Just when you try to give WMATA some good press ...
From bryandc:
Here's a photo of an empty S9 Express Bus STUCK at 15th and Columbia Road, NW.
Anyway, when you look at the photo, you'll notice that there are no cars around it. Why? Because there is no traffic.
As this Metrobus attempted to make a right turn at this narrow intersection, they were very unsuccessful, and the bus ended way up on the sidewalk, wedged up against cars on both sides and the traffic light/street light pole.
Courtesy of this one S9 Metrobus, traffic on 15th Street, Columbia Road, and Girard Street was all backed up this morning, adding a nice 15-minute delay to many of our mornings.
As we know, the S9 runs up 16th - so why it was attempting to turn off of Columbia Road, I just don't know. I wonder if this ill-advised turn is part of Ms. Jeter's latest pledge?
Now is the time for us to protect ourselves and our jobs!
Perform all duties strictly by the S.O.P.'s (Standard Operating Procedures)
Don't Give Metro any reason to write us up, suspend us, or fire us anymore!
"We Make It Work"
ATU Local 689, Jackie Lynn Jeter, President
There's lots of other ways to get to 16th Street -- why did the bus have to try make THIS turn at this narrow intersection? I wonder if there's a rule about that?
What say you Metro? ATU Local 689?
Thanks Metro!
And from another reader:
Not sure how long [this bus] had been there, but it was blocking traffic on 15th. Then a cop that was dispatched to direct traffic blocked one lane on Columbia with his car. Not sure why. Maybe so the drivers on Columbia Rd would suffer as much as those on 15th.

"Why" was a bus making a turn there!?!
Seems Metro--or its operators--are making turns onto and/or using streets that they've never used before.
I.E. buses never used 15th Street, NW or Florida Avenue, NW*.
*: Jogger struck when bus turned on to Florida at Conn...
>>As we know, the S9 runs up 16th - so why it was attempting to turn off of Columbia Road,<<
For those who don't know, or can't tell from the images, the bus is turning north on 15th from west-bound Columbia Road. Which means, for whatever reason(s), it was coming from the direction of 14th Street...
So, "why" was an S-9 anywhere other than on 16th Street?
what's that bus even DOING there?
someone's gonna get jetered right in the tuckus
Anonymous @ 11:04 wrote:
"Seems Metro--or its operators--are making turns onto and/or using streets that they've never used before."
This is wrong. The H8 makes that exact turn (going west on Columbia, turning right onto 15th St.) It's actually a pretty tough turn to make when there's traffic - the bus has to go into the left lane and then turn right across the right lane in order to make it and avoid hitting the car that's parked in that photo.
No idea why the S9 was there though...
>>The H8 makes that exact turn (going west on Columbia, turning right onto 15th St.)<<
1) The "H8" is usually 'the short bus'
2) It may turn for all of a 1.5 blocks; but buses d not run on the rest of 15th.
3) The "H8" routing is not necessarily all that 'brilliant'
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