Can you believe we riders fund Metro's ham-fisted, arrogant, super expensive and insulting PR/Marketing staff with their endless antics?
First, there was the "no Metro" report, an utter waste of every penny that was spent on it.
Then, there was Stesselgate ("One person's harassment is another person's flirting." ), which he still hasn't elaborated upon, as he said he would.
I mean how moronic can these six-figure salary types be?
But even worse is this new survey in which Metro ostensibly "asks customers for their thoughts in prioritizing services that support Metro's day-to-day rail, bus and MetroAccess services, as well as ways to fund Metro and new fare options under consideration."
My B.S. meter went red when I saw this question:
Which would you prefer?Say what? Like the "no Metro study," this false choice tells me this survey is an utter farce.
*Metro should maintain its accelerated construction schedule to finish as soon as possible.
*Metro should slow down even at the risk that there may be more breakdowns and disruptions.
Still, I had to confirm my doubts.
I showed this survey to an acquaintance who does polling for a living. While they didn't have time to give me an in-depth analysis, they did say the following:
It's a very obvious push poll. Useable input from customers is not the goal here as every possible answer is clearly steered in one direction, and there are no chances for further elaboration. I would guess most of the data collected--if it really is--will be used for internal rationalization and politicking. It's a charade as an outreach tool.Ouch.
After that, I checked with a Metro "insider" (their term).
According to them, the survey is completely a PR product and was done by Alison Simon, Director of Customer Research, who works directly for Barbara Richardson, Assistant General Manager for Customer Service, Communications and Marketing. She is Dan Stessel's boss and another Sarles crony.
According to the source, Simon is "Richardson's hire and likes to spend $$$$. She's your new Mystery Rider Girl!" (another $252,000 for starters)
Great! The past mystery rider program made all the difference in the world!
The source did not know the amount spent on this survey, but the worthless "no Metro" PR stunt cost $200,000 of YOUR MONEY.
About the survey, the source said the following:
The survey is set up to give only the alternatives that Metro finds acceptable so that they can say to the board, look here's what the public said! But, there is no place for [customers] to say cut the contractors, improve efficiencies, fire the flack!When pressed for an example, the source said that in the future, Metro could use the survey data to tell the Metro board something to the effect of "according to the survey customers rated transit police higher than clean rail cars."
There's only one open-ended question.
Will it be weighted more heavily than the public hearings? Will there be a flood of response?
It will be tabulated and spun to the outcome Metro desires.
Ranking what should be Metro's core competencies--sufficient police presence and clean cars, safety, on time performance, for example-- should NOT be something put up for a public vote or ranking.
These are all things Metro should do well no matter what, and anything outside them should be looked at for savings. Metro has a LOT of highly paid "experts" who are supposed to allocate funds so that we have a decent mass transit system here in the DC area. Just because they can't doesn't mean Metro can shirk the task off to the public.
Metro should be ashamed to even have asked the public to rank the crucial and vital jobs Metro is supposed to do well--and doesn't--at all.
Spare us your expensive marketing surveys and get on with running the subway and the buses!
If you want to let Metro know what you think, go to a public hearing. Of course, Metro's PR geniuses forgot to say what time these hearings will start.
Another take
Another take
Other items:
Riders complain about sexual harassment on Metro (Fox)
anon · 682 weeks ago
F'n JD · 682 weeks ago
Stephen Smith · 682 weeks ago
Green Rider · 682 weeks ago
@yatesc · 682 weeks ago
More is More · 682 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 682 weeks ago
I don't think relativity applies on this one. Thinking it does is so... absurd.
Ever and Anon · 682 weeks ago
Johnny99 · 682 weeks ago
Anon · 682 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 682 weeks ago
John · 682 weeks ago
Also, there was one spot where you could actually write in. I used that spot to voice my various complaints regarding Metro's budget. Other than that, the survey could be printed out and used as TP.
Stessel is a dunce. I can't believe he had that kind of gaffe and then tried to say he would justify it later, and then never did. They definitely need house cleaning in the PR department, they are the worst, especially Stessel. His whole 1st week of trying to be helpful set him up for a long fall once he truly assumed the role of Sarles lackey.
That quote was just idiotic. A sophomore majoring in PR at a community college would know better than to say something like that....
John · 682 weeks ago
red line · 682 weeks ago
Kevin · 682 weeks ago
Which would you prefer?
*Metro should raise its fares – again – in order to pay for the preventative maintenance on the system that it should have been doing all along.
*Metro should periodically electrocute its riders with cattle prods.
Elizabeth · 682 weeks ago
Guest · 682 weeks ago
guest2 · 682 weeks ago
DC may be Hollywood for ugly people but that doesn't mean the ugly people are smart.
Beauty in DC · 682 weeks ago
No seriously.
16 Cents · 682 weeks ago
It's a trick question. A way for Metro to hire more people who do nothing without increasing safety.
Andrew · 682 weeks ago
Where do I go to get my money back?
UnSuck Fan · 682 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 682 weeks ago
Select from the choices below:
Is Metro a) an essential time-saving commuter option, b) a quick and easy way to get around the greater Washington area, c) a critical part of our city's infrastructure, or d) all of the above?
Please, no write-in responses.
@VeggieTart · 682 weeks ago
Arnaud · 682 weeks ago
John · 682 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 682 weeks ago
Just sayin'
DC Denizen · 682 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 682 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 682 weeks ago
watchdogmyass · 682 weeks ago
Jen · 682 weeks ago
Then, I received the email about the budget survey guiding me to the wmata website -http://www.wmata.com/about_metro/news/PressReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=4368. Unless I am missreading the webpage, one would assume that Metro is open to people filing out the survey. But they are wrong! I have tried it yesterday and three times this morning, all I get is this message - "The survey is no longer accepting access" -http://survey.wbanda.com/budgetsurvey/. I guess the best way for Metro to get what it wants - raising fares (at least until no one can afford to ride Metro anymore) is to create fake surveys.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 682 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 682 weeks ago
But then I would have to admit that the hundreds of people I see in the station every day aren't figments of my imagination.
michael · 682 weeks ago
dezlboy · 682 weeks ago
guest · 682 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 682 weeks ago
Guest · 682 weeks ago
Arnaud · 682 weeks ago
Anti-TB Guy · 682 weeks ago
Anyone who testifies at the public hearings should make a point to discredit the "survey" when they get the chance. This kind of shameless PR foolishness needs to be called out publicly.
BTW, I wonder if the $252,000 Mystery Riders program is only allowed to submit their findings on similarly slanted "survey" forms? ;-)
P.S. If you can't make it to the public hearings:
From http://wmata.com/about_metro/news/PressReleaseDet...
How to submit written comments
Written statements and exhibits may be sent to the Office of the Secretary, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 600 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001, or e-mailed to writtentestimony@wmata.com. Statements also may be faxed to 202-962-1133. Please reference the hearing number. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 12. Please note that any personal information such as name, e-mail address, address, or telephone number you provide in the statement may be releasable to the public under the WMATA Public Access to Records Policy.
RedLineSurprise · 682 weeks ago
Anti-TB Guy · 682 weeks ago
BART.gov (Bay Area Rapid Transit) is fielding a survey of their own right now: http://www.research.bart.gov/se.ashx?s=6011868E54...