Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Metro Now Spamming Riders

Remember when you registered your SmarTrip card or gave Metro your email for MetroAlerts?

Bet you didn't count on being spammed after giving Metro your personal information.

Well, it appears Metro is making money off your email.

Here's the email that was sent out today:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: SmarTrip Savings
Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 4:44 PM
Subject: Show SmarTrip Card and Save

Enjoy a higher level of savings with SmarTrip®.
Metro has partnered with Madame Tussauds, Washington, DC to reward you with valuable savings just by showing your SmarTrip® card.  Just present your SmarTrip® card at the time of purchase and receive $5 off an adult admission ticket.  Bring friends and family, this offer is valid for up to 8 guests. Offer expires 12/31/13.
Take Metrorail to Madame Tussauds at 1001 F Street, NW, Washington, DC  20004
      Red, Blue, Orange lines - Exit Metro Center - 11th and G Streets, NW
      Red, Green, Yellow lines - Exit Gallery Place - 9th and G Streets, NW
This discount offer is not valid for advance ticket purchases and cannot be combined with any other offers. The Madame Tussauds may close for special events, so please call 1-866-823-9565 or visit their website for updates
Enjoy Madame Tussauds and thanks for riding Metro!


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Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 612 weeks ago

Even better - I DIDN'T register a ST card to the address where I got it, just signed up for service alerts via e-mail. On my work e-mail, where I need to know about service delays,but am not supposed to be transacting commercial business like advertising....
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 612 weeks ago

Maybe they're adding a WMATA exhibit? Get your photo taken with wax versions of Sleeping Station Manager, Jackie Jeter, Sarles, and Stessel!

Show your Metro employee safety vest and park for free.
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
I would pay to see an exhibit of a wax Metro Bus driver beating up a wax McGruff.
Makes perfect sense to me: Visiting a museum with shitty wax statues pretending to look like celebrities, after riding a shitty metro pretending to have a 71% approval rate from customers.
WMATA and Tussauds, same fight: Shiny outside, empty inside.

PS: Welcome back Unsuck! We missed you!
But, but, they have an opt out link ... that is a get-out-of-jail-free card, right?
unnecessaryRage's avatar

unnecessaryRage · 612 weeks ago

Why did they say "*The* Madame Tussauds" in the last sentence?
I don't know why this is the most infuriating part of this, but this is a pet peeve that sends me into a rage.

I wish, hope, and pray that in some distant future, WMATA will hire some copywriters who can competently write.
I got an email last week from Jackie Jeter. She said that she was writing from Nigeria, and she had $200 million dollars that she needed to transfer to an American bank account. And she said that if I didn't agree to help her, I believe in slavery!
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
Best JJ joke yet!
You people are so Un-American! Don't you know that it's your patriotic duty to let yourselves be milked for profits by unscrupulous corporations?

Who am I to complain that, as a federal worker, I am required to register my SmartCard (tm) using my work email address? So what if this means your tax dollars are now directly subsidizing advertising from crappy businesses that can't compete on their own?

You better learn to enjoy it, because this is our future and we peons don't get a say in the matter.
When I got this, I didn't think it could possibly be a real ad. No Metro or Madame T logo, nothing but badly formatted plain text. No mention of which Metrobus lines you can take. Not much of an inducement to use my SmarTrip card to look at wax figures.
welcome back, unsuck! we missed you!! :-)
Geoff Stevens's avatar

Geoff Stevens · 611 weeks ago

Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 611 weeks ago

You might even be able to receive our e-mail spam in the stations and tunnels where cell phone service installation, funding by your taxes, is only 3 years behind schedule. You're welcome.
Unsuck -- Welcome Back! You've been missed.
Yeah - WTF Where have all the posts been?
1 reply · active 610 weeks ago
unsuck had to do real life stuff for a while. :-) we hope everything's OK in his/her life.
In LosAngeles, there is a tour company that will take you on a bus ride through LA's gangland and it's guided by former gang members. WMATA should market to these strange folks on the West Coast promising a more thrilling ride on DC's metro and bus system. Current gang members ARE the guides and your dangerous thrill ride will be enhanced by entitlement teen thugs, the homeless, beggars, and dangerously unstable screamers.
Some Metro operators disabling emergency intercoms on trains
I was pretty disgusted when I got that email, as well. I thought, great, WMATA trying to be like LivingSocial. While LivingSocial isn't perfect, they aren't going around causing fatal accidents, taking away people's rights, or stealing from people. Way to go, WMATA, and by the way NOBODY believes that you have such a high approval rating.

Welcome back, Unsuck!!!
Metro Rider's avatar

Metro Rider · 610 weeks ago

unsuck unsuck dc metro.....
this blog has gone down hill fast.

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