Ever noticed how often there are train malfunctions to start off rush hours?
A very reliable Metro source shed some light as to why that happens.
Apparently, a rail yard like West Falls Church is expected to have and report a certain number of cars ready for revenue service each morning. With West Falls, it's 144 cars, the source said.
The source said that a lot of times, just before the trains are set to roll out for revenue, a train might call the tower and report, for example, a last-minute propulsion problem with one or more of the cars.
According to the source, the yard will--incredibly--OK that train to go out for revenue just so West Falls (or any of the other yards) can make its morning number to report to downtown.
"The tower will say 'call it in when you get to East Falls Church,'" the source said. "Once it goes on the mainline, it's not [the yard's] problem any more."
Then, the source said, "the sh*t goes down; that's why you get trains going down very first thing in the morning."
"Metro is a kingdom, and there are all these little fiefdoms. You all live under the king, but [your fiefdom] is your domain. You collect taxes. You rule that area. You don't come in my area. I don't come into yours. Nobody cares about the final result. It isn't about making sure everything runs the best it can. It's all about [making sure] the blame doesn't come back on you. There's no 'this is what we're trying to achieve.' They're trying to achieve something different from what the guys downtown are. This place is about screwing over someone else. Sarles and these guys are insulated from this."Other items:
Dan Stessel comes across really well in this piece on sexual harassment (WUSA)
Dust at Court House "likely" or "probably" concrete dust
Metro is failing at social media (The Shortest Road)
@VeggieTart · 682 weeks ago
Can we please beat the people who designed the system without redundant tracks? And maybe the people who didn't want to fund a system to not have redundant tracks?
tired of metro · 682 weeks ago
Imagine a line with three tracks, one extra to run a train on for times when single-tracking would normally be in effect, or times when a down train is dogging it back to the station. A minor problem like a stuck door ends up delaying the system for 10-20 minutes. There are pocket tracks, but they're clearly not effective enough.
But hey, let's build the Silver Line!!!
@ChrisHowdy · 682 weeks ago
@teganann · 679 weeks ago
John · 682 weeks ago
In other news... How bout Dan Stessels gaffe???
former employee · 682 weeks ago
guest · 682 weeks ago
i also noted they didn't address the issue of sexual harassment BY WMATA EMPLOYEES.
Guest · 682 weeks ago
He thinks it's ok to not be diverse but spend thousands of dollars on "Diversity Training". What a joke! Metro is not diverse. Metro is segregated.
Operations is 99% African Americans.
Dezlboy · 682 weeks ago
If someone feels harassed, they should bring it to the attention of Metro Transit One person's harassment is another person's flirting.
If someone feels harassed, they should bring it to the attention of Metro Transit Police and we will follow up," said Metro Spokesman Dan Stessel.
Per concrete dust "it's not harmful". ER, tell that to 9/11 first responders suffering serious lung disease.
anon · 682 weeks ago
ER, not always. You're thinking of unwanted flirting. Know the difference.
dezlboy · 682 weeks ago
I know the difference. Duh?
former employee · 682 weeks ago
Guest · 682 weeks ago
Ex Metro · 682 weeks ago
Guest2 · 682 weeks ago
Elizabeth · 682 weeks ago