Dec. 21, 2010 bag checks at Braddock Rd. via @deafinthecity.
From anonymous:
I entered the Bethesda Metro after work the other week. As I came to the bottom of the escalators in a crowd of commuters, a security official caught my eye and waved me over to what I'll call the "TSA table."
I complied although another security person a few paces away made sure to remind me!
Having never seen this setup before, I asked amiably if it had something to do with the election.
One replied (and I later learned) that they've been doing this for awhile.
My bags were swabbed down while I waited. After the swab tested positive in their little machine for possible explosive material, several more security personnel were called over to the table. There must have been five or six security people gathered around me. I'm not sure if all of them were TSA, but all seemed armed.
They somewhat awkwardly swabbed my bags down again, and I was told the dog would check my bag before being escorted to the other side of the tunnel where two officers began asking me whether I'd come in contact with hand sanitizer, etc.
They also began writing down my personal information: name, address, phone, place of employment, job title. One officer asked to see my ID. I told him it was in my bag on the other side of the tunnel where they'd left it, and he laughed embarrassed. "Oh, yeah, everyone says that," he said.
They seemed suspicious when I told them I had an out-of-state area code for my cell phone.
After questioning, I was lead back to the TSA table where the embarrassed officer poked through my bags, then let me go.
The officers had this weird mix of friendliness, awkwardness and scrutiny. The whole ordeal was pretty creepy, especially considering the government's ability to detain citizens indefinitely under the NDAA.
Had I known my rights, I might have had more courage to protest this search. Now I'm just left feeling unnerved by the thought that I've been "flagged" by Big Brother.
Jason · 642 weeks ago
F'n Jd · 642 weeks ago
Guest · 642 weeks ago
swester · 642 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 642 weeks ago
Red Line · 642 weeks ago
Innocent until PROVEN guilty, remember? They shouldn't be detaining people because their crappy technology indicates the possibility of explosive technology, which may also be hand sanitizer residue.
Chris · 636 weeks ago
Nothing, despite shooting hours earlier.
guest · 642 weeks ago
Ever n Anon · 642 weeks ago
anon · 642 weeks ago
SLC · 642 weeks ago
Kara · 642 weeks ago
Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
ID? go to hell. (especially since you are not required to have one in DC)
The TSA has zero legal authority. The only thing they can do is say you can not pass the checkpoint, which arguably gives them authority in fact but no legal standing. Sure, they can ask you stuff .... just like anyone can ask.
Loudoun Commuter · 642 weeks ago
Remember - their only recourse if you refuse to comply with their legally questionable demands is to ask you to leave the Metro system. (And there's nothing that prevents you from using a different entrance if at places like Union Station, or from just walking one stop down and getting on Metro at a different station.)
Matt G · 642 weeks ago
Anon5 · 642 weeks ago
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"
Bottom line is that police cannot search your person, bags, or home without consent, probable cause, or a warrant. Refusing to consent to a search is not grounds for establishing probable cause.
Kara · 642 weeks ago
They like to say they do but they are pretty much on the level of rent-a-cops in that regard. If they lock you in a room or something you can sue.
Jason · 642 weeks ago
Not much of an option at most of the suburban stations
Kaye · 642 weeks ago
Basically, you can't stop them from having you arrested. A court may determine the arrest was illegal/unsubstantiated later, but you can't prevent them from abusing your rights.
guest · 642 weeks ago
OT: dunno if this is a good or bad thing.....
@VeggieTart · 642 weeks ago
IdiotPolice · 642 weeks ago
So if the next attack happens in the metro, you will think back to the time you were being "harrassed". Also TSA does have legal authority. Do your homework people! Its a sad society we live in when you refuse a government official of searching.
Also the dogs are highly trained and do not go off at the smell of multiple dogs.
Taz · 642 weeks ago
Kara · 642 weeks ago
2) Sure, I will be MORE than happy to refuse if I ever run in to them. BTW, I am the person that says 'I opt out' when confronted by a nude-o-scope at airports and stand my ground. Who cares if the brownshirts, umm, TSA think I am 'suspicious'?
3) No, they do not have legal authority. They are there at the invite of the management of the facility (the WMATA) so as such can refuse you entry. The TSA can not detain you or do anything other than call the cops if you leave.
FreeAmerican · 642 weeks ago
Please try to get over your cowering and think for yourself. Allowing your freedom to be hampered does a disservice to yourself, your community, your country, and democracy.
2.Your assumptions about probable cause are incorrect. Even the same entity that would allow random searches has determined that maintaining one of your rights add a citizen is not probable cause.
3. Dogs can be provoked to false alert. Not only that, but the handler determines what an alert looks like--would you or I know the difference between a false alert and a legitimate one? I would not.
Please get over your fears and educate yourself about your rights. Use 'em or lose 'em.
Stan Dessel · 642 weeks ago
You're welcome!
anon · 642 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 642 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 642 weeks ago
Sue · 642 weeks ago
n2deep · 642 weeks ago
The truth · 642 weeks ago
RGG · 642 weeks ago
Seriously. WHAT??!!
Guest · 642 weeks ago
ScruffMcOuch · 642 weeks ago
Kaye · 642 weeks ago
REALLY? It's cold and flu season! I carry hand sanitizer in my bag every day and use it multiple times a day, especially if I have to hold on to the Metro poles without gloves. Hope I can read UnSuck in whatever secret prison they throw me in...
Guest · 641 weeks ago