily tally of crime on Metro and another piece of basic information riders can really use, hasn't been updated since March.

Want to know what station has recently been a hotbed of criminal activity? Good luck.

I can't begin to imagine the conversations that were held among Metro's crack team of very highly paid communications professionals, but their decision (or acquiescence) to toss these two important pieces of data overboard robs all of us of information we have a right to know--about a transit system WE PAY FOR!

Additionally, the apparent shiftiness of removing/not updating the information without announcement further damages (if that is imaginable) Metro's reputation among the riders--the very people that pay those bloated six-figure salaries.

Instead, we get "MetroForward."

It's a shame.

Other items:
The Social Subway (City Paper)
Man hit by train recovering (WaPo)
Sleeping station managers still on duty (WJLA)
Bye bye benches at Gallery Place (DCist)
Metro gearing up for MLK dedication (WMATA)

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Dan Stessel's real title is "Chief Excusemaker" :)
Kid Charlemagne's avatar

Kid Charlemagne · 710 weeks ago

I just wish they would stop announcing that "All trains are moving" when obviously, they are not.
I feel sorry for the dimwits who've fallen for Metro's faceboy and his "friendly" image. Could be that he's a nice guy, but stuff like this should prove to everyone that Metro is about hunkering down, lying to and cheating DC riders.

The other day, I saw what I thought was a robbery on the Metro. I wasn't sure, and I went to the crime page to see if there was anything about it. I was also shocked there had been no update since March.

I had a pretty good look at what might have been the robber, too.
2 replies · active 710 weeks ago
Call Metro transit police 202 962 2121 with a description. Also send an email to that undercover officer who's busted the gropers on the trains - she seems dedicated and gets results.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 710 weeks ago

Agreed. Part of making Metro a better system is doing something about these incidents. MTP can't be in every station at once.

Save the number in your phone and call the damn police if you see someone getting robbed (and can do it safely).
I could probably understand why they don't post the disruption reports and I would have been receptive to a statement saying it's too much trouble or somesuch, but to let the blotter rot like that is inexcusable.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 710 weeks ago

When Stessy talked about new transparency, what he meant was they're going to build a glass wall around Metro then smear horse shit across it to keep you from seeing inside.
A sad reality is that all the suck, disruptions, fails, crime, lack of information, corruption, sleeping on the job, and actually killing people Metro knows that riders will still ride, that congress will still pay up, and they won't be held responsible and will only receive raises and paid vacations.
You know, if they used the money they spend on advertising, PR, and consultants to actually maintain the system, I bet a lot of the problems could be fixed.
Anyone notice that Metro Forward has devolved into nothing but a freaking excuse campaign? They started putting metro forward signs on escalators that are "under repair". With cute little catchphrases for why there are delays "Time keeps on Slippin" to declarations that the escalators will improve "Every Step we Take" (Yet "repaired" escalators break down an average of 8 days) to a flat out lie "We're working on it" (90% of the time I passed it NO ONE WAS WORKING ON IT) Metro Forward is probably Metro's most pathetic effort to date, especially considering how much money they wasted on it.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 710 weeks ago

Not to mention that the "structure" enclosing the broken escalators are now in technicolor. The one at the station I got on this morning was enclosed by a green "structure". A broken escalator at Metro Station was enclosed by a blue "structure".

Okay, so I'll give a couple of brownie points to them. I guess this will help make sure no one crashes into them walking in the dimly lit station as the original "structure" was a nice shade of dark gray.
What I want to know is where are we Metro forwarding to? The platitudes on the signage are useless. I want to know what the plan is for increasing Metro's accountability and improving the way that the organization works. Fixing escalators is just a band-aid if the overall management of the system is broken. Without some sort of systematic and clearly communicated plan for this kind of change, Metro Forward only conjures up images of Metro trains hurtling through the dark towards a steep drop off.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
They're Metro forwarding to the 1980's. They've gotten all they could out of the 70's and then some.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 710 weeks ago

Good post.
Everyone, that link is a great blog about the inner workings of metro, its an eye opener!
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 710 weeks ago

Holy burning railcar, that is a VERY interesting blog! I like the WAMTA 51st State analogy.
It really is something. If that blog and unsuck could merge... WITH YOU'RE POWERS COMBINED...... I AM CAPTAIN WMATA ASS KICKER!
There's some good articles there! I can't help but wonder however how easily this employee could be identified and some kind of retiliation taken against him/her.

This writer is articulate, intelligent and insightful, and I enjoyed reading thier writing and insight.
that employee is now retired. almost immune from persecution
Word Wrestle Stessel's avatar

Word Wrestle Stessel · 710 weeks ago

I am so glad to have the opportunity to respond. In our All-Hands Brainstorming PR Synergistic Best Practices Monday Morning Bagel Forum, we decided the term "disruption" was too disruptive to use vis a vis a transit system. We like the term "system cohesive unities in the making". However, we are keeping these "unities in the making" so transparent right now that you can't see them on the site at all. Now that is transparent! Our gift to you, dear riders. I would like to address the term "All Trains are Moving" as well. Naturally, if you hear this announcement and your train seems to be sitting still, it is still "moving" on this earth, actually quite rapidly through space. Talking about getting your fare's worth of a ride! This is obviously a positive aspect of MetroForward, and those who refute that are obviously just seeking attention.
2 replies · active 710 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 710 weeks ago

I can't tell if you're really Dan Stessel or if you're just in it for the attention.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 710 weeks ago

You should run for Congress. Your words offer as little as Metro's does but, darn it all, you sure do it with style! Love it!
Transparent - just like Obama. How's that hope and change working out for you?
4 replies · active 710 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 710 weeks ago

Please go to the Drudge Report and regale your fellow readers with your biting and brilliant analysis of modern politics.

This is a local DC-specific blog about WMATA. It has nothing to do with Obama. Also, please go hang yourself.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 710 weeks ago

Now, now. Nobody need go hang themselves when we have Metro right around the corner. ;-D
Typical liberal response - if you don't agree with me, die! I'm surprised you didn't call me a racist.
people who paraphrase Sarah Palin catchphrases may not be racists, but they sure as hell are MORONS.
Go hang yourself? Really? How is your post any better than the one you denigrated (its even worse considering the content).

You should have stuck with the this is a "WMATA only" thing and I would have been with you.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 710 weeks ago

I hadn't had my bran yet, so it was a little harsher than I intended.
justaguy's avatar

justaguy · 710 weeks ago

This blog is just a bunch of yuppies complaining about the hands not being unthusiastic enough about theilr servanthood.

Seriously, eat your bran, do your cushy white-collar so-called job and give the other half a break, will you?
10 replies · active 710 weeks ago
I shall endeavor to be more unthusiastic. Perhaps I'll attend an unthusiasm seminer.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 710 weeks ago

Well it all stems from a feeling of unentitlement, personally.
I believe those are offered by Metro as part of their agreement with the Union.
I ate my bran, but had an accident by an escalator. Unsuck ran a separate column about it and the cleanup efforts.
Would the other half your referring to be the ones that sit in air conditioned booths all day and sleep while getting paid or the ones that are sitting on their couches all day getting paid for screwing up on the job and endangering the lives of others?
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 710 weeks ago

Guest (Jackie), I would eat some bran but you sucked all the milk out of the goverment teet. By the way, you see what happened in Wisconsin this past week with the union-backed recall FAIL? People are sick of the bull. And in this economy, it's gonna catch up to you sooner than y'all think.
Hey hey now, I'm from Wisconsin, and the issue is way more complex than that! Unions are a huge part of Wisconsin culture, and I interned at AFSCME in grad school, and many of the misconceptions about unions are simply false or not uniformly applicable. I am generally pro-union, but there are some clear problems with the Metro union (but don't hate on ALL unions! some aren't evil conglomerates that protect inefficient and incompetent employees). In Wisconsin before collective bargaining was abolished, during the recession many of our members took pay cuts and very few were awarded pay raises (and even then, it was like .5 or 1%). Generally, pay increases should be comparable to CPI increases.

People often believe that unions keep bad workers from being fired, but this is also not true. A union contract will outline progressive discipline, but generally, the proper procedure (including documentation and the progression of both offenses and action against these offenses) must be followed or the union will file a grievance based on the technicality. Typically, there is an exception for serious offenses. I suspect that supervisors at Metro do not follow these procedures and this is why many employees stay on when they should not or get their jobs back after being fired.

I understand that this is a contentious issue, but please consider that there is far more depth to the political climate in Wisconsin right now. Although Democrats did not gain control of the state senate, the election results represent a small (very Republican) portion of the state, and reflect a shift in voter preferences against the current GOP incumbents.

As a retired Metro employee I can tell you that you're spot on in your analysis of why Metro cannot seem to successfully fire employees. In my experience management would often fail to follow the progressive disciplinary procedures.

I also agree with you about unionism in general. I had problems with ATU Local 689 while I was an active employee, and I certainly don't defend everything Local 689 does, but the stereotypes about unions are mostly just that -- stereotypes. That's not to say there aren't valid criticisms -- there are. Unions can and do take advantage sometimes but we need to remember that without unions management will take advantage and exploit workers almost all of the time.
Not all unions are created equal. They are just like people. Some are good, some are bad.
Elizabeth's avatar

Elizabeth · 710 weeks ago

FYI- not everyone who rides metro is a yuppie- I ride to and from work EVERY DAY and am a preschool teacher- so please, know your audience- I am in a service position and get paid very little to take care of other people's children (btw- I do love my job, or wouldn't do it) but to say people should complain about BEING in a service position? They CHOSE the job- maybe not many choices, but in this job market ANY job is a blessing and people should do it with integrity. The train operators are generally very good and some of the station managers are polite, can't speak to the bus drivers- but MANAGEMENT at metro SUCKS and seems not to care about the riders or the employees- since the bus, train operators, and station managers are the ones that hear it from the customers, since the higher ups never want to be available for comment.
Re: Police Reports - agreed. Before March, there was November '10. Are riders/customers/citizens supposed to guess what happened prior to March or March to present??
Awww, an accident on the escalator? You may have been late to the interview your dad got you at the Heritage Foundation. No matter, just have him call them and explain it was all the coloreds fault! Woe is you!
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Accident = poo. See "Ain't that some...." Sorry for not clarifying.

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