Jeter's letter below
This is a letter Sarles is apparently sending to the Times:
Dear Editor:
In recent articles, Luke Rosiak declined to use facts provided by Metro, instead employing outdated information, misquoting officials, and drawing inaccurate conclusions about WMATA that are particularly odious at a time when Metro’s men and women are working hard to rebuild this system.The letter was prefaced with a note to employees:
Last year, Metro’s progress included a reduction in employee and customer injuries, improvements in train and bus reliability, and a decrease in crime on the system. Thanks to the hard work of our employees, we advanced NTSB safety recommendations and completed all 10 FTA safety improvements. Metro achieved a 90 percent escalator availability. And we are continuing to rebuild our infrastructure after years of deferred maintenance – installing more than 21 miles of new rail, rehabilitating or replacing 43 escalators and completing many station renovations. We are also building our human capital, filling vacancies and generating new jobs in the region, the majority of which are focused on safety, rebuilding the system, better maintenance levels, and expanding bus and rail services.
We are proud of a workforce that is increasingly diverse. The facts are that the number of Hispanics and women has grown significantly. We currently have 646 rail operators, of which 30 percent are women and this year we recognized the first female champion of our rail operations and safety competition. In bus service, out of 2,780 operators, nearly 27 percent are women. We also note that 22 percent of the staff in today’s Civil Rights office are Hispanic, contrary to your information.
Richard Sarles
General Manager and
Chief Executive Officer
Dear Coworker:From Jackie Jeter:
As information for you, there follows a copy of a Letter to the Editor I am sending today to the Washington Times in response to an appalling series of articles published this week about Metro.
While the Times may elect not to print the letter, I felt that it was important to set the record straight and to share our response with all of you.
I hope you will continue to remain focused on your important work and to make your safety, and the safety of our customers, your top priority.
Richard Sarles
General Manager and
Chief Executive Officer
Letter to the Editor of the Washington Times
By Jackie Jeter, President, Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689
Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689 strongly condemns the racist diatribe, “Inept get promoted, … capable get buried” (Mar. 27, 2012). We unequivocally reject the outrageous aspersion that Metro’s majority black workforce is incompetent. We also reject, and vehemently deny, the sentiment that this union has participated in or condoned discriminant behavior towards any individual or group of individuals. We celebrate diversity in all forms.
Each day, an estimated 700,000 commuters and visitors ride Metro rail and Metro bus. Metro is the second largest public transit system in America. A system of this large capacity requires unrelenting dedication and specialized skills to function. The system simply would not operate without Metro workers performing their jobs with the utmost competence and focus on service, reliability and safety. I am proud of the work they do.
Since the mid-19th century, unions have played a crucial role in advancing the rights and protections of American workers. Local 689 is a proud member of the nation’s labor movement. Our union has fought for civil rights, women’s rights, and workers rights. We stand by our workers unapologetically in solidarity with their commitment to deliver high quality services to the riding public.
Metro workers are deeply rooted in the Washington metro region. Most of the rank-and-file workers live in Metro’s service area—the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland, and northern Virginia. Contrary to your story, we reflect the region’s diverse demographics.
The Washington Times clearly crossed the line of ethical journalism with its propaganda piece. We urge the newspaper to practice the principles of truthfulness, accuracy, impartiality, fairness and objectivity at all times.
We demand an apology for the racist shade cast on our members.
Jackie Jeter, President
Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689
Representing more than 11,000 Metro workers
beema · 678 weeks ago
Guest · 678 weeks ago
Seriously? Appalling? Odious?
You suck Sarles.
@FixWMATA · 678 weeks ago
Brendan · 678 weeks ago
Roger K · 678 weeks ago
John · 678 weeks ago
1) 90% Escalator reliability - GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK! BS!
2) Metro decreasing crime - I don't trust those stats one bit. Keep in mind in their initial report they reported there wasn't a single murder this year, yet a man was shot on a bus.
Here are issues he didn't address/ignored:
1) PCP guy getting a job
2) Various examples of incompetence being rewarded while due diligence being shunned
3) Jackie Jeter's full blown racist remarks
4) Good-ol-Boy Network
Feel free to add to both categories. I'd expect this from Dan Stessel, but not Sarles. He must not be much brighter than Dan....
Matt · 678 weeks ago
Disillusioned · 678 weeks ago
Santana · 678 weeks ago
former employee · 678 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 678 weeks ago
*copies and pastes from a MetroForward press release*
Radner · 678 weeks ago
Moonwolf 58p · 678 weeks ago
*IF* Sarles is right, *IF* bad data was used in the original article, it's not doing us, the PAX, any favors because it simply gives WMATA ammunition when asked about things - they can turn around and say "This is how inaccurate people are complaining about Metro".
It's about perception, and if we're going to make changes that benefit the PAX and the taxpayers, we have to avoid situations that give WMATA any sort of "out" claiming we're just ranting nonsense.
On the other hand, Sarles didn't say what "facts" WMATA provided that were ignored - where is that data located so we can check ourselves?
Also, he says the article used out of date information - does that mean the situation described in the article *did* exist at some point? When?
@iilusionofchaos · 678 weeks ago
· 678 weeks ago
@jhuster · 678 weeks ago
SoylentGreenLine · 678 weeks ago
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Just like the escalators!
@JeffQuinton · 678 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 678 weeks ago
Not even a whiff of denying the cronyism that is so prevalent in the system.
hrh king friday 13 · 678 weeks ago
In recent articles, Luke Rosiak declined to use facts provided by Metro..."
In other words, someone in the press isn't buying Metro's bullcrap anymore and that's blowing their mind. Give Luke a raise.
Driver · 678 weeks ago
sadf · 678 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 678 weeks ago
Rob · 678 weeks ago
anon · 678 weeks ago
When it comes it Metro the Post is a lapdog, not a watchdog, especially when it comes to the uncomfortable aspects of the racial monolith that is Metro.
hees · 678 weeks ago
MRSWDC · 678 weeks ago
I'd like to see by each escalator, an "escalator day" - either functioning or not functioning. If each escalator has 365 days of operation, and there are 588 escalators, that means there are 214,620 escalator days in the year. 10% of those days, divided by the escalators means each escalator is out of service 36.5 DAYS OF THE YEAR.
Every escalator is out of service approximately 3.04 DAYS A MONTH? (Yes this is all basic math, but sometimes breaking it down adds clarity to the point).
I find this very hard to believe. Qualify what "out of service means" and then we have a basis for discussion.
John · 678 weeks ago
lickablesword · 678 weeks ago
anon · 678 weeks ago
John · 678 weeks ago
Does she know how to do anything other than play the race card?
Thanks for the history lesson on unions, Jackie. Your next assignment is to compare what ATU does with what unions were originally intended to do. The differences are quite significant.
Accountant · 678 weeks ago
Anonymous 1393 · 678 weeks ago
Neither of the letters refer to any of the specific allegations identified in the articles so far. There is no reference to the fact that Metro has a work force that is 80% Black that is outrageously (and perhaps criminally) out of line with the region supported by Metro. They don't adress the cronyism, the "lack of records" from Metro HR concerning over 900 applicants who were tested and rejected, the racist hiring practices, or the corruption of the union and union officials. Basically, they imply the reporter is a do-do head but provide no concrete rebuttal.....which could leave them liable for attack if they lied. I don't blame the GM. He inherited a corrupt, deficent system and is trying to make the best of it. Ms Jeter is union corruption personified. Still, at the end of the day, who will do anything about the inept, corrupt WMATA?
Sylvia · 678 weeks ago
anon · 678 weeks ago
DMCinDC · 677 weeks ago
Trollopian · 677 weeks ago
But in the meantime, I don't get it. Why can't we administer "pop quizzes" to the employees who passed their exams only by buying the questions? Why can't we hire Iraq and Afghanistan vets to drive buses; they face a tough job market, and are unlikely to be fazed by the SE routes that JJ threatens newbies with? Why can't we fire or suspend without pay employees who are caught on camera napping in the kiosk, or chugging Coke on the train, or barreling through intersections on red lights? A strong manager would have the guts to face down union abuse and support the employees who deserve it.
Ever and Anon · 677 weeks ago
The comment about achieving a 90% escalator availability? Then WHY is the New Carrollton Metro escalator ALWAYS stopped? You have confirmed many times it is not broken; it is simply turned off. Metro employees need to turn it back on. WHY has it been functional only 3 times in 12+ weeks for Metro and Amtrak evening rush hour? (There is 1 elevator that holds 8 way too close. It smells and rocks dangerously.)
My last soap box statement – Jeeters? Give it up. Playing the race card is getting’ old. Try something else now. I DO NOT CARE about your skin color. I want you to be accountable for the dysfunctional and oh so ODIOUS situation we, the PAYING customers, are suffering through.
Mrig · 677 weeks ago
"This isn’t about the riding public, it’s about [Metro] believing that they have the right to spew comments that aren’t correct and you can’t stand the fact that I say that you don’t know what you’re talking about."
Jill · 677 weeks ago
anon · 677 weeks ago
Icanttellyouthat · 656 weeks ago