Monday, January 30, 2012

"Everyone was Aware Money was Going Out the Door"

Three Metro sources recently gave me insight into how Horace Dexter McDade, a revenue technician, and John Vincent Haile, a Metro cop, were allegedly able to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from Metro's revenue stream over years, possibly as far back as 2008.

The first factor, of course, was incompetence. This is Metro, after all.

According to a retired Metro Transit Police officer, Metro knew fare money was regularly being stolen at least two years ago and probably more, despite saying in a press release that an investigation was started last October.

The officer said they reported patterns of missing money to a deputy police chief at least two years ago. They said they told the deputy chief that the missing money correlated with "certain individuals."

The officer's concern triggered an internal investigation, which apparently bore no fruit.

Another retired Metro cop said the investigation was a case of "Metro chasing their tails" despite periodic reports from the investigators that money was still "walking out of Metro" in large amounts.

This retired officer said there was a correlation between McDade and Haile working together and missing funds. Despite numerous people knowing this, the correlation appears to have been either ignored or missed by Metro's own investigators.

The retired officer said another major factor was that the person in charge of the revenue facility, the assistant treasurer of revenue operations, was also incompetent and had completely demoralized his subordinates.

Rather than focusing on regularly missing cash--something most of his subordinates knew about--"the captain of the ship was asleep at the wheel and more concerned with petty offenses such as cell phone violations," they said.

"Everyone [in the revenue building] was aware there was money going out the door," said the source. "I couldn't believe it."

The big break in the case came when a store clerk, annoyed by and suspicious of Haile for buying so many lottery tickets with big bags of coins, alerted the FBI, which quickly discovered what was going on.

In typical Metro fashion, the assistant treasurer, someone fundamentally responsible for the safekeeping of Metro's cash, was escorted out of the revenue building and is now "holed up" in the Jackson Graham Building (Metro HQ) where they'll be allowed to "quietly retire with a full pension," one source said.

Another contributing factor to the long-term theft was a change in policing policy by the Metro Transit Police Department.

According to two sources, there was a reduction in the number of Metro Transit Police officers assigned to what is called "revenue escort" duty, which means escorting the revenue technicians, the people who take the money from the fare machines to the revenue building.

"Exact numbers I’m not sure of, but [MTPD police chief Michael Taborn] changed the system they had been using for years," said one source familiar with how the MTPD operates.

This, other sources said, made it easier for McDade and Haile to work together, whereas before the personnel shift, it would have been more difficult for cops and revenue techs to establish the kind of relationship that could lead to a conspiracy to rob Metro blind.

"The dirty cop would switch shifts to work with the revenue tech," said one source.

Lastly to blame is the archaic system Metro has for handling large amounts of cash.

A source very familiar with how Metro handles money confirmed information in this post that too many people have access to the money (the "chain of custody"), that Metro's system of handling the money is archaic and that Metro seems to accept that a certain amount of money will be lost or stolen.

They were hesitant to get into specifics because "if you worked at a bank, you wouldn't want to give that kind of information out."

They did say that when a fare machine is serviced by a revenue technician, an electronic report is generated, which contains information about how much money that machine took in.

That technology then meets Metro's byzantine accounting system where it's all "paper and pencil," the source said.

"There's just so many machines out there," they said. "It's information overload, and there are thefts that go on daily that aren't reported."

That source said Metro's hiring of forensic accountants, from Deloitte, in the aftermath "is going to cost big bucks."

Note: I am on vacation and without regular email access. There may be a delay in your comments getting published. They will be, eventually.

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No Veggie Tart- Metro has to pay the 10,000 employees their 9% raise due to the Jeters appealing the contract.

I heard a rumor Mr Sarles wanted out.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 686 weeks ago

So bascially the perps knew that the stolen money was traceable but also understood Metro management well enough as lazy/incompetent that they wouldn't do anything about it.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Right hrh- No oversight for anything much at metro
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 686 weeks ago

Clearly, "see something, say something" does NOT work on ANY level at WMATA!
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Transit Police is told to cover up in-house theft at the Bus Division in VA
if the change to the policing policy was a cost-cutting move, it's somewhat comical that it resulted in this theft. granted, these two bozos were caught, but they were not by Metro -- it was a retail clerk who got tired of counting quarters.

the amount stolen here was a bit brazen. how easily could a cop/tech due take a bag or two every so often without anyone ever noticing or caring?
Mr. Unsuck... putting together awesome articles even while on vacation... you sir are a scholar and a gentleman...
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
DevotedFan's avatar

DevotedFan · 684 weeks ago

Mr Unsuck is truly 'one of a kind' and I admire his work.
Catoe flew; Sarles and Jeter and Revenue Management knew! Turk 182!
4 replies · active 686 weeks ago
Have we figured this out yet?
Reference to a movie called "Turk 182!" more info here:
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 686 weeks ago

Hey Turk,

Turk 182! is a terrible, not to mention rather dated, movie. I'm pretty sure it's one that Timothy Hutton leaves off his resume. Just sayin'.
Lotsa current parallels, just sayin....
I'm trying to think of a situation where money is collected without a daily audit and accountability taking place... I just can't, it does not happen this way in the real world.

If your register is $1 short you have to explain why this is so, and probably make up for it. If your register is $100 short every day for two years you should be in prison.

The fact that it's done by paper and pencil makes no difference, someone had to keep track of the discrepancies. It really was that simple to steal and get away with it? People knew yet did nothing? It took a store clerk and the FBI to bust two moronic criminals stealing bags of coins and tossing them under a bridge?

Jesus, if I wasn't a person of good conscience I would get a job with metro, pretty sure I could outwit the nitwits in charge of that nuthouse for a few $mil.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
If you know the records of the managers I know PO'd you would not be surprised.
metro promotes those who hid, follows their agenda and lie for management. Ask Jeter-she knows.
russell.j.coller.jr's avatar

russell.j.coller.jr · 686 weeks ago

...and the PUNCH-LINE: the 'Officer' was a Lotto fiend. He was taken down by the... 7-11 dude whom the 'Officer' annoyed by buying lotto tickets with nickels & quarters. If you have worked retail or in a restaurant, you KNOW THE TYPE of customer by SIGHT & by smell.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 686 weeks ago

Here's a question for Metro: Why don't you clean house before raising our fares? You're passing the cost of your own incompetence on to your customers.

I, for one, would love to find a way to force WMATA to reckon with with its customers and deal with us, the riding public, directly. Anyone have any ideas?

I'd love to start an early morning carpool from Alexandria. Maybe if a few of us band together, we can ditch Metro completely, or at least for a couple of days a week.
the only reason that I can assimilate this into my reality is that the guys got caught because off the store clerk and not anyone at metro.
First, METRO ought to hand a $5k reward to the guy who reported this to the cops. I doubt that they'd ever want to encourage the public to go after their folks though. Second, I would hire an outside audit agency to routinely do a 100 percent check over different parts of METRO...but again, I doubt that METRO wants anyone outside of the agency checking things like this. Third and final, I suspect that these guys had learned the tricks of the trade from someone else who had done this for a decade or so, and just retired.
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 686 weeks ago

WMATA Voiceover Lady: "Hey, is that your bag...of stolen coins?"
McDade & Haile: "Why, yes, it is! Thank you! We were just on our way to Anacostia to buy lottery tickets!"

IDIOTS. Stupidest embezzlement scheme ever.
2 replies · active 685 weeks ago
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 685 weeks ago

Yeah, but look how long they got away with it.
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 685 weeks ago

Very true...just goes to show that Metro management is even lamer than the crooks that steal from them.
Many thanks to you and your sources. This is great reporting and I appreciate your services. I hope your sources keep up the good work and more brave souls come forward to unravel what an injustice and an embarrassment Metro really is. Maybe this will finally promote some change? One can hope!
Keep voting for democrats and the unions will still be in power, keeping thieves like these guys employed!
Never will Metro change until the managers are replaced with ethical leaders.
Where are you guys? :(
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Oh, vacation. I kin reed.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 684 weeks ago

Sarles gave an interview yesterday (Feb 7, in which he stated that he rides Metro "six 6 days a week, like most riders do." His mantra throughout this interview is that the problems are all due to bad maintenance throughout the years (Wow! Just like [insert the name of any politician here]!)

He gave some interesting stats (90% of escalators functioning at any given time now, replacing 18-20,000 ties a year). He also said, in reference to the recent thefts, "We're looking into that."

Any way to follow up in 4 weeks to see what % of elevators have been replaced, what checks have been put into place to prevent theft, and how many ties have been replaced?
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 684 weeks ago

Oops. Meant escalators repaired/running.
Bye Bye Metro! I drove to work today and it was less time and money and A FAR BETTER EXPERIENCE! !
4 replies · active 684 weeks ago
No more getting sucker punched in the face at the parking garage in the crazy downtown Silver Spring area with a high crime rate. No more having to pay the meters (with just increased rates) just to park at a garage by the metro, or have to wait for a bus and sit next to rude and disgusting people that ride it (not all... but a lot of riders are just too rude and disgusting for me to deal with - masturbating in the back, smelly and unbathed, or with screaming and unruly kids, etc.). No more walking past the crazy cabbie street, or past the construction, or past the beggars outside Silver Spring metro.
No more dealing with surly metro employees and station managers who don't give a damn about helping you. No more paying a still expensive "off peak" fare for trains that are just as crowded and crazy as peak hours, and with hardly any place to sit down. No more dealing with the rude and obnoxious people on the metro, like the ones screaming on their cell phones or playing their music so loud that you can hear it through their headphones seats away. No more dealing with broken down escalators and having to walk blocks and blocks more as you take nine months or longer to make repairs that should take far less time, and yet still have to pay the same amount of money to be inconvenienced by it all. .... and most of all not having to worry about Metro increasing the damn fares for all of this crappiness.
It normally takes me an hour to an hour and a half to get to and from work when I use metro. Today driving during morning traffic, it took me only a half an hour. I used to pay $9.80 combined to park near a metro and take metro off peak, which would be a total of $12.60 at peak hours, and today I paid only $8 for the parking garage for the whole day. If I used $4 in gas, that would still only cost me $12 and spare me a good hour of my time each and every day.

F-YOU METRO! You and your unionized shit can go down the toilet.
I just did the actual math on my change in commute to work ...
My 2000 Toyota Corola gets about 24 city miles to the gallon. A gallon of 87 oct gas in MD costs about $3.65. Miles to work are about 8.5. My total cost of gas to work is about $2.60 round trip. Plus the $8 parking, makes my total cost to drive to work $10.60. Parking at metro and taking it off peak cost me $9.80 and taking it on peak costs $12.80.
Rumor has it that both thieves are trying to retire and collect their pensions.
2 replies · active 684 weeks ago
former employee's avatar

former employee · 684 weeks ago

I bet the union members will vote to have this shit go to arbitration ASAP while there may be a greivance for unfair labor practice waits years before grievance goes to arbitration.. Union position will be " past practice" this has been going on for years and Metro never done anything.... why now" or "Brother has been an employee for many years" or "Brother is innocent. It was a set up" on and on and on...... Metro lawyers will not be prepared for arbitation and lose...again.
Police officer is in a different union than the revenue technician. I hope if he was terminated he could not apply for the pension. Myself and other officers would not want to pay for a thief's pension. Revenue tech is in the union that rewards bad behavior however.
If they are both convicted of the charges they will have a limited chance for winning an arbitration.
1 reply · active 679 weeks ago
The Top MTPD Officals know about this money being stolen for over 2 plus years . A close source state that MTPD Cheif Taborn stated and weekly staff meeting " Dont Worry it just paper"

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