FloeDezzy I've been off-loaded on 2 trains so far this morning. Thank God my job doesn't depend on punctuality. #Wmata #fail
capitolization Same train sitting in Union Station for 15 mins #metrofail
colinschmitt Walking from union to metro center...its that bad...and I am not alone #wmata
lyceumDC another brilliant wmata morning...ugh #metrofail
BustersDad Thanks metro for charging me for today's half commute that took four times the usual 20 minutes -- way to encourage loyalty! #wmata
mistcat Another joyful morning spent on the red line, thanks wmata! #fail
mazzie #wmata: Problem now resolved at Metro Center. Metro Center station reopening, trains returning to normal.// so, surly and unreliable, then?
hersch This morning is making a run for worst @wmata red line delay I've ever had. Delayed by one hour so far and still a ways to go...
@kevsung The only "explosion" on the Metro would be its facade of being an elite mass transit model going "poof." #wmata
wavybend @zentaratea I was surprised by how far downhill it's gone over the past 5 years! I once was proud of the dc metro
kandriulli being stuck underground for 45 minutes is always a nice way to start your day #metrofail
quatrechords maybe metro ridership has decreased in part bcuz metro can't seem to fix what's broken. what are they spending money on? #dcmetro #wmata
dbarryjackson Metro on fire. Every cab full. Great day for a walk. A 4 mile walk. #metrosucks
nmkurokawa Dear Metro: it's ok that Metro Center's on fire. Walking from c-town to dupont to catch a train = good exercise. #metrosucks
SydVyshous 8:57 AM Silver Spring>RI Avenue>Ft. Totten>Gallery Place>Dupont Circle 10:19 AM = FAIL! Metro Red Line - Late again!! #wmata #unsuckdcmetro
tzfoley Set to the tune of "Smoke on the water": Smoooke in the tunnel, the metro really sucks! #metrofail yet again
zdislaw Brake shoes dropping off the train and starting fires? I may have to quit Metro altogether. #wmata
yaymaggiemay Ha! Favorite comment of the day: "WMATA is like armageddon- you know the end is coming, you just don't know when." oh red line...
There were many, many more.
I don't tweet, but it took me 2 hours to get form Wheaton to Farragut North. Got on metro at 8:35. At 8:50 we offloaded at Rhode Island Ave. After 20 or 30 minutes I was about to leave for a bus when they announced trains running again, but single tracking. A train arrived and took us to Union Station! Yeah! Success! After nearly 30 minutes of sitting at Union Station, I gave up and took the Circulator around 10am. Why can't they just TELL US that no trains will move through the site of the explosion for 60 minutes!? I wouldn't have been 90 minutes late for work! The driver told me we were to be the first car through the site, but after such a long wait she was just as frustrated. They were NOT single tracking. NO trains were moving at least as of 10am.
I've been using metro for years and put up with much, always thinking 'it'll get better, this is a phase." now i'm convinced it's not. here's to lower gas prices.
Are you kidding me? Now we have pieces falling off of trains and causing explosions? How is it Catoe still has a job when this sort of thing is happening? Seems like every week things get worse and worse!
Don't forget that with all of this happening they are still planning to spend $500,000 on a contractor to try to figure out a way to make money off of their route data, which should be public information since our tax dollars and post-tax dollars (farecards) pay Metro. That data is public property and should be available to everyone. They should sign with Google Transit and get it over with and move on. Instead they'll waste that $500,000 when they should be protecting riders from situations like this.
But Catoe is competent and deserved a three year extension of his contract. And the trains run on time all the time.
Hmm shoe collectors that don't fall off and cause delays for thousands or gay police tricycles? You decide.
I cannot decide until I know... do I get to ride the tricycles too? HuH? Do I? Do I?
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