Seeing somebody lick their finger to turn the page of their paper and place it back on on the metro pole & repeat makes my stomach turn.
Man yelling into phone on a crowded Metro make not for pleasant trip.
We saw these tweets this morning, which got us thinking. What is some of the most disgusting, annoying or rude behavior you've seen on Metro?
Either use the comments here or hit us up on Twitter @unsuckdcmetro. We'll compile a list.
Or maybe you agree with this guy? (thanks @itslikesovonni)
Here's a good one to start:
@liz_canuck saw a woman cutting her TOE NAILS on the metro this morning...!!!!

1 – 200 of 344 Newer› Newest»TOO much cologne!
people refusing to move toward the center of the car.
Anonymous, AGREED!
I've seen nose picking... and eating the produce of the nose picking.
Running and shoulder checking. (Though I admit I run sometimes.)
Not stepping aside to let people off the train.
What is shoulder checking?
People who look right at me when I'm searching for a rail to hold onto and still won't budge over. (I'm 4'11," people - I can't reach the overheads without my feet leaving the ground).
I also once had a guy sit next to me and just spread himself waaaaaaay out, literally crushing me into the wall. It was a very unpleasant half hour. *twitch*
Also when people actually put their hand on my back to try to nudge me into the train faster. I dig my heels in and intentionally creep when that happens.
lecherous ogling
On Inauguration Day some teenage girl decided it was all too much for her and puked all over the floor...as well as the shoes and pants of those around her since we were all crammed in the car.
-- Licking fingers. You're an adult. Haven't you learned to turn pages by now?
-- Gum smacking. Disgusting. Like nails on chalkboard.
-- Rolling bags being drug over my dress shoes instead of picked up in crowded stations/cars.
-- PERFUME. Enough said.
-- Things hanging out of people's noses. Horrifying.
Having someone dressed in something resembling a dead animal, throw her arm across your throat to reach one of the poles after she has crammed herself into an already overfull car (i.e. there was space for almost 1 person and 3 decided to shove in). For 3 horrifying stops, I seriously felt like the sleeve of her faux fur was going to come to life and finish cutting off the circulation in my neck.
Not to mention the guy who previously occupied her space, who smelled like a dead animal.
It was a good morning on the metro.
Ok, so most metro cars are build so that they coral people by the doors. that is annoying, but what really gets me are the people who don't briefly step out of the train to let people get off!! what is wrong with you people?!
People who refuse to sit down when there are seats available, and continue to stand in the aisle (or even worse, by the door), blocking people from getting in and out. I'm sure they think they are being gallant in leaving the seats for others, but when there are several free seats and nobody who seems to be trying to get to them, it would really work better if they just got out of the way by sitting down.
fully extended newspaper readers.
Slow, diagonal walkers.
yes Anon 1:04! That bugs me so much!
I also hate the backpacks in my face and the rolly suitcases over my toes.
People who stop at the top of the escalator while others pile up behind them... get out of the d**n way, THEN figure out how lost you are... idiot.
One of my favorites is that guy who decides that the center vertical pole from roof to floor is a leaning post. Since the pole is directly in the line of traffic, the guy is blocking access to the center of the car, causing a serious bottleneck. He's also denying other (and perhaps shorter) passengers a needed safety hold. Not to mention that he's effectively grasping a portion of the pole with his ass crack. Lovely.
You are absolutely right, Brady Bonk, the people who appropriate a whole vertical pole as their personal leaning post are classic. I usually find it helps to just grab onto it anyway, making sure to clench my hand so my knuckles are as uncomfortable as possible for them to lean agasint. It would be even better if I had a big hard ring with sharp corners - a big class ring would do nicely - to really drive the message home.
Once when I did this, the jackass actually said something to me like "I think you would be more comfortable if you held onto the rail near the ceiling." I said, "no, actually I can't reach that without straining my shoulder, but since you brought it up, I would be more comfortable if you stopped trying to monopolize a pole that is meant for several people to hold onto at once." He said "oh," looked sort of embarrassed, and moved away.
Ghetto ass punk kids yelling, not talking, to each other.
People who, on a completely full train, stand directly in front of the doors and refuse to step off to allow others to exit.
Also, people who stand on the platform directly next to the door and refuse to take a step back when I step off the train to allow people to get off. Dude, if you don't take a step back I'm still standing directly in front of the door blocking people!
1) Standing on the right
2) People who go into full out sprints to catch their trains during rush hour...they pick up every 2 or 3 minutes- don't risk hurting somebody.
3) When people get to the bottom of the escalator and just stop- Keep moving!
4) Loud, obnoxious teenagers (I'm only 23, but I want to smack every group of them who just treat the metro car like a place for everyone else to be a party to their conversation)
5) People who don't move to the center of the car
6) People who scream "Please move in" when the metro car is completely packed to the brim.
Metro announcers who sound like hyperactive carnival barkers in the morning when I just want to relax and read the newspaper and have a peaceful commute (PLEASE REMEMBER TO TAKE ALL PERSONAL ITEMS INCLUDING UMBRELLAS, BAGS, BRIEFCASES, BACKPACKS, SUITCASES, JACKETS, COATS, LAPTOPS, SHOES, BANANAS, DONKEYS, ETC ETC!!)
Ill-mannered, unsupervised brats who think the Metro train is their living room and behave accordingly (screaming, running around, etc)
How about full-grown men in business suits who, when the doors open at Shady Grove, full-out sprint so they can get to the escalators/stairs first and avoid the whole cattle-chute thing? Chill out, guys. You'll get there.
I could fill pages, but I'll keep it to a few:
-- People who won't let passengers out first. Tourists, who seem to think the doors will stay open only for three seconds, are usually the culprits.
-- Loud people, either talking on a cell phone and talking to each other. I can almost forgive the teenagers -- it's almost a rite of passage -- but anyone over 16 ought to know better.
-- People who refuse to move for any reason. It's like they're saying, 'This is my spot, and I'm sticking to it.'
-- Aimless wanderers. Back home in NY, they're known as "meanderthals."
Most of them have already been covered but here's a few more.
-- People who wait till they get up to their turnstyles before fishing around for the smartrip card/metro pass
-- People who are obviously regular commuters not getting on board with the smartrip cards and still using metro passes
-- People who are headed in any direction ahead of me and then suddenly coming to a stop almost causing me to bowl them over.
How about the people that insist on walking up the escalators but have to lean on everyone they pass..
Quix -
I'd really like to use a SmarTrip, but they don't make weekly passes for ST yet. The six-bucks-a-week savings I save for using paper (10 trips @ 4.5@ = $45, week pass = $39) is worth the minor inconvenience, but believe me, I'd use SmarTrip if I could.
@104 I'm so glad someone else is bugged by the "gallant" people who stand next to and block open seats rather than just sitting in them.
Even on one of the most packed cars I've been on, one woman kept her smallish bag in the seat next to her and NONE of the people near her asked to sit there. All of them are guilty (and that woman must be crazy) and the rest of us in the car were smooshed into eachother's armpits.
- This is a tiny bit off topic, but the ceiling poles are a little high, no? I'm exactly average height for a woman, which means that a LOT of people are as short or shorter than me, and yet it's uncomfortable to hold that ceiling pole. That's not good design!
-I might be alone in this and metro won't like it, but I prefer it when people leave the newspapers so I can pick one up on the seat in the morning and not use a whole new Express.
Standing people who put their butt in my face when I'm sitting. Turn yourself forward or backward, but I don't want to smell your backside for the whole trip.
I don't care if every square foot of the DC area has to be paved; get rid of public transporation and drive your carl.
Uh. What's a "carl?"
The guy who wrote that Examiner article must be on drugs or in denial, because most of the things he listed (clean trains, no graffiti, people politely waiting in lines) aren't true.
My fiancee and I refer to the Metro station at Columbia Heights as "The Platform of Domestic Dispute"
Every time we go there, there's some kind of extended family altercation going on... take it home, people! Metro is a public place!
When I'm in an aisle seat, I hate it when the person in the window seat tries to get up before the train has stopped. I don't want to fall over, and the doors will be open long enough for everyone to get off.
I think some such people are worried that on a crowded train, it'll take them too long to get to the doors unless they get an early start. If you're that worried, then stand near the doors.
But the worst are the people who stand on the left. If there was ever a justification for mob beatings, these people are it.
anon 936 - that's one of my worst peeves. look, i'm sorry you're sitting on the inside, okay? but don't get all uppity with me because you think you need extra time to get to the doors. i'd rather not do a faceplant in the middle of the aisle, so chill it the hell out, my friend, and next time consider getting up at the station before so you've got time to get to the doors if you're that worried.
also, i hate the people who are just moseying on down the platform. WALK LIKE YOU HAVE SOMEWHERE TO BE, you're making me tired having to walk so slowly behind you.
i'm sorry, but the one thing i hate the most are the dillweeds who feel like they have to listen to their music loud enough for you to be able to hear even the words loud and clear at the other end of the car. even worse that it's almost always invariably rap music. i know there's a rule that you have to have headphones on, i'm glad you're following it. now turn your damn volume down, i can hear it over my own headphones.
i agree with what others have said, particularly about pole-leaners (i ALWAYS grab on and dig my knuckles in) and the "meanderthals," (good one!!) - but also, if everyone would hold the handles of their bags in their HANDS (to the bag is hanging by the shins) instead of over their SHOULDERS,where they clock short people (like me) in the face and take up enough room for a whole other person, the metro wouldn't be quite so uncomfortable
One time, a woman in a wheelchair unfortunately got on via the centre doors of the car. This was after a Caps game at the MCI Centre, so it was already VERY crowded. A blonde woman in her early twenties or so tried to get onto the train. The woman in the wheelchair couldn't move because of the crowding, and this young woman, whilst shouting "excuse me" and other such things, JUMPS OVER THE WOMAN IN THE WHEELCHAIR, HITTING HER IN THE FACE WITH HER OVERSIZED PURSE.
Getting off the train again, a large man decked in Caps jersey and fan clothing started yelling out loud. "EXCUSE ME.. oh, just kidding, I'm not THAT obnoxious." The woman was right next to him; that made my day.
It pissed me off to NO END when people use the SmarTrip machines to charge their paper cards. There aren't many of them and it takes fucking forever. I don't understand why the WMATA doesn't make SmarTrip only machines like they do gates at busy/end-of-line stations.
Pentagon City is the worst. The crowd between the machines is endless, bottlnecking at the gates is terrible, and escalators are clogged on both sides to no end.
Someday, I hope to see lanes catering to local/frequent passengers, so us Metro Pros can get where we need to go if we're unfortunate enough to be at a touristy station.
Anonymous930 - great idea about the purses, I actually have always felt bad about keeping mine over my shoulder and taking up room/hitting people and honestly never considered that there was an alternative. From now on, I'm following your advice!
Same could be done with backpacks...
People who stand in the doorway... this is particularly bad around Metro Center/Gallery Place. "Oh I see you're trying to get on here... but I'm getting off at the next stop". So is half of the train idiot, get the hell out of my way!
Also, people with large backpacks that smack me in the head with them because they aren't paying attention.
There was also a woman next to me the other day and I wondered if she could POSSIBLY chew her gum any louder
I couldn't disagree with dwinkie more. If I'm getting off at Court House and 500 people are crowing on at Rosslyn I'm not moving to the center of the car so that I have to push through everyone who refuses to step off the train on the way out. I'm standing by the door and you can all walk through the middle of the doorway to get in the car.
Of course, if I'm standing by the door when the doors first open and people want to get out, I will always step off the train to let them do so.
How about those people who like to CLIP THEIR NAILS while they are on the train??? I mean seriously, it's disgusting, let alone dangerous - the clipped nail could go in someone's eye! Leave your personal grooming at home people!!
People who won't give up a seat for someone who is obviously disabled. I've got a leg brace and crutches due to a recent injury, and I've had people actually race me for seats (I always lose). Likewise, people whose bag is apparently more needing of a seat than another person.
1) I second (or third or fourth...) the cologne people. I've spent an entire train ride with my sweater over my face so that I wouldn't vomit. That didn't stop the eye-burning, though. Can't they smell themselves? Probably not, as they've likely killed their own sense of smell. And why is it always people wearing cheap cologne that would smell awful in small doses? I don't get it.
2) The runners annoy me, but I get no greater pleasure out of my commute than when the doors close right in their face.
3) People who think they are Moses and the rest of us are the Red Sea. This is different than #4, below. Example: During one of those Gallery Place = Hell rush hour commutes, the red line platform was packed to the point where we could barely get off the train. Somehow, I managed to disembark and then joined the slow, single-file line of people snaking its way through the throngs of tourists to leave the station. The woman behind me started yelling, "Excuse me!" over and over again. I turned to her and said, "Really? That's supposed to help?" and continued inching my way along the platform. She then started poking me in the back. I ignored her. Then, as she continued poking me in the back, she started yelling, "I'm poking you in the back!" repeatedly. I turned to her and, through clenched teeth, said, "If you touch me one more time or keep screaming, so help me god, I will knock out your front teeth." She shut up and left me alone. The woman in front of me laughed hysterically.
4) The Human Jersey Barriers: this includes left side of the escalator standers, people who insist on standing in the doorway because they're getting off in 5 stops, people who get off the train/escalator and then immediately stop and stare at signs for 20 minutes, and slow walkers (who don't have a medical reason to walk slowly). This system is messed up enough as it is, so we're all going to need to try to be a bit more efficient. Move.
The middle-aged white lady (every time) standing in the middle of car on an already completely packed train who thinks it's necessary to yell at everyone else, "Move toward the center of the train people!!" at the top of her lungs. This almost always happens when there is NO space for people to move anyways. As if the people at Rosslyn won't push and shove their way on anyways.
Just once I wish someone would tell her to shut up. Just once!
1. Tourists. I'm sorry - but you people walk around (slowly) with your nose in your maps, pay no attention to any of the rules, block entrances, stand on the left on escalators and are often rude, loud and obnoxiously presumptious as though all of this has been prepared for your own personal tour of DC. Especially when you decide to take metro during rush hour. Come on - we live here and have to deal with the suckiness every day, try not to just add to it!
2. Leg spreaders. Ok, this is 99.9% men. Usually yuppie types. Pick up your backpack or briefcase and put it on your lap, close your legs and get them out of my space.
3. People who eat/drink on the train. There's a reason for the rule - some woman was drinking a bottle of water during rush hour the other day and spilled some on my silk suit I said "excuse me," she rolled her eyes and said "it's just water." Sure, but that doesn't change the fact that my suit is ruined because you had to break the rules. And you couldn't even offer up a little, "gosh, I'm sorry"? It's also sucky when people leave said empty water bottles on the train to roll around so that you step on them and fall during rush hour when the train is crowded.
4. Shovers and door breakers. If you can't get on the train then don't. Please do not shove me - I guarantee you that I'm moving as fast as is safe to move. All that's going to end up happening once you shove me in is that the doors will close on your butt or bag and then we all have to offload.
5. Slow movers - ok, I'm not being contradictory here. I don't agree with shoving at any time, as mentioned above. But I also agree with many others that you ought to move as though you have a purpose. If you're lost - get out of the way. I know where I'm going and I want to get there. And if you can't walk up the left side of the escalator without stopping and wheezing every three steps - then move to the right (and get yourself some exercise for god's sake).
6. People who won't get out of the aisle seat when you need to get off the train. And I'm not talking about when it's moving, but people who just angle themselves and expect me (in a skirt suit carrying a bag) to somehow climb over them. And of course god forbid I don't do a graceful job of it because they'll certainly b**ch me out for stumbling in their laps. People, stand up for two whole seconds, it won't kill you.
Ok this was very cranky but it has been a rough week. I really am normally a very nice person.
people who pile up outside of the middle cars and yell into them during morning rush hour for everyone to "move toward the center".
I understand the concept of moving toward the center. I am standing in the exact center of the car, off to one side of the aisle - even though doing so means it will be significantly harder to get off when the train gets to farragut north, i do it for the convenience of the crowd. I understand there are many times when people don't move toward the center and sometimes it is completely warranted to ask people to move in.
But there are simply times when the car is too full and no, 8 or 9 more people cannot cram in at Woodley Park. Walk down the platform to one of the end cars, I guarantee you they are not as crowded. But if you are too lazy, and like riding in the middle cars because of how "convenient" it is (to feel like cattle), then stand on the platform with all of the tourists and wait for a less crowded train.
what a bunch of whiny complaining b***ches you all are. f**k's sake. and how did I ever get on this webpage in the first place? completely unpleasant.
Thanks for adding yourself to the list of annoying people.
I find it hilarious that I just seem to attract conversation. I can be wearing shades, typing on my phone and headphone yet people strike up a conversation, even if I'm on the phone. Tourists ask me for directions, people ask me how I shave as well. Men AND women which is the funny part. A woman circled around me about 3x before I concluded she was trying to pick pocket me. Turns out she just wanted to say I look like Prince.
I would rather smell perfume or cologne than b.o., people!
Fat people who take up more than half of the seat bench. It's not my fault you stuffed yourself with butter and sugar for X years, and it doesn't entitle you to more than 50% of the bench.
Also, people who brush, scrape and bump past you when you're sitting in an aisle seat. Is it really that difficult to keep your body and your purses, bags, etc. to yourself?
Metro blows. That's why I ride my bike...and no, I never bring it on the train. I hate those people.
Pole huggers AND hoggers. Yes, it would be nice to hold your kindle with two hands with your arm wrapped around the pole. But there are half a dozen people that would like to have some pole space too.
The latest series trains that have ZERO poles to grab on to and only 4 sideways seats.
People who expect you to give up a prime pole position to "move to the center!!!!" when the train is already full.
People that put bags on the floor- sorry, standing space is at a premium and your huge jansport and shoping bags make others have to lurch over to grab a pole.
The door leaners. They block the doors and on the new series, lean in your face if you you're sitting on a sideways seat.
Oh, and the smart trip savants that stand at the exit slapping their almost de-magged card and holding up the line. Paper tickets, when held properly, work just as well.
I just couldn't stop laughing over "The Platform of Domestic Dispute".
If clipping is bad, flossing is worse. I've seen it done twice on metro.
Enormously obese cows, who obviously need the entire width of two seats to sit down, but nonetheless squeeze into the empty seat next to you, sandwiching you against the wall. Of course, you're too polite to ask them to get up again so you can get out. The cow is already huffing and puffing from just walking.
I have so many complaints....but this recently happened to me. People(mostly men) who do not wash enough....that leave their ass stink all over the seats. dear god.
I have to say as a skinny person I get targeted by the fat people...they seem to look at me and say "oh I can impose my problem on this guy", maybe Metro can make some more money by doing what the airlines have done and charging fat people extra money to travel
I've got to say that some of these comments are very entertaining!!
Here are my pet peeves:
1) Women who bring 3+ bags on the metro... invariably 1 of the bags is always half way up my ass.
2) People who rush to the escalators, cut you off as your trying to step on the escalator yourself, and then stand on the right. If you're in that big of a rush, why the hell are you too lazy to walk up?
3) PDA - In the morning, there is an occasional couple who decides that they want to nuzzle each other and make-out on the way to work. I find this repulsive, but not as bad as what happens on the late-night trains. There's usually some drunk/high couple sitting in the last row who decide they can't wait to get home before they start performing various acts on each other. Makes me wonder what kind of vernerial diseases the seats on Metro have contracted.
People who stand still at the bottom of the escalator during rush hour. Do you not realize there are people about to trample you as you ponder the mysteries of life?
The annoying people who scream "there's no more room!" when the train is less than 2/3 capacity during rush hour. You are going to get squished like the rest of us. Deal with it.
The workaholics who insist on trying to type on their laptops during rush hour. Yes my body is brushing up on your screen making it dificult to work. No I don't give a ****.
The people (usually old women) who think they have to wait for the turnstyles to completely close behind the previous person before they can swipe their smart trip.
Anyone who stands on the passing side of an escalator when I'm running down it to catch my train should DIE
Re: "Oh, and the smart trip savants that stand at the exit slapping their almost de-magged card and holding up the line"
Uh....Smartrip cards aren't magnetic
lets just be clear on one thing ... I DON'T NEED TO HEAR YOUR CELL PHONE CALL ON THE BUS! No seriously - I ride the D6 to RFK on my way home everyday and there is one woman who talks on her phone - and not in a quiet way - to her girl friend the whole way from K NW to RFK. I understand taking a call now and then but you don't need to broadcast the conversation to everyone on the bus.
Giant backpack wearing people who are oblivious to anyone else on the train; what is in those giant backpack's and why must you hit me in the face with them.
Reading, texting, etc. while walking through Metro Center or anywhere is just plain stupid!!
People are in a hurry to get in everyone else's way. They know which door will exit directly to the up escalator at their stop. They get in position at the doorway 2 stops ahead of time. They nearly crouch in anticipation of the door opening, like a sprinter. They attempt to block anyone else who might want to get to the door. Then, the door opens, they take 4 quick steps to the escalator and..... stop dead.
Being born and raised her I avoid the metro at all times - too many tourists. However, I am a better tourist when I travel - I stand out of the locals way if I don't know how to use the fare machine, I ask station manager for directions and I walk to the center.
That being said TOURISTS are the worst of the worst of the worst. I wish there were local only cars - show your driver's license to get in. The announce every stop with the driver; and then list all the future stops we are going to hit. Two is bad; but three makes them louder. Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean I care about your conversation.
They also hold the pole for dear life. One woman wouldn't move in or sit next to the black man (yes racism exists big and large on metro) and others couldn't get on. I barked tourist at her. She said I didn't have to be rude. I told her I can't vote it makes me that way.
Irritation #1 - The very complaint Metro mentions: Not giving a seat to someone who can barely stand when you are all of 20 and in great health.
Irritation #2 - Why doesn't anyone cover their mouth when they yawn or burp anymore? Way too much dental work visible these days. ;)
Irritation #3 - The youth who won't use earphones and then enjoy busting everyone britches with too loud, unintelligible cellphone-speaker music.
On two occasions I have witnessed the same douche bag clip his friggin' toenails on the Red Line. I watched the trimmings fling into the air like tiddly-winks.
If I see him again I am going to offer to pay for a pedicure.
Popping of gum (Ugh!); loud, ignorant, and obnixous teenagers; and the jerks who think everybody on the metro wants to hear lil wayne or Go-Go music blaring out of their CELL phones. Too bad most of the people who are guility of this will not read this post...B**TARDS!
Perfectly good escalators not running. Escalators blocked off for repair during rush hour, BUT NO WORK BEING DONE ON THEM! Station Mgrs who stand around b.s.-ing while tourists struggle at the fare card machines. Don't these people have work to do? Check out the First Street exit at Union Station in the morning and you see two or three just hanging out and chilling. Pathetic.
I hate the stupid tourist teens who put the bottoms of their shoes on the seat. I once looked at a girl and gave her the passive-aggro "please stop that!" look and she laughed and told her mom. the mom rolled her eyes and laughed.
Big mistake. I got up and said to her "hey sweetheart, you might think you're cute, but I live here and I ride this train in my work clothes, which then get dirt all over them because you are rude. Grow up!" then I looked at the slack-jawed mom and said "you're a guest in this city. what the hell is wrong with you?" and walked off.
Stupid, stupid, stupid people.
Men who hog two seats and refuse to move for a seven month pregnant woman.
Not only racism but gender self-segregation exists on Metro. I've seen men standing in the aisles with empty seats because they do not, under any circumstances, want to offend the delicate sensibilities of Metro's female riders by taking the seat next to them.
"The people who think they have to wait for the turnstyles to completely close behind the previous person before they can swipe their smart trip." Yes!!!
The people sitting next to the wall who put stuff (bags, clothes, etc) in between themselves and the wall so that they're asses are halfway into the next seat. I'm glad your crap is comfy in its little space.
The generally selfish bovine-like behavior of the DC/VA/MD masses.
Oh, and the guy who tried to look up my skirt on the escalator yesterday while "tying his shoe." Pathetic.
Had to post a surprise that relates to our conversation here! This morning I was on the train and a young college-age fellow got on and sat down. 3 stops later a woman got on with a limp. He immediately got up and offered her his seat! I almost fell out of my seat in surprise. (I thanked him for being so gentlemanly. I think he blushed.)
Note to the one that mentions walking slow with no apparent physical cause - I have serious permanent vertigo. You won't know it; I look "fine." But when I walk I must watch my head movements and my feet. I walk somewhat slow and yet look just "fine" so... some of us are not deliberately trying to peeve you. (We let the other bovines do that for us. ;)
People who stand at a gate waiting for the gate to close before swiping their smarttrip card. You DON'T HAVE TO WAIT!!!!
Riders that I hate: The ones with the huge backpacks that don't seem to have much in them. I know that I’m impressed with your fancy laminated 'Page/Intern' badge.
Here’s another one: The 26 yrs. old emotional train wreck princess on the cell phone who thinks that everybody cares about how strong-willed she is spite of her ‘miserable’ life. Oh, and just because they make it in your size, it doesn’t mean you have to wear it.
How about people that expect other people to purchase smarttrip cards. I use metro cards and will keep using them. I do not like metro and the government being able to track where I go and when. Nothing to hide, just protecting my privacy rights.
Ghetto little Bebe's kids yelling, running through the trains, and throwing all their McDonald's food all over the place. I see this at least once each week on the red line. The only thing that makes it worse is that the lazy Metro employees don't do anything about it.
Oh, I also hate all the able-bodied fat people who waddle up to the elevator at Shady Grove (and all the other stations) every day because they are too lazy to walk 20 extra feed and take the escalator. No wonder Americans are so fat!
Operators carrying on an animated conversation with passengers...Eating, drinking, etc...
Trying to navigate around slow-moving FAT slobs! Get out of the way you tubs of goo!
people that urinate (always young drunks not a homeless guy) and people that vomit on the floor...because i stepped in it
Some of the comments are so entertaining but true. My biggest peeve is the people who stand on the left side of the escalator. I actually said once "We walk on the left in DC people." I got some dirty looks but the 3 people in the way moved to the right.
I also hate when people block the doors, won't step off the train to let others off, chew gum loudly, get in front of the doors so they can get off first and then walk .2 miles per hour, wait forever to swipe the smart trip card, walk up to the gate and then search themselves for the smart trip card, shove, talk on their cell phones, play music too loudly and the idiots that just have to eat and drink on the train even though they know they are not supposed to.
Roller Bags! I kick them and step on them every chance I get!! If you pull a rollerbag over my feet, look out!
The train turns into ghetto central starting at Gallery Place all the way to Glenmont. Those "kids" are screaming, cussing, spitting, hitting each other with umbrellas, playing their IPods at full volume, singing, smacking their gum, etc. etc. Do the oh so customer service oriented metro staff do anything about them? Nope. Why would they? Just let the riders who go to work every day to make an honest living deal with that crap every single day. After all they get to pay $8+ every day so that they can enjoy the "show".
Big, fat, sweaty people who "plop" into the seat next to you...who are so big that half of their huge thigh sits on top of your thigh for the rest of the ride...while you are pressed against the window and can't hardly breathe. Yeah, that's the good stuff!
How about people who fart? On overcrowded trains, there's always some douche who cuts the cheese...probably because s/he feels safe in the crowd. So, for everyone who's been complaining about cologne: I'd rather smell cologne than someone's rotten ass air!
I've got to agree. The Ghetto Fabulous Street Urchins who make the train into their own personal back alley - with their swearing, yelling, taunting, posturing and what not. They can't be bothered to be considerate of folks who have to work for a living - not that they ever will or make it that far. Grandma is always going to be there to defend whatever they do.
Don't congregate in the middle of the passageways and then get upset when people walk into you!!!!
Keep your little brats from twwwiiirrrling on the hand rails when half of Farragut Square is clomping onto the train!!!!
STAND RIGHT -- WAALK LEEEFT on the Escalators!!!
In your town, there might be 2 tractors on the road at 5 pm - but here it's RUSH HOUR AND YOU ARE IN MY WAAAY!!!!!
Hey when some doofus cuts the cheese- just walk by them and say "Excuse me -- are you Raazzzuuuusss Fartay???" And keep walking.
Once there were two people talking to one another and holding the upper handrails -- man their pits STUUUNK!!! I hate to say this but yes they WERE from another country where stinky pits seem to be OK. NOT HERE!!!! -- so when I walked by them on my way out I merely said "PEEYEWW!! USE DEODORANT!"
See, a kind word spoken at the right time might just work wonders.
People who MUST certainly be AFRAID to climb those TWO little stairs at the back of the Metro bus-- so what do they do? They all CROWD the front of the bus and stand 6 deep near the driver who is AFRAID to say antyhing!! Ah, the joy I get when I have to leave from the front door hauling my wheeled luggage -- BAM!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!! I don't care how many feet I run over - if you are too lazy to move to the back of the bus and don't care that you are crowding the entrance, gee what else can I do but run you over???
Frankly, there I am not concerned about 'ogling' that may happen or may just serve to feed one's delusions of beauty grandeur. Where exactly is this ogling occurring? 2/3 of American Adults (women and men) are overweight or obese. So get over yourselves. For the sake of comparison, try riding any public transportation system in Europe. Trust me, you won’t be ogled. I am more concerned about whether or not Metro has corrected the problems which caused the June crash. One's life should not end while going to of coming from work - passenger or metro employee. Ogling? Frankly, I don’t care. I’d rather know that I can count on the train system to operate in the way that it should.
Another annoying and down right disrespectful is the number of guys I refuse to call them men because if you are not a gentleman by no means are you a man. For the past two days I have encountered who I will call the suits the men on the train during Red line rush hour traffic who are seated in their suits and ties and will do anything within their mens to not notice an elderly person on the train. They will commence to closing their eyes the minute they come on as if they are sleeping and pretend they are so interested in the blackberry, ipod or newspaper that they "ignore" the elderly person so they wont have to give up their seat. The two individuals who came on the train were both over 60 years old and the guys in the first seats were in suit and ties which meant they were not doing anything strenuous when they got off the train and probably were just going to sit on their disrespectful behinds at work were under 40. One guy even pushed to get the seat over two females yesterday. How lazy are we in this day and age that you cant stand up for 15-60 minutes depending on you commute and one person unfortunately was a soldier. IF a soldier is that week and can't stand up for an hour please do me a favor and don't defend my country if you are too weak to even stand or show respect. Guys get a grip and become men and at least offer to the elderly or pregnant woman especially if all you have to do is sit in your office all day and work.
This might be a weird pet peeve, but I really hate it when you're on an empty train with plenty of totally empty rows, and someone purposly choses to sit next to you anyway. I hate it. I will get up and move. Seriously.
people exiting the metro station as you're about to swipe your card at the turnstile, who hog up all of the turnstiles and give you a look like YOU'RE the one that's wrong. then when you finally make it through, you have no room to walk because EVERYONE exiting takes up the entire width of the metro station, as if they were the only people on the planet. :(
Riders I hate.
It’s the women who carry 4-5 bags on their person like they're some kind of gypsy. Add to that their mindset of "People need get out of my way if/when I bless this world with my beauty" attitude and what you have is a self-centered (most times pudgy) princess whose swinging bags bang into you on the metro, the platform and outside the station. I don't get out of way of these self-denial trapped chubbies. They'll bang their bags into me; I'll add a little shoulder body English and send their cheap knock off handbag flying off their shoulder, because that's how 'beautiful' I find them.
I have decided I can tolerate all of Metro's frustrations if ONLY the human passengers acted humanely. A young brat of a teen ran me down yesterday and when I commented "Excuse me?" she turned around and berated ME for hitting her with my bag. (How I could do that to someone behind me that I do not know is there is beyond me. I do hope to copyright the technique some day and get rich selling a book on it.)
It appears the me generation has has created a new me generation we should call the "selfish crude rude and socially unacceptable moronic cow" generation. Notice how most of them are overweight to boot?
This morning I took the elevator down into the Potomac Avenue Metro, due to a trick knee and a broken escalator. Someone had, apparently, gotten on the elevator earlier, put out their cigarette in the corner, and proceeded to pee all over it, producing a stream down into the middle, where it made a rather substantial pool. It was almost as if I was in the one of the elevators in the catwalks at Wheaton or P.G. Plaza (where I believe they hire the same homeless guy to christen the facilities).
After 30+ years, I thought I saw it all. I was wrong. The 5pm train from Ballston to New Carrollton... lucky me, 3 lovely looking young ladies (one a mother with cute child) got on and sat close to me. Mother (all of what, 18?) immediately decided to replace her pierced tongue stud using a tiny mirror one friend was holding. Gene Simmons would have given her a standing ovation for how far she stuck out her tongue to all of us... except for the drooling as she had difficulty in removing and replacing the STICK in her tongue hanging out.
Not cool. Definitely low-class and crass. Heaven help her child who can only learn such improper public conduct. Bet both get the flu this year too.
Hey Anonymous with trick knee - We got the same interior designer for our elevator in New Carrollton too!
Charming indeed...
OMG - bless you for having a site where I can bitch about my Metro experiences!
Red Line Losers:
- The Gum Chompers. Absolutely nauseating. Had to start using my iPod daily just to drown people out.
- The Commuters with Rolling Briefcases. Seriously, how did people start thinking these were a good idea? They're clunky and seem to be prevalent among self-important douchebags. Get your g-d bag-of-crap outta my way!
- The Sneeze/Cough Re-grabbers. These people cough or sneeze into their hands and then, as if nothing happened, re-grab the pole. COME ON! I carry Purell and hand-wipes every time I ride now.
- The Phone Talkers or Loud Conversationalists. SHUT UP. There's no need to shout into your phone. And I understand the need to occasionally speak up over the noise of the rail, but quiet it down again. I don't want to hear about your baby's digestive problems or how much you hate your mom (I've had to suffer through both of those topics while riding).
- The One Guy Who's Pleasuring Himself. I've had the displeasure of experiencing this one more than once. Here's a clue, dude: NOBODY on the train thinks your hand is in your pocket just because you just felt like putting your hand in your pocket. We can see you digging around and staring at boobies. STOP IT.
Thank you. I feel better now, which should last until I have to get on the train again in about 4 hours. :)
I have to say that most days, I have no problem whatsover with the train I ride on. People are respectful and nice. I've seen most of the things that people here have complained about, and yes, it is annoying. But in reality, our system is WAY better than most other mass transits, and ceratinly better than many of the buses I've ridden on.
I have to say that I see almost as many really kind, wonderful, and/or beautiful things on the metro as I do things that irk me. Make sure you treasure those things as much or more as the irritating things.
Kipp, are you sure you are on the Wash DC Metro system? ;) Wish I rode your line. My line is just the opposite with very few respectful or even borderline polite people - Metro staff included.
"Uh....Smartrip cards aren't magnetic"
O rly? Then how come half of the people I see using them have to slap them on the machines? Magnetic, chipped, or otherwise, they certainly ain't smart. Oh, and if yours isn't working, get out of the flipping line! If it didn't work the first 20 times, its not going to work the next 20 times.
People who wait til the last second to make their way to the exit. Get your ass in the vicinity so you can exit the train in a timely manner!
I was assaulted by not one but TWO gigantic handbags today. I was sitting, and the guilty parties didn't put their bags in front of them (or on the other side, away from me) while they sat down next to me, thus both of them hitting me in my shoulder and face with said bags. WTF?! Some people have their heads so far up their arses that they are completely unable to be considerate. And, unfortunately, they seem to frequent the Metro.
People who think their personal space is the only space that matters. I heard a man get very irate very quickly about someone else apparently "almost" stepping on his feet. "You better back the f- up!" he shouts. The other person is so soft-spoken, I couldn't hear what he said. But as the train stops at stations and people get off, I see the two people in question. The irate man was probably mid-30's, and clearly into body building. The other guy? At LEAST mid-60s, small of stature, and clearly not threatening in the least. Where did that other guy get off yelling at an old man on a sardine can train about getting too close??
This morning's ride when the young lady sat next to me and began to put on so much make-up the actual smell of it was beginning to bother many of us. When she finally finished, 20 minutes later, she then pulled out the most abhorent smelling hand lotion and starting oiling up. I almost asked if she was a hoooker gearin' up for the day.
I'm one of those people who will step off the train briefly to let other riders off. I CAN'T STAND when the people who are waiting to get on the train don't allow you enough room to step to the side.
Once, a very large woman didn't give me enough room to step to the side ... and I had to slowly (and carefully) back into her.
She exclaimed (in a very loud, very melodramatic, very ghetto-fantastic voice), "Excuuuse me!"
To which I replied, "That's right! Excuse you."
The look on her face was absolutely priceless.
Of course, then we both had to ride the train together, and she gave me dirty looks the entire ride. I just smiled back at her :-)
People who bring ginormous flower arrangements on the train with them during spring allergy season. As if I don't feel bad enough with all the pollen in the air outside Metro, now you have to bring it in and stink up the car?
Here’s another one. It always seems to be the younger female type. Here she comes on the metro with her long wet hair…of course, she just stepped out of the shower…and now she has to run her hands through her beautiful wet locks, shaking the water on the people in the seat behind her, or worse, all over the people standing next to her on the train.
Yes, we know you’re beautiful. Your best friend, your mom tells you everyday how beautiful you are. Yes, both of you are so strong. How about showing the least bit of consideration for others and keep your beautiful locks to yourself? Not everyone finds you or your hair as beautiful as you and mommy.
Your wet hair is nasty, and put on some deodorant while you’re at it, truly. Because you don’t smell like flowers and birds don’t sing when you enter a room.
People, most specifically youngish (20 something) self important over puffed men who don't give up a seat when a heavily woman gets on the train. . . grr. . .
FYI - for those of you who don't know, carrying 20-40 lbs of extra weight on your front REALLY puts a person off balance. . . get off your ass and give a lady the seat, or be sat upon!
I cannot stand people who wait to get on the train by standing directly in front of the doors despite clearly seeing a lot of people waiting to get off. Get out of the way! Exiting before entering, just like on the highway. Duh....
Also, if you are going to chew gum, please for the love of all things sacred, chew with your mouth closed. I do not want to hear you smack, pop, or blow bubbles. Besides, it makes you look like a cow! Why else do you think gum is called kaugummi (pronounced cow-goo-me) in Germany? (Just kidding, y'all, but you get my point.)
Lastly, what is up with people who have the fugliest, nastiest, most disgusting feet I've ever seen having the gall to wear flip flops? GROSS! Keep those monsters in closed toe shoes, please, before I vomit. If you're going to wear open-toe or totally open shoes, get a pedicure before you do. This includes you, too, guys!
Non-pregnant women who refuse to give up their seat for other women who obvioulsy are pregnant.
Working women are completely oblivious to elderly passengers and rarely, if ever, give up their seats for the less able-bodied.
Peeve: Riders for who seats are reserved (elderly and handicapped) who choose to sit on the ends of the cars and expect seated riders to give up their seats. HEY OLD FOLKS AND HANDICAPPED use the seats that our obtrusive government requires METRO reserve just for you special people!
Hey Anon 10:23 - They WOULD use those seats if someone would give 'em up. I know. I am one of the barely-able to stand group. Try again, special peeve person.
First of all, this is a great blog and so many posts are hilarious (many are SO true as well)! Here's my list:
* The SmarTrip reader at Eisenhower is Satan. At LEAST one section hasn't worked in the past month and it seems to take turns. One day last week the turnstile nearly closed on me through no fault of my own nor the person who went through before me. Is Metro not even required to fix readers when they're broken? Plus, there should be SmarTrip Express lanes in EVERY station, not just the higher volume ones. Those who live/work here daily shouldn't be delayed for a tourist who's never used a farecard before or someone too dumb to figure out beforehand that the farecard has no more money on it.
* Idiots who rush towards trains getting ready to close because they think they're too SPECIAL to wait 5 minutes for the next train (pure satisfaction though when the doors shut on a body part or oversized piece of luggage)!
* Tourists, whom you can only blame so much for their antics because Metro seems to do next to NOTHING to force proper riding habits upon them. I cringe every time I hear the intercom speech about "step back to allow customers to exit" because at the same time, I'm seeing stupid people with double strollers CHARGING onto the train the second the doors open!
* "Men" (usually wearing suits/uniforms) who think they own the world. They have to be the first ones to get a seat and then usually take the side seats for elderly/disabled, while blocking the front seat adjacent to them. Oh, how gentlemanly!! They're really just chumps.
* People who won't even so much as SHIFT themselves to the side a little bit so people can get out and off of the train in time. If you're too lazy for that, you deserve to have your foot stepped on by someone who's trying to get out of the window seat! Giving attitude when this happens is also not ok-you're in the wrong.
* Riders who behave as if the train is their "home." Actually saw a guy come onto the train, sit down, and slip off his SHOES in front of everyone once. Not cool people, so knock it off with the obnoxious behavior/personal grooming stuff; it's not your house/apartment!
* Know-it-alls who believe that barking out orders to other adults on the train is acceptable-you're obviously NOT the train operator and therefore have no right/authority to yell "EXCUSE ME" to someone near the doors BEFORE the doors have even opened or to tell people on a packed train to "move over" or "move forward," etc...
* Loud music-just because the iPod volume CAN go that high doesn't mean it should on a train with other people. That's ignorant and selfish and the whole train shouldn't have to hear your Playlist du Jour.
* Strollers/other rolling things that take up large amounts of space during rush hour. Why does a baby need to be on a Metro train at 7:30 in the morning??? Even worse are kids who should be in strollers but aren't because the parent is tired of parenting for the day. No one wants your rugrat screaming, singing, or perhaps my least favorite-grabbing their leg for some unknown reason.
I hate people who cut others off at the exits because the person in front of them is having trouble getting their SmartTrip card to work.
They see the person in front of them having trouble and then cut me off and step all over my feet to exit in the turnstile I was about to use. I'd say about 90% of the time it is a 20-30 year old female who does it.
I am amazed how many posts are dedicated to 'inconsiderate men' when it is my experience that the majority of inconsiderate actions are committed by women; or more specifically the 20-30 age group of women. How many times has one of these ‘princesses’ walked right into to you on the platform as she stares ahead with her dead behind the eyes look, head cocked to the side with mouth agape? Rolled her suitcase over your foot? Struck you with one of her swinging bags full of what I can only imagine are her self-help books, diet coke and clean spare unmentionables? Please. From what I can see, it’s not the ‘men’ who are the ones with the ‘inconsiderate behavior’. It’s these self-absorbed 20-30 yr old princesses who think that because they are in DC, far away from home, the world needs to accommodate them. Take care of me world. Make sure I’m safe. I’m so beautiful! Here’s a new flash, Samantha Jones wannabes; no one is interested in you or the sad truth that only your mommy/best friend thinks you are as special as you consider yourself to be.
People trying to look cool in transit.
Not cool rider
i got on the green line train at judiciary square, and it was pretty packed, well this guy gets on and INSISTS he MUST stand as close to me as possible. it was disgusting - i could feel his hard-on as he was riding and digging it into my ass. i was and still feel completely violated, and am still. GROSS, i wanted to report it to metro but he disappeared. god it is just disgusting to even think about it... i am pretty sure he was smelling my hair as he was doing it.
People, generally women, engaged in a conversation and insisting on continuing it while walking SLOWLY side-by-side down the platform, through the station, on the escalator, etc. through crowds of other people who actually have somewhere to be.
The fare card distributors. These are either tourist parents or field trip chaperones who don't trust their charges not to lose their fare cards. So they stop directly in front of the fare gates -- blocking all of them -- and hand out fare cards. Then they stop again on the other side of the gates and collect the cards. Grrr ...
I grew up in Rockville and remember from the field trips down to the Smithsonian in elementary school being taught to always, always, always give up your seat to anyone who looks like they need it more than you do. Riding the Metro trying to be nice makes the ride better; even if it's a shitty situation, you at least feel a bit better about the world knowing that you've done a small random kindness.
What gets on my nerves are
1) people who purposefully throw themselves into their blackberries or pretend to be asleep or otherwise blind themselves to the people who really need a seat. If you're going to be a jerk, at least own it. Have a little courage and choose feeling like a decent person over sitting for 15 minutes.
2) folks who are just letting Metro's (let's be honest here) small issues really upset them way too much. Apart from the sexual harassment described in a few posts (obviously unacceptable, we as riders need to make it clear that this is not acceptable-- everyone say something to the offender, intimidate them, let us decent folk make it the environment we want), all these things are small annoyances. I lived 2 years in the Mekong Delta taking all kinds of awful bus rides for work; Metro is so, so, so nice and we really just have to be kind to each other and expect the system to be handled professionally.
3) drunk folks. What a mess.
Almost everything that's already been written here, plus the big white guys (always), usually older, sometimes in cheap suits, who sit with their legs spread far apart and take up half the other seat. Same thing happens on airplanes. I refuse to be bothered and don't move my legs. That tends to make them uncomfortable enough to stop. And the people who either have really cheap earphones or have their music turned up so far I can hear it. Talk about ANNOYING.
Pole Huggers. They suck.
Then there are the people who can't be bothered to walk a few feet in another direction and get on/off escalators by blocking other riders' access to the escalator going in the other direction. We've all seen this -- huge flows of unthinking people who automatically walk to or from the trains and directly front of an escalator people are trying to step on or off.
Another foolish behavior is the ever-popular act of walking/running in one direction while looking in another. Collisions are inevitable. One guy actually knocked me flying when he ran right into me. I was dressed to go to a job interview and literally skidded across the tiles while other commuters gasped aloud, though not a single person asked if I was hurt or offered to help me to my feet.
People wearing backpacks that extend 3 feet from their back and who are oblivious to the fact that their backpack is literally knocking other people around the metro car.
woman riding golf card (topper included) that barely fits in door and is yelling at everyone "get out of my way or I'll hit you."
People who tell everyone here to stop venting and shut up because they once rode a bus on the Mekong Delta.
If I'm NOT sitting in a seat designated for handicapped people and I happen to close my eyes on the ride home every once in a while, so be it. If you don't like it move back to the Mekong Delta!
This morning during the commuting rush, a young woman today tried to force her way onto a crowded train without waiting for people to exit. She was of course dragging a large rolling bag and had another large bag over her shoulder. The people exiting the train bumped and pushed her aside. Go Washington A.M. Commuters!
The poor baby. She put on her best ‘anything I say sounds like a question because of the inflection of my fake baby voice’ expression, and tried her best to look annoyed, and to roll her eyes...but it was clear she was fighting tears as she was about to cry.
What, the world isn't here to accommodate you and your $45.00 lacy undies?
Can you hear the violins? I sure can. BooHooHoohoo, Princess Panties.
I get especially angry when people hog seats on a crowded train or bus; I've seen them sprawl across two seats and then "need" two more to prop their feet up on. And what's with the putting feet up on the seats? There's one person I see on the bus who gets on, kicks off her shoes, and puts her feet up on the next seat.
People with enormous backpacks who seem to think that if they can't see them, they don't take up any space.
People with umbrellas that they insist on carrying horizontally, threatening to poke other passengers.
People who sit in the seats for the elderly/disabled who will take up more than one seat and force someone who needs the seat to stand.
People who get on one of the new, smaller, buses and camp out at the door and refuse to move to let anyone by. I once saw someone park themself there and refuse to move to let a guy in a wheelchair by.
People - tourists (or tourons as they're sometimes called) - who think Metro cars are playgrounds for their children and let - or encourage - the brats to swing from the overhead handrail. A friend was once kicked in the chest - hard - by one of these kids.
And the incessant eating and drinking, leaving messes. People - you aren't going to get dehydrated on a Metro ride!
Seriously. This morning a man was brushing his teeth on the metro-on a pretty crowded train no less! He had one of those little bottles of waters and he brushed, puffed out his cheeks and then just swallowed everything once he had finished.
It will be some time before I feel comfortable in my own skin again.
People who are overweight and decide to squeeze in a seat with you because you are skinny. Ahhh...they take up their space and yours and always hot...you can feel their body heat because they are rubbing up against you! Just find an empty seat or stand, so annoying!
-I know there are people with weight issues, I sympathize. But the HUGE "double-seat-butt" people (men and women) just SLAMMING down into the seat while I am against the window causing me to fold vertically like a blind and I am not a small guy (5'11" 179lbs). I was just contributing to what Anon at 2:19 said.
-The "sleep dance". Somebody constantly leaning or falling over onto me when they doze off...waking up when they realize...and drifting off again almost onto my shoulder. Rinse, repeat.
-The "creepy guy stare". Again, I am a straight guy but they way some of these guys LEER at women makes even ME uncomfortable. It's one thing to glance and appreciate the beauty of a woman...it's another to keep drooling and making a woman visibly uncomfortable
Why is it that people - not on their way to work - with children and strollers ride Metro at rush hour? and why do they always seem to have the enormous strollers? and why is it that the children don't ever seem to be IN the stroller? Almost all the time, either the parent is carrying the kid, and pushing the stroller with one hand, or the kid is toddling along next to the stroller and hanging on to it for balance. Either way, they take up even more space, move slowly, and usually zig-zag.
people who don't move to the center of the car! the train is already crowded, people are standing nose-to-neck up near the doors, yet there are only like 3 people standing in the aisles between seats. MOVE IN people!! there is no reason for you to be sniffing your neighbors underarm, just move into the center of the aisles.
when i see someone hogging a two-seater, i will sit next to them even there are other seats on the train. their smug "im not moving" attitude makes me so annoyed! most people feel too intimidated to make the offender move over, but that's all the more reason to put the offender in their place!
Leering....ogling....etc....I've ridden the metro from outside the city into the city and back out every week day for years. I am just not seeing this 'leering' and 'ogling' that people are talking about. It's not like we're riding the train in Rome, Milan, Paris etc…
The hooligans that get on at Tenleytown/UDC at around 315ish M-F and get off at Gallery Place to transfer to Branch Ave train. They gang up on some unsuspecting passenger every day and hurl insults and yell/swear. Some woman stood up to them today and didn't get surrounded--she is my hero. Nobody ever moves a muscle or blinks an eye to help--it's like these brats hold everyone hostage and everyone has Stockholm Syndrome. Aren't the WMATA cops supposed to monitor this stuff???????
Anonymous @509pm on 10/7. I know exactly what you're talking about. My question is what are these sewer ghetto rats doing in Tenleytown or anywhere in NW for that matter? Are there no better places to loiter? They're like wild animals - with no upbringing; but then again is that a surprise?
Abled bodied people aka lazy, who take the elevator prohibiting disabled, seniors, and people with strollers from getting on the elevator! Especially the jerk at GWU station who was upset that I with my 5 month baby wanted to get on the elevator before him, then proceeded to walk up the second set of escalators out of the station.
As a recent pregnant woman, it's true that people rarely give up their seats for you and many people do ignore and pretend not to see you, even when your belly is right in front of their face. Maybe one or two men gave up their seats for me during my entire pregnancy, and mostly it was older African American women who offered up their seats to me. God bless them, thank you!
People who step on the back of my flip-flops! If you are so close behind me that you can't walk without getting under my feet, you need to take a step back!
Almost always on the bus I've had problems with aggressive panhandlers. I've seen these guys not just demanding money, but grabbing people, poking at them to make sure they've gotten their attention, walking up and down the aisles demanding money. And the driver - who has to see what's going on - ignoring the situation. One driver even said "bless you brother" when the panhandler (finally) got off. And glared at me when I called Metro security to complain.
I am getting tired of seeing 20-something princesses with Starbucks on the train in the morning.
It's bad enough that you aren't supposed to bring food or drink on the Metro, but bringing scalding hot coffee on an extremely crowded train during the morning rush hour really ticks me off. Especially when I have no choice but to stand next to these inconsiderate jerks.
20-30 year old princesses are easily the most annoying demographic on the Metro.
The station manager/employee at Cleveland Park has defaced his WMATA uniform by removing the brim his baseball style Metro Hat so it looks like a Taqiyah. This is appalling in a time where the global community is fighting Islamic Extremism world-wide and public transportation has been a main target of these terrorists.
WMATA now has explosion proof trashcans at all stations and constant announcements about how to report suspicious items, behavior, etc. To allow employees to modify their uniforms to express their religious beliefs is unacceptable.
All people in America have a right to practice whatever religion they like, but while on the job, it is offending and, quite frankly, unnerving, to see official figures dressing in religious clothing. Please enforce the dress code.
'Tis the season for contagion. Last week a woman was coughing her lungs out the entire ride, not bothering to cover her mouth. Gross! And of course, a couple of days later, I wake up sick. I'll be the whole Metro car did. Please please please cover your mouths when coughing or sneezing!!!
I cannot STAND people that cannot navigate their own behinds as they sit down in the seat beside you. They end up sitting (or at least making EXTREMELY unnecessary cointact with) on your arm or leg in the process (no matter how much you try to move over)! Gross!
And honorable mention goes to the jerk who got on the wrong train yesterday evening on the lower lovel at L'Enfant Plaza, saw that the train he wanted had just pulled up to the platform, dashed from one train to the other like he was making the game winning play in the last few seconds the Superbowl, mowing down a crowd of people and nearly knocking a woman over... all without so much as an "excuse me" or even a second look.
For the love of all that is good in this world -
STOP putting on makeup on the train &/or bus. If y'all didn't know, it's not how a lady comports herself in public. It's as bad as "dude who clips nails in public" or "dude who wipes hair grease all over the window". Please. Cut. It. Out.
If you are wondering:
Yes - I am a southern lady who knows how to comport herself in public. The grooming remains at home.
I always make way for my fellow neighbor - sitting or standing on the metro. If folks had been raised with decent respect for their fellow peoples we probably wouldn't be having all these problems:)
I really hate people that decide that their bag deserves a seat more than another person. The worst story I have about this involves a woman who was sitting next to me and taking up her seat and about half of mine. Needless to say this was uncomfortable as I'm not a small guy (5'11" 240). I thought maybe she just had a huge ass, so I gave her the benefit of a doubt. Upon getting up from my seat I realized the only reason she was taking up so much of my seat is because she had her bag in between herself and the window and would not move it. Seriously?
Seriously there are two demographics that make the daily commute world's less pleasant than it has to be. Those are the section-8 welfare street urchins and the 20-30 something princesses; mind you for very different reasons. Why do people who work every day have to accept on their ride to and from work the screaming, yelling, fighting, posturing, spitting and swearing of these ghetto sewer rats with no upbringing or future? It’s not like 18 months from now they’ll be breathing free air….To continue, why do these dull stare, clumsy, self-absorbed 20-30 yr old women think that the world actually is falling over itself to notice them? Stop brushing your nasty wet hair on the metro, stop bumping into me o the platorm, stop expecting people to accept your inconsiderate behavior that you believe is allowed to you by virtue of your $45 under wear. Grow up muffin top. You’re far from being that attractive. You’ll be fat and forgotten when your ‘beauty’ shelf life expires in, what, 2 years.
If you are big enough to take up an entire seat, maybe you should walk a little more.
Also, nothing makes a ride on the Orange Crush worse than kids listening to shitty music without headphones.
I get annoyed with the people who have seats near the door and insist on standing up before the train comes to a stop, trying to push through the people standing. I feel that if you've had a seat for your trip then you can wait until the people standing in front of you clear out of your way before attempting to exit. You will get off the train.
I like it when you are a woman with no disabilities and hover over me and think that I am going to give up my seat for you simply because I am a man. I know women have more rights then men these days but there is no law that says that I have to give up my seat to you nor is there any reason to!
My biggest pet peeve is the fact that when metro was built, they didn't put in express lanes. In NY if a train breaks down (which in all my years of living there, I very rarely experienced), the other trains can go around. Can you imagine how many delays would be avoided, if you could just go around the broken down train?
An while we're on the subject of delays, why is it that when a passenger is sick, the train is off loaded and not the sick passenger? I understand that under certain circumstances a passenger can't be moved, but I doubt that's usually the case.
I rarely let people's lack of Metro etiquette bother me, but the other day on a full rush-hour evening train, a woman was sitting in the window seat, but at an angle so her legs were in the space of the aisle seat (also holding her coat so it was partially draped on the aisle seat). She didn't have lots of bags or any reason to be taking up two seats other than she didn't want to share. And it's not like she didn't see me getting ready to sit; she had plenty of time to move her coat and legs, so it's really not my fault that I sat on her coat and kicked her.
I can't stand the idiots who just stand there after they step off the escalator, especially when there are a lot of people behind them. Move! Otherwise the people behind you will have no choice but to push you out of the way!
Saturday there was track work on the red line, trains were running at long intervals, and they were packed. Someone had gotten on the train I was on with a stroller, parked the stroller right in front of the door, and then took the child and sat elsewhere on the train. At least, I'm assuming they were somewhere on the train - I rode from Van Ness to Metro Center and no one seemed to be attached to the stroller - no child, no adult, no one.
Tourists. The American family on vacation is not a pretty sight.
People who absolutely insist on walking on single-lane escalators when the double-lane ones obviously aren't working. Sorry - some people can't climb like you. Got a problem with that? Blame Metro for not keeping their escalators working.
Huh? I assume you mean Huntington since all the other ones I know of are doubles? Those escalators are LONG and and metro escalators are extremely slow. People are used to walking up them to be in time to catch their bus.
Need to stand on escalators? Take the elevator with the other slowpokes.
On a crowded train this morning on the Orange Line. A man took up both seats and then put his large umbrella and collection of THREE bags in the isle. When I almost tripped on his leather bag he gave me a dirty look and then continued reading his newspaper.
Sweet Jesus. It happens every faaareeeegiiiin’ Why can't some people control their own bags? How many times has some greasy faced chubby woman knocked you with their bag or some fading beer belly jock swung their big ol' duffel into you? And of course, they can't stop, or pause to acknowledge their inconsiderate behavior...noooo. I put a curse on you!! hex hex!!!! May you fine a rotting goat’s head in your bag tonight when you return home…..heeheehee.
For those of you who suggest that anyone elderly or with a disability ask for a seat, don't count on it having any effect. One weekend, on a fairly crowded train, I saw a couple with two small children get on. One parent spread across the two priority seats on one side, the other across the two seats at right angles to those. The two little boys ran over and climbed on the two priority seats on the other side. An elderly woman got on and asked the two children if she could sit down. The boys stared at her like she was speaking a foreign language and the parents watched and laughed.
When will some parents actually start being parents when in public - especially on the train? I can't stand children who act out and show no upbringing or consideration towards others...even when their parent's are right there! Some of these 'parents' simply need to be told:
"Your child is not precious, gifted nor precocious. Your child is a rude, obnoxious little idiot and all you did was spread your legs or spread your seed to bring the miserable little runt bastard into this world."
When standing people decide they can't possibly stand the exhaustion of standing anymore, and decide to sit on the edge of a seat... and your shoulder. Plus they usually have a bag or huge purse that hits you in the head. They never seem to notice.
Re: The sewer rats. They go to Wilson HS which is right next to Tenleytown. I'm not sure that many kids living in NW actually go to public school, so I bet this is some kind of overflow or magnet program from Anacostia.
And re: 20 somethings with starbucks, you know there are plenty of Olds that bring coffee on the train in travel mugs as well. As long as you get a stopper in your starbucks cup there isn't a difference. Plus, who wants to go to a starbucks downtown?
What is it with these folks who step into the train about 2 1/2 steps....and...Stop..as in, not going any further...are they looking for a seat that isn't there...trying to remember something...had a standing conscious blackout? They are like those fainting goats...but they don't fall down...
I can't stand those neurotic riders who have the mind numbing fear that they will miss getting off at their stop, so they have to "position" themselves a stop or two prior to theirs. Even if the train is not crowded and they are sitting in the side seat next to the door, these people still have to stand up, grab all up on the nasty pole, and balance while the train jerks then stops--all the while, they could have been chillin in their seat just 2 steps next to the door and walk the F_C_ out calmly. I sit there and marvel at these idiots.
The other killer is when ladies sit down, but instead of putting their purse on their laps, position on their side, which crams into my side. Dude--hate that.
Umm ... may I suggest you focus a bit more on metro itself and not on riders who just want to get off? How is standing up annoying in any way at all?
@ KB: A stopper in your Starbucks cup does NOT always make a difference. I've seen the entire lid come off when a train jerked to a stop and someone get scalding hot coffee on them because some princess didn't want to go to the Starbucks AFTER she get off the Metro.
And yeah, who cares about the rules stating no food or drinks on the Metro. Why would people blatantly not obeying the rules annoy anyone?
I'm not seeing how someone putting a bag on the seat next to them is worse than a second degree burn.
Tourists - this situation takes all: A couple weeks ago I was on the Red Line during evening rush hour with a group of 5-6 obnoxious teenagers and 2 chaperones. Of course, they all wearing matching tees and sweatshirts from some Christian High School in a Southern State I will not mention. They were on the platform with me at Union Station and proceeded to act horrifically the entire journey. It must have been their first time in a big city, because all they could do was SWING ON THE CEILING BARS like they were the damn monkey bars on the elementary school playground. (Whilst drinking the largest Sbarro fountain drink I have EVER seen). I was standing by the door at the front of the car, and the two chaperones were sitting next to me. As the train approached Judiciary Square and I saw the crowded platform, I took out my earbuds and politely told the chaperones that the next few stops were the busiest/most crowded on the Red Line, and they should tell the kids to make sure they stay together so as to not get separated. (aka: wtf are you doing giggling at your 16-year-old precious angels while they act like moronic idiots act like complete hoodlums, probably kicking elderly women and knocking down people left and right). The chaperones, of course, looked at me like I had 4 heads, turned to each other, and didn't say a word to the kids. Sure enough, the train became filled to the brim at Judiciary Square, Gallery Place, Metro Center, etc. They were still on when I got off at Dupont Circle, but I reallllly hope one of them got left on the train.
I hate the people who think they're above turning sideways to get past other people on a crowed train. Rather, they announce "EXCUSE ME" and expect you to somehow physically merge with whoever or whatever is next to you.
They're typically little white girls who seem to think that because they look cute in a skirt the rules of decency don't apply to them or they're a minority with a chip on their shoulder. Both of whom have seriously f***ed up ideas about what they're entitled to.
I don't know if it's been mentioned on this blog yet (there were so many posts that I couldn't read them all), but what's with the huge backpacks that some people insist on strapping on their backs and shove onto a crowded train. Don't they know they're carrying the equivalent of another person on their backs and every time they move that extra person moves uncontrollably. Take the backpacks off people and carry them!!!! And besides, most of you are grown men. You shouldn't be lugging a backpack around anyway.
I hate when a MoFo who sits in the isle seat says that he/she is getting off too when you say excuse me to pass them. I don't care when you're getting off. Get the eff out of my way! I have a right to get up any time I want. Why should I have to wait until your stank behind moves?! Don't sit in the isle seat if you don't want to move when someone is ready to get off.
I ride the Red Line and I am sick and tired of how "some" of the people who board at Union Station hover at the front door. They do it all the time. I've noticed it at this station more than any other station. They don't get off at the next stop so what is that nonsense all about?
What is up with some men who spread their legs wide apart when they sit down and refuse to close them when someone sits in the seat next to them? Talk about rude! Nobody needs all that dizzamn room!
@ Anon 10:31am - Listen, if it is so damn important that you be the first one off the train at your stop why don't you get up one stop earlier and go stand by the door?
No, you'd rather be a douche and ask the person in the aisle seat to stand up at the most awkward moment possible (exactly as the train is jerking to a halt). You can't wait the extra two seconds for the train to stop to exit? As far as I'm concerned, YOU are the douche in this situation.
Without fail, the person with the biggest, fattest ass will sit next to me. I'm on the thin side, so I guess they're thinking there's room for both of us, but usually they have to turn sideways and squeeeeeeze that big ass into the seat, usually pushing me up against the wall in the process. And of course I usually have to get off before them, but they won't BUDGE one inch until the train is completely stopped, which means I have to fight my way off the train. RULE: If your butt is too big for a single seat, you have to stand.
I love how some folks (and like many posts it's primarily the women in their 20s – why is that?), will not step off a crowded train if they are standing by the door that is about to open at a stop. Instead they ever so slightly 'lean' about a half inch; keeping their eyes averted of course.
It amazes me how these hypocritical princesses somehow expect that the world respect them while showing no consideration (or common sense) in return. It goes both ways, honey.
Ladies in question (see above), do you even realize that there may exist, lord forbid, 1 or 2 people in the world who don't love and/nor adore you and who are not enthralled and/nor fascinated by you?
And lastly, trust me. You aren't as stunning as you think you are. Most likely, you're a dime-a-dozen pudgy greasy American who can barely fit into her pants that are two sizes too small. Lastly, Go take a shower…Your dirty flip-flopped feet are very smelly!
I wish the bus drivers would set the temperature for the comfort of RIDERS rather than their own. As it is, in the winter riders dress to stand outside, waiting for the bus to amble by; drivers don't usually wear a jacket or even a sweater. So, like today, when the riders are wearing coats, gloves, warm hats, the bus is heated so the driver, in his shirtsleeves, can sit by an open window and be comfortable.
Guess that's too much to ask, huh?
To Anonymous on 11/10/2009 at 1:33pm – Touchy! Touchy! Did I hit a nerve? You are obviously one of the MoFos to which I am referring. Your dumb azz statement shows your ignorance and that you didn’t comprehend what you read. It is not about being the first one to get off the train at my stop, douche! Also, I would not get up when the train is jerking to a halt and I certainly wouldn’t ask or expect anyone else to either. The point of my statement is about common courtesy, which is something you know nothing about. When someone asks to get pass, you should kindly let them pass. The fact that you might be getting off at the same stop is irrelevant. What is relevant is that we all have the right to get up when we want to and no one has a right to interfere with that. Of course no one expects the person in the aisle seat to jump up like a bolt of lightening! Of course they should take a moment to gather their belongings then get up when they can. However, they shouldn’t just continue to sit there preventing the other person from getting by. In some situations, a person may need to transfer to a bus or another train line and every second counts. However, if moving poses a problem for you then perhaps you should go stand by the door.
ok a couple things - The other day I had make a call from the platform (my provider doesn't get metro access grrr) and had the misfortune of discovering that some nasty creep pee'd in and on the pay phone at the Tenley Station.
Now - I am big person not gigantic but I got a big ass. It fits in my seat. I feel everyone should keep their respective asses on their side of the line.
I also have had my knee rebuilt (because I got hit by a bus while a pedestrian oddly enough)I also have arthritis in it that is aggravated by the train. I don't "look" disabled - but my knee is not stable enough for standing on the train when it jerks. . I can also walk upstairs but not down. -Just saying you can't always judge people by looking at them.
I think metro should have a luggage limit and ban pull suitcases.
I also think baby strollers -like - bikes should only be allowed in certain cars and I think they should be banned during rush hour for the safety of the kids and the riders.
I have seen grown men look the other way to avoid giving their seat (and they were in the priority seating) to the elderly, and OBVIOUSLY pregnant women.
@the guy who doesn't give up his seat to women. You certainly don't have to - it just shows you weren't raised right and have no manners.
Metro police need to do something about the teenagers at Gallery Place and at Tenley - both groups are out of control. About a month ago the teenagers at gallery place were throwing firecrackers and transit police did NOTHING!
Something has to be done about the teens (aka: Section-8 excrement) at Tenleytown.
Isn't there an abandoned school building in Southeast/Anacostia or Naylor Road for them to go to instead? Why not keep them in their own neighborhoods?
They don't need actual teachers, classes, supplies or facilities. Just somewhere to hangout, loiter and generally act like uneducated animals with no future but jail or the morgue.
Get rid of them!
Be it Metro rail or Metro bus, I'm a driver, so here are some of mine...People who get on the bus, don't ask and don't know how to addfare, and when it all goes horribly wrong,and the money doesn't go onto the card,suddenly try and make it my fault.People who see the bus coming a mile away, get on and can't find their fare or farecard, and block the door way so no one else can enter.People who allow their children to act like wild monkeys, and choose to ignore them while other riders suffer.People who repeat their name, s.s.number, phone number and address so loudly on their cell phone that everyone on the bus is privy to it,(whether they wanted it or NOT!)People who get on and use their wet umbrella to drizzle and drip on everyone they pass...And then there are the elderly, who insist for some reason on getting up and moving to the front door while the bus is still in motion, (as if I'll be opening the door while it's still rolling, and they can jump off)I could go on and on, but I'm saving some for my book.
Will the mayor please find an abandoned school in SE/Anacostia/Naylor Rd or wherever it is that they come from for the Section-8 teens? They don’t need any teachers, classes, supplies or anything; just a place where they can loiter, posture, scream, yell, threaten others and generally act like the welfare excrement that they are with no future but jail or the morgue?
Why do they need to come to NW and bring their filth with them? No one appreciates their presence; undoubtedly not even their own parents.
Section-8 teens out of NW, please!
Good morning all. I think some folks are just miserable with how their lives turned out and that is why rude behavior is on the rise. It is so sad that society has gotten this way.
In reply to Section-8 out of Tenley/NW (posted 11/13/2009 @ 4:59pm), why are you quick to assume that these teens are from S.E.? They could be from Bethesda, Arlington or the Gold Coast in upper N.W. Let’s not stereotype people from S.E. Jerks can reside anywhere. Metrorail just makes it easy for them to come into other neighborhoods to do whatever. Also, it isn’t always low income kids causing trouble. There was a story on 48 Hours Mystery where 4 teenage girls committed several robberies and they lived in an affluent section of their town. The problem is when these kids have too much idle time on their hands. That is usually when some type of drama jumps off. It is unfortunate that they just hang around. Maybe we need to reinstate truant officers like they had back in the day.
To Anonymous on 11/13/2009 at 8:51: We seem to have missed each other’s point here.
I would agree with you that if you are halfway between two stops and you ask to get off and the person says it is their stop too and proceeds to sit there for 30 seconds, that is completely unreasonable.
My point was that I find it really annoying when people insist on getting out at the most awkward moment possible when it is very hard to stand up because the train is jerking to a halt. If those three seconds are sooooo precious to you, ask to get out earlier or cry me a river.
Personally, I always stand up no matter what, but I always get a smile on my face when I see someone wait the extra 2-3 seconds for the train to come to a complete stop before they stand.
To Anonymous on 11/16/2009 at 8:51am, much better! Now we’re in agreement. Have a great day and here is a smile for you! :-)
I meant 8:46am not 8:51am. :-)
It never ceases to amaze me when someone gets on with a wheelchair how people turn sideways and put their feet in the chair beside them instead of getting up and moving to the back of the bus to let the person get through. I guess they are sooooo scared that they are going to lose their seat.
Hello Anonymous(es) who discussed, "I would agree with you that if you are halfway between two stops and you ask to get off and the person says it is their stop too and proceeds to sit there for 30 seconds, that is completely unreasonable."
YOU are unreasonable. Point 1 - Is your life so pitiful that 30 seconds will ruin it? How sad for you. May I suggest you get a life? Point 2 - SOME of us are not able to stand on a moving floor. Would you rather we try to stand and then fall heavily in your face instead? Care for an accidental elbow in your teeth? Gonna pay for my elbow cast too?
God have mercy upon us who are not perfectly physically fit. You made us this way. Why did you then make those who are fit so cruel and selfishly impatient like the couple of posters on this blog? Why do you give them good bodies but no conscious, kindness or patience?
These 'able-bodied fit' people who are complaining about riding the metro along with overweight, disabled, and otherwise not as 'blessed' individuals as themselves are terrible. While I consider myself and put in the hard work to be in-shape and fit, I do not look down upon others who may have different lifestyles, and/or may have a disability or condition which they cannot control.
It’s the inconsiderate people who make the commute hell. And it’s not always the disabled, overweight people. Often, actually most times it’s the ‘beautiful people’ who are the most disrespectful.
An example; the other day I saw a young man of maybe 24-25 years (complete with the all important useless Intern Hill badge) block the way of an overweight and obviously struggling older woman attempting to get out of her seat to exit.
So beautiful people, go to happy hour, pick up your self-hating conceited whores and catch your venereal diseases; but on your way, try to pick up some manners. No one cares that you sit on the floor all day long in your business suit and crawl along the floor passing notes to people like some kind of dog.
@ November 17, 2009 3:25pm – Let me clear this up for you. I did not agree with the other poster’s statement about anyone who proceeds to remain seated for 30 seconds is completely unreasonable. I only agreed with the part when he or she said, “My point was that I find it really annoying when people insist on getting out at the most awkward moment possible when it is very hard to stand up because the train is jerking to a halt.” Have a nice weekend!
@ Anon 11:10am - So it's perfectly reasonable for someone to refuse to get up and let someone out, effectively blocking them in???
Sorry, I agree with the original poster there.
@ November 20, 2009 6:15pm – Let me clear this up for you. No, it is not perfectly reasonable for someone to refuse to get up to let someone out...blocking them in. That was my point from the get go!
This big American fatty (complete with dime-a-dozen pretty girl attitude) got on the crowded morning metro train this morning…and immediately monopolized the standing area by leaning with her back against the pole; thus making it impossible for anyone else to hold on; except to grip the pole above her head…which of course prompted her to exclaim in the typical ‘inflection as if to ask a question’ “Excuse me, please don’t hold on to the pole there”…
To which I answered. “Show some consideration you fat greasy pig and stop leaning up against the pole with you obese pack-of-hot dogs jelly roll back like a Clydesdale!”
I received a few laughs and a few guffaws. I swear these 24 yr-old skank princesses think they are God’s gift to this earth, don’t they?
The most annoying Metro behavior goes to people who hawk up phlegm on the platform. Sometimes they aim for the third rail and other times it is right on the platform.
The official NYC Transit Word for riders who block the doors as people are trying to enter/exit:
I always get the mental picture of a giant eight-legged crab louse holding onto the door jamb with an octuple death grip.
Feel free to appropriate.
Big fat Midwest tourists and heavy breathers....and people who just seem to stare....especially the jealous younger women just weren't blessed with being very attractive.
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