So WMATA paid $200,000 for a """"study,"""" the crux of which was to imagine what the DC area would be like if there wasn't a Metro!
Predictably, since this was done as a PR stunt by those ridiculously overcompensated PR peeps (all Sarles' cronies) who want more money for Metro, the conclusion was, of course, that the DC area would be a traffic hell hole (unlike now) and that huge swaths of downtown would be grim, paved parking lots--if Metro never existed.
Big if.
There are lots of opinions about how much mass transit should be funded, but Metro doesn't help the discussion be presenting a false choice like this. It's a pointless, counterfactual exercise. It's the Drake equation of mass transit, full of unprovable conjecture, aka BS.
Because there is a Metro (sort of), and even you folks along the Red Line have half a Metro half the time.
What I want to see is an independent study on what the region would be like if the existing Metro was better and worked like a real, live grown up mass transit system. Or, on the downer side, how much Metro's sucking retards the normal benefits one would associate with robust, functional mass transit.
Metro's doomsday "argument" is the same kind of thinking one finds in the "you're either with us, or you're against us" proposition. It's terrible, nonconstructive, black-or-white thinking with the added bonus of a not-so-veiled threat.
There is an argument for transit, but this is not how you make it.
Sadly, the PR stunt seems to have worked on some and here. Sure, they caveat their articles to a degree, but they basically repeat Metro's ridiculous, random, plucked-from-a-nightmare scenario, which is designed to propel this sort of insidious meme (repeated by many on twitter):
or thisIt's a Wonderful #Wmata Life theatlanticcities.com/commute/2011/1… Metro has its problems (like Clarendon, wkend delays), but DC life would suck w/out it
It's like Metro is a surly, abusive husband in a spaghetti stained tank top slouching in the glow of a TV set in some dingy apartment drinking too much beer and telling his downtrodden wife how lucky she is to have him.Everyone occasionally gets angry at #Metro, but imagine what the #DC region would look like without @wmata: theatlanticcities.com/commute/2011/1…
Hey Metro, try a little charm for crying out loud.
Instead of telling us how much it would suck in a completely made up "without you" scenario, try to step up the service you ostensibly already provide because right now, it sorta sucks to be with you.
Footnote: Why is only the executive summary available to the public? We paid for the whole thing!
Other items:
Loose floor tiles close Clarendon station (ARLnow.com)
A good report on how WMATA governance should change
guest · 692 weeks ago
· 692 weeks ago
They're accountable to no one. I want my 16 cents back.
Right? · 692 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 692 weeks ago
I have to wonder if anyone in the upper echolons of Metro uses transit systems in other cities to see how they work, what works, what doesn't, and so on. And if so, do they take any lessons from it beyond, nah, that wouldn't work here because of X, Y, and Z? I've ridden the NYC subway many times when I visit (and I love it), and I think, why can't Metro sell more advertising (this coming from someone who hates the commercialization of everything, but if it prevents another fare increase, I'll take it), use technology like in NYC subway cars, and other things that *might* work.
What am I talking about? Metro management barely uses the transit system they ostensibly run,much less transit systems in another city.
ANONYMOUS · 692 weeks ago
The more you know... · 692 weeks ago
Jim · 692 weeks ago
nick · 692 weeks ago
Howzabout a 200k study on improvement to downtown, and better access to the suburbs, if an additional tunnel was made for the blue line through downtown (or the green or yellow line)? We know it would be really difficult to get downtown if metro wasn't there. That doesn't take a study to prove. Maybe a study showing that things could be BETTER if metro got a federal grant or something would maybe help us out...
DC Denizen · 692 weeks ago
Red Line · 692 weeks ago
BradK · 692 weeks ago
Their response: "See what you awful riders" (note they wouldn't say customers) "are doing to our system? It runs fine when there aren't people!"
ummm · 692 weeks ago
AvgJoeDC · 692 weeks ago
Kara · 692 weeks ago
Radner · 692 weeks ago
John · 692 weeks ago
Radner · 692 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 692 weeks ago
Ben · 692 weeks ago
I would also add that there's nothing preventing a private company from stepping up now and bringing plans and ideas on how to improve the region's transportation. Thus far, all i've seen are HOT lanes and toll roads, so color me unconvinced that a private entity would be any more capable of delivering service at a reasonable cost than a public system is.
hrh king friday 13 · 692 weeks ago
Would you be willing to be colored "informed" by a Metro study or a WMATA RFP for transitioning into a privatized or public-privatized partnership? I think it would be naive to expect a private company to waste money (unllike Metro) on plotting out such a proposal without some indication that the system is obtainable.
anon · 692 weeks ago
former employee · 692 weeks ago
F'n JD · 692 weeks ago
Matt G · 692 weeks ago
former employee · 692 weeks ago
John · 692 weeks ago
Gray Area · 692 weeks ago
John · 692 weeks ago
ANONYMOUS · 692 weeks ago
Jamie · 692 weeks ago
inDCent · 692 weeks ago
Anon · 692 weeks ago
Darn right. What about FOIA/Public Access to Records? And can you get documents related to what they told these guys to study and why?
John · 692 weeks ago
Seriously, all the NTSB can do is give them SUGGESTIONS and guidelines...
former employee · 692 weeks ago
Anon · 692 weeks ago
John · 692 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 692 weeks ago
Imagine if Jet Blue spent a federal grant to show to argue that, hey, if we didn't keep people stranded on the tarmac for over 8 hours, then they'd have to spen days WALKING to thier destination. Yes, Stessy, IT'S LIKE THAT. And I want my money back.
danstiller · 692 weeks ago
John · 692 weeks ago
Maybe we can draft one to fire Dan Stessel, Sarles, David Lacosse, and Jackie Jeter. I think its needed.
Occupy WMATA headquarters?
SammyDC · 692 weeks ago
Kara · 692 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 692 weeks ago
You DO exist! Come back to reality and FIX THE DAMN THING ONCE AND FOR ALL!!
@savemetro · 692 weeks ago
@savemetro · 692 weeks ago
Ben · 692 weeks ago
Anonerly · 692 weeks ago
Kara · 692 weeks ago
Thanks for nothing · 692 weeks ago
I've ridden many different subway systems and never have I heard of it taking 30 minutes to clear or reroute around one broken down train. Ridiculous. I'm going to seriously contemplate saying "adios" to metro tonight, but looking at just the past month's worth of BS and delays I don't see any reason why I should continue to ride/wait/sit/lurch/jerk/etc this system.
Kara · 692 weeks ago
Okay, so metro drops the ball on transportation, we know that. Is it to much to ask that they at least communicate?
Anti-TB Guy · 692 weeks ago
MANY THANKS to whoever writes this stuff -- I got a good belly laugh out of that! ;-)