From Tom M.:
I would guess the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) would consider an immediate cease and desist order on WMATA once they measured the particulate levels in the air at Farragut North in the morning these days and compared them to occupational and health standards.Other items:
The dust is thick from the construction work overhead.
Concrete is a horrible dust generator when you're working with it, particularly cutting it.
They've been working and cutting for months.
The dust is too thick, and it is generally dry and "uncontrolled." That means traffic from passengers, and more importantly, the wind generated by the moving trains keeps the particulates constantly in circulation where human lungs, bodies, clothes, etc. can serve as "filters" for WMATA.
I work in the hard rock mining industry. I know a good deal about health and safety standards. I've been in plenty of mine shafts and been adjacent to plenty of working faces. I don't have the instruments to measure this in DC, but at Farragut North, it is the Metro riders who are getting the shaft.
Why doesn't a crack cleaning crew address this mess AFTER overnight work and BEFORE daily operations begin?
Granted, passengers have far less "dwell" time in the station than a miner has in a shift below, but with the ongoing and glacial pace of the work, WMATA is neglecting to clean up the dust to cut the unnecessary dose of it we're getting in the morning on "doors opening."
Metro spending $51 million on consultants (Examiner)
Metro board member consults for consultants (Examiner)
Ever n Anon · 684 weeks ago
Arnaud · 684 weeks ago
Green Line Rider · 684 weeks ago
Taylor · 684 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 684 weeks ago
Welcome back, Unsuck. We missed you.
walter · 684 weeks ago
Anony Mouse · 684 weeks ago
As for the dust at at Farragut North...knowing WMATA, they'll spend $100,000 doing a study of study of what they should do to clear the dust from air. And then they won't do anything about it.
DC Denizen · 684 weeks ago
Just in case anyone wants to order one... http://www.magellans.com/store/Health___Hygiene__...
Kara · 684 weeks ago
Also, welcome back unsuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calabria · 684 weeks ago
Anon · 684 weeks ago
guest · 684 weeks ago
Anti-TB Guy · 684 weeks ago
They don't call it the "Oversight Committee" for nothing:
o·ver·sight [oh-ver-sahyt] noun
1. an omission or error due to carelessness: My bank statement is full of oversights.
2. unintentional failure to notice or consider; lack of proper attention: Owing to my oversight, the letter was sent unsigned.
3. supervision; watchful care: a person responsible for the oversight of the organization.
1, 2. mistake, blunder, slip. 2. lapse, neglect, inattention. 3. management, direction, control; surveillance.
P.S. Welcome back, Unsuck. Hope you had a great va-cay... You were missed!
UnSuck Fan · 684 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 684 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 684 weeks ago
Guest · 684 weeks ago
Maybe the Wash Post or Examiner can find out how much overtime pay these track workers are scooping up on the Rail repair week after week!
washingtondcmetro 20p · 683 weeks ago
WRT calling OSHA as someone suggested, Metro is "The 51st State" and OSHA and most other agencies do not have jurisdiction on Metro property. They can make 'suggestions' or 'recommendations' but that's all.