Perhaps realizing they've lost the current generation of riders for good, Metro appears to be exploring ideas to lure younger riders with "zoo cars." Here, we see an aquarium feasibility study. The same rider who took these photos also noticed bird leavings in another car, which may indicate Metro is toying with an aviary concept car. The petting zoo station notion, however, was canceled.
NYC's waterfall feasibility study.
From an anonymous reader:
I ride the Orange Line from Vienna to Metro Center and back every day. I've noticed on several occasions water between the two window panes. Mostly it is a heavy mist that blocks the view, and sometimes, there is a tiny accumulation at the base. Today, I sat down and noticed several inches of water with debris between the panes. I have to admit, it was pretty mesmerizing.
NYC's waterfall feasibility study.
Other items:
- Post breaks big Metro story
- Groups petition for more money for Metro, no mention of accountability (WaPo)
- Link to petition (notice list of supporters)
Thanks for the great laugh to start my day! Dare I admit yesterday I hopped on at Ballston around 4:40 pm, train dump at Claredon, hopped on another just 2 minutes later (pre Metro Center - lots of seats), hit Eastern Market to stall due to a track switch failure at Stadium Armory, immediate announcement by a coherent conductor, few minutes later slow & steady movement forward with update that maintenance was already there manually switching track. Got home later but a smooth steady ride. Pleasant surprise. Two problems on one ride and both handled quite nicely.
Now I'm wondering - perhaps we were a test train? We had the aquarium setting... subliminal control of the masses? ;-D
Grooooooooooss! Maybe they should put sea monkeys in there, that would be pretty entertaining.
It's actually emergency water rations so you can survive the inevitable mid-tunnel snafu.
When I see this phenomenon on a Metro train it always reminds me of those oil and water motion things you could get at Spencer Gifts.
Sure it's not one of those water lava lamps that the wave goes back and forth hypnotically?
the budget is underwater, why shouldn't the passengers be?
Spencer Gifts, what a flashback! Thanks for jogging a long ago memory!
i think metro is providing a valuable public service by helping to educate younger riders on the finer points of inertia.
omg, love the water windows!!! got one the other day. so much fun to watch.
What about the Insectarium Cars? I once got on the train at Huntington and saw what was perhaps one of the largest cockroaches I'd ever seen, perched on one of the windows. As I rolled up my Express to crush it while several other riders screamed and ran from the train, a woman walked up to the cockroach, cupped it IN HER BARE HANDS, and released it on the platform. I love animals, but I have my limits.
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