Thursday, November 8, 2012

$1,818 for Public Information!

From C.S.:
It’s no secret that despite great public puffery to the contrary, Metro remains the very prototype of the closed, Stalinist bureaucracy. But even acknowledging that, Metro’s day-by-day tactics in how it executes its shut-out-the-public strategy can still be stupefying,  as recent events have once again shown.

All of which leads to an Unsuck challenge to Metro’s board of directors. More on that in a moment.

Faithful readers will recall that Unsuck filed three public record requests with Metro for information of vital concern to riders. One was about doors on Metrorail cars, which so often don’t work, throwing trains out of service and regularly delaying many thousands of riders. Another was about the affliction of manual train control, and when the system will return to automatic operation.

The third, to which Metro has finally provided a response, was about safety and reliability issues after Metro began the practice of placing its oldest cars in the middle of trains following the fatal Red Line accident. (Still no responses on the other two.)

We filed that third request in July 2010. Compelling rider interest couldn’t be plainer. Safety issues can get you killed, of course. And there has been long-running concern, reiterated again recently, that “bellying” the older cars is contributing to alarmingly low reliability for Metro trains, which causes all manner of delay.

It was 2 years, and over two months after we filed the request – under a Metro public records policy that requires the agency to repond in no more than 20 working days – that Metro recently delivered up a complete response to our request. After lo those nearly 800 days, here’s how it shakes out:

No urgency: Metro’s records policy allows for expedited consideration of requests,  including for matters for which there is “an urgency to inform the public about an actual or alleged WMATA government activity.” Despite rider deaths and system meltdowns, Metro said there’s nothing urgent about what we wanted, as it denied Unsuck’s request for expedited treatment. The agency also refused to consider an appeal of its denial.

Nothing to see here: Metro’s policy provides a fee waiver if the information sought is “in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations of WMATA and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.” Even though Unsuck, a free public website with no revenue or paid staff, would have distributed the information publicly; even though local news media regularly pick up on items that Unsuck breaks first; and even though Unsuck provides the most regular, critical coverage of Metro (no brag, just fact) of anyone in Washington, Metro said it could not determine whether the records sought would be disseminated in a way that will contribute to public understanding. (In turning thumbs down, Metro had insisted on independent evaluation of how many hits the Unsuck site receives, even though the agency’s records policy has no such provision. The agency also cited shaky case law to support its position.)

Just pay up: After denying any urgency, and refusing to provide any fee relief, Metro nevertheless deigned to say it would be willing to fulfill the request – just send a certified check or money order for $1,818.

So, folks, that’s the ground game – how Metro puts on its fantasy goggles and twists its own procedures to keep things close to the vest.

So, if as a long-suffering rider, you might like some information about the safety or reliability of the trains you’re riding, not only doesn’t Metro think that’s important, but it also wants to hold you up for the privilege. Metro is willing to spend hundreds of thousands of  dollars of your money to roll out things like its “Forward” or “Rush+” propaganda campaigns. But if you want to learn about things that could kill you, or that regularly delay your travel, sometimes for hours, then you’ve got to pay extortion to the same outfit that creates the problems.

All of which leads to the Metro directors challenge.

Plainly, the Metro staff, headed by cloaker-in-chief Richard Sarles, is out of control (on this and so many things) and will do what it wants. That leaves only the board.

Unsuck will now provide all the details of this request to each of Metro’s directors. We’ll ask them to stick up for the riders they represent. We’ll ask them to request in their own name, under authority of their position as director, the exact same material that Unsuck has sought, and to provide it to Unsuck if they get it.

We’ll see if even one director has the guts to step forward. (It’s worth noting, even though some directors don’t seem to understand, that the Metro staff works for the board, and not the other way around.)

And we’ll name names and let you know the results.

Also by C.S.

Other items:
Interesting article on Metro's legal status (Maryland injury Lawyer)

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Sounds a lot like our gov't.
1 reply · active 644 weeks ago
This isn't our government - WMATA thinks they're above any government. Honey badger don't give a shit.
Your lack of understanding of why metro doesn't cooperate you is like Rupert Murdoch being shocked that Democrats are reluctant to appear on his network. It speaks volumes that you write a post complaining about how they don't respond to what you consider urgent information (You have not sufficiently explained why it's urgent to me at least, vague safety assertions are not enough) instead of writing about what information you actually obtained. You are the Rush Limbaugh of transit. Drop your obvious bias and simmering rage and maybe you'll be more productive. News is supposed to be objective.
26 replies · active 643 weeks ago
You're funny. Write a post about how this is the "Rush Limbaugh of transit." I'll run that!!

Oh, and last I checked Freedom of Information is not determined by whether or not the news source is "friendly." Kind of defeats the spirit. It's PUBLIC information anyone should have the right to.

Here are Metro's specific policies. I don't see anything about what you're talking about.


Sure, next time I have free time I'll do that. Like I said below, obviously FOAA requests shouldn't be based on if you're friendly or not. But WMATA employees aren't robots and, much like I imagine a Treasury employee would take a Limbaugh request for information on Dodd-Frank, because of your history of non-objective reporting, your goals for what you will do with the information should certainly be subject to scrutiny.
The Anti-TB Guy's avatar

The Anti-TB Guy · 644 weeks ago

Written in the pre-Sarles/Stessel days: "It is the policy of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) to make official public records, including electronic records, available to the public for inspection and copying to the greatest extent possible unless exempted from disclosure by a provision herein.... WMATA’s disclosable records will be made available at the earliest feasible time and to the fullest extent permissible."
POLICY/INSTRUCTION 9.3/0, 5/19/2005

Keep up the great work, Unsuck. We're rooting for you (and for train safety for everybody).
Mariterri's avatar

Mariterri · 644 weeks ago

Spataps, I am sorry but your lack of understanding concerning this website is profound. I look to this site to INFORM me about the issues and problems that we face as metro patrons. When there is something good to report, I think Unsuckdcmetro does a good job of broadcasting that as well. Since this site may be an UNOFFICIAL public forum and is NOT an official news site, I do not look for completely objective news, although I think Unsuck does a very good job of objective commentary. When people are killed and this site tries to do more in-depth investigation than even WaPo will perform, then I do not see this as a bad thing. This is grass roots at its best. It upsets me that you would equate this site to Rush Limbaugh. Unsuck is CONSTRUCTIVE, not destructive like Limbaugh's program and deals only with metro issues. It is ione of several forums where I look to be informed and it offer ways to proactively change the system. It is a worthwhile and useful website.
I too want to unsuck DC metro. I also get pissed when platforms are crowded and trains take forever to come. And I also come to unsuck because it's the only site that reports just on the metro and does have news that others don't. Maybe Redstate would be a better example? Or Daily Kos? A place where people with a singular point of view to come to to get their news. Sometimes you get information, but it's tainted.

Basically, Unsuck does do reporting but it's all totally in one direction. It doesn't give me a clear picture of the metro culture at all, and it's frustrating that I can't trust the author. Having someone to file FOAAs is great, but when they get personally hurt when it takes forever and vent their anger on the same site I'm trying to get news from is not great. What I'm saying is that sure, while metro should be quicker to respond to these things regardless of what outlet is reporting, it's just a fact of life that people don't like to be attacked. If Unsucks' goal is to attack WMATA, than fine. But if the real goal is to really improve the metro, which would be my goal, than taking a much more objective stance would be more productive.
"Basically, Unsuck does do reporting but it's all totally in one direction." False

"It doesn't give me a clear picture of the metro culture at all [...]" False

"Having someone to file FOAAs is great, but when they get personally hurt when it takes forever and vent their anger on the same site I'm trying to get news from is not great. " Misleading

"If Unsucks' goal is to attack WMATA, than fine. But if the real goal is to really improve the metro, which would be my goal, than taking a much more objective stance would be more productive." Disingenuous and ignorant.

"What I'm saying is that sure, while metro should be quicker to respond to these things regardless of what outlet is reporting, it's just a fact of life that people don't like to be attacked." Strawman
Probably a waste of time to respond to an "anon" who has one word answers, but!

Please explain why it is not false, please show me some significant positive reporting this site has done. There've been a couple letters about helpful station managers, but there is a clear bias against WMATA. I would guess the site owner would probably admit that?

How in the world can you say that it's false that "I" don't get a clear picture. I don't. That's a personal opinion.

What is misleading about that sentence?

What is ignorant about wanting a more objective stance? I am genuine in wanting that.

A strawman argument is when you set up a false opinion and then knock it down. Where did I even set up an opinion in that sentence...?
Mariterri's avatar

Mariterri · 644 weeks ago

Spataps, I can see and understand your point, but I think you have to also understand that everyone views this site through their own set of rose colored glasses, so to speak, and to expect this to be the ONLY site to obtain news or information is a mistake. I honestly check out this site in addition to WaPo, the Examiner, Greater Greater Washington and many other local news sites and blogs. It helps me "assemble" my own point of view. Therefore, I depend on this site to make those FOIA requests and to examine those issues, concerns, etc. of interest to UNSUCKDCMETRO, and subsequently of interest to me. This is his forum after all and because his interests and complaints mesh with mine, I use this site as a site for both news AND opinion. I guess the best example I can come up with is that I love to watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report but do not use these programs as my sole source of news or opinion. I think all things considering, this site is pretty fair in its complaints. And quite honestly, I believe that a public transportation system will have to get used to attacks if it is not properly run and improvements are not forthcoming.
Greater Greater Washington exists mainly to complain about how bad cars are and how great bikes are.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 644 weeks ago

It's one big hipster circle jerk.
I do get all that. But this is the only site that writes exclusively about metro. GGW is the closest but it's really been expanding its reach. If there was a wide diversity of opinions in the area I wouldn't care, much like Limbaugh and John Stewart, but until someone starts an objective site on improving the metro I want to do my best to improve this one. Maybe his goal is to just yell at the metro a lot, if so fine, I can stop reading, but if there is a shared goal of actual improvement than change is needed.
Dude, Metro can't even tell time! What silver lining is there?

Please explain. On second thought, don't.
I'm not sticking up for metro as perfect, last Saturday was dumb. I'm saying to change it, this is the wrong way.
Mariterri's avatar

Mariterri · 644 weeks ago

Sure, but I actually believe this site is pretty objective. It is also a site where anyone can vent. I also believe that WMATA would be a LOT worse if this forum had not been started. Unsuck keeps WMATA as honest as anyone can which is another reason why I think the FOIA request is a good idea. And when it takes 2 years to respond & then with a bill for $1800, I am not sure what there is positive to say about this situation. We can only improve metro if we have all the information & WMATA appears to be very stingy with these details. It is like the early closing last Sunday. Metro wants us to accept that they are very sorry & it will never happen again, but will not offer details as to how this mistake was made. Hence, we really can't offer a constructive or objective solution since we don't know what actually broke down in the system. As a result, people were stranded & without recourse & all we can really do is complain & vent on this site because we are not even given the resources to determine how to fix the problem. If WMATA provided more information and were more open, this site could be the site you feel it is not.
I agree that WMATA needs to be more open, though I'm not sure the urgent need for this specific information on manual operation is as cut and dry as the author makes it out to be, he didn't do a good job of making that case in the article. I'm pretty sure I've read many times that they have to make all the recommended improvement before they can return to automatic.

That's kind of not the point though. What I am saying is that the fact that WMATA views the site as hostile, regardless of whether or not that is unfair, is to be expected considering the content and style. Attacking someone usually doesn't produce great results. An occasional in depth expose is good, but that's not what we have here. More information would be great, but what's the best way to get it?

Do you think that this post complaining about the request is going to make them more likely to grant it in the future? I don't. And they're not going to magically change by themselves. So I see the two choices as continuing to vent about it and seeing little change or trying a different, more moderated tactic and maybe getting something done.

Also noticed I've been calling FOIA, FOAA, sorry for that previously.
Try to work with me carefully, the article is not about manual train control, as you state above.
Mariterri's avatar

Mariterri · 644 weeks ago

Spataps - OK, I totally get this, but I think Unsuck tries to be moderate & continuously gets shot down. An example is when Dan Stessal started & his first reaction to Unsuck's interview request was overly obnoxious and defensive before Unsuck even had a chance to meet/talk to him. This immediately set things off on the wrong foot. Maybe Stessal was going on what he had read on the site in the past but Unsuck can't control everything that is posted & to make a good start of things, you should make as proactive overtures as possible, not snarky comments like, "I am still on the fence". WMATA needs to realize that the "Media" in Media Relations includes blogs and websites like this one. Since Unsuck deals specifically with WMATA & has such a large following, I would think that an effectively run organization would go out of its way to win those readers over. It is how a successful company stays in business. IF WMATA MADE AN EFFORT I WOULD FEEL MORE SYMPATHY FOR THEM. But yes, I can see your point that if everyone rants and raves eventually no one will listen. However, as I said, I disagree that more moderate approaches have not been tried on this site.
Regardless of whether or not WMATA views this site as "hostile", they still have a responsibility to provide FOIA requests in a timely manner, as their agreement states. Hostility, while perhaps immature, is not a reason to not provide information they have pledged to.
Metro wants everybody to be cheerleaders for Metro. This would be easy if the system and it's managers were competent, ethical and practiced fair and equal diversity but this is not the case. This system was organized and a agreement was made between the local unions, DC government to hire DC residents and promote their brothers and sisters and restrict everyone else at any cost to Metro's EEO and EEOC costs and lawsuits.
Ever Irritated's avatar

Ever Irritated · 644 weeks ago

Have you ever thought that the one-sided reporting is not deliberate? It is the result of the facts being so bad.
The facts aren't great but not as bad as you make it out to be. Yes, there are plenty of bad anecdotes but there are hundreds of thousands of people who use the metro who do just fine. I don't think the one-sided reporting is deliberate, just not always well thought out.
based on your negative 121 rating, you're obviously a troll. that's hard to pull off otherwise.
I literally just registered this account for the first time to make that comment. Just because people don't like what I'm saying doesn't mean I'm a troll.
No, you are a troll for avoiding facts and skewing the results to fit your mood, apparently.
I'm not avoiding facts, but it sounds like you disagree with me and think I have more own agenda. While I don't, that's not what a troll is.

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[3] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[4] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

I am posting opinions that go against much of the commenters', but I'm not doing it off topic or to get a rise out of you. And my language is pretty reasoned, unlike, sadly, many of you.
Thanks for the definition. Look, it all comes down to how you view this site. I see Unsuck as being one of the few outlets that are willing to call WMATA out on all the things they do wrong. WMATA seems to get a pass from most of the news organizations and even the Board that was set up to make sure they are kept honest. I didn't find this website, and then decide that WMATA does a lousy job of running a transit system, I found this blog because I'm fed up of being held hostage to Metro's crappy service and ever increasing fares.
If it wasn't for this blog, I guarantee you that WMATA would be a lot worse off than it currently is now (if that's possible).
russell.j.coller.jr's avatar

russell.j.coller.jr · 644 weeks ago

UnSM: what's the beef with "Manual Control?" No joke, no sarcasm.... isn't it better the new way, with them going to the end of the platform, every time? I like it, personally, it's always the same.
10 replies · active 644 weeks ago
Manual Control is what gives you all the "herkey-jerkey" that makes everyone sick - the trains weren't meant to be run in manual control and the controls weren't designed for passenger comfort - just to maneuver the cars in the rail yards.

Automatic Train Control is smoother and still gives you the consistency of stopping in the same place every time. If you moved to the DC area in the last 3 years you've never experienced the automatic train control glory.
Thank you for pointing out the nauseating factor. I had a really hard time with this when I first moved to DC two years ago. I constantly felt sick from the jerky, sudden stops in stations (also in the tunnel and on the tracks). I find it agonizing when we pull into a station - stop - go - lurch - stop - go -lurch - stop. In the beginning I would have to get out before my stop, sit down at a different station and take some deep breaths before getting back on and continuing.

Now, as a pregnant lady with horrible morning (and afternoon and evening and night...) sickness, I've just been puking into my purse in what I hope is a discreet manner. For the record, I've never had car sickness or sea sickness. Just wmata sickness. The fish breaks really don't help, either.
A pregnant lady ... named Hal?
It's short for Halle :(
I get carsick from that as well, and I found a little trick that helps -- hold on to the railing on the seat in front of you and use your arm to hold yourself in place on the seat. It's a little hard on the shoulders but better than feeling ill.
The worst is when you stop in the middle of the tunnel and then they jerk the train a few times before proceeding. How about just not moving the train until you can actually move ahead?
that is not exactly correct. trains were designed to run in either manual or ATO. the herky jerky is from mixed consists more than manual mode. run a train in ato today with 1000 series in the middle and it will still be a rough ride.
Manual control is about more than where the train stops at the platform. Manual control means trains have to be spaced out further apart and it leads to the jerky stop-start motion as trains come into a station, due to the operator trying to land at the exact right place. Manual control also increases the possibility of accidents caused by human error.
My stop is Franconia-Springfield, and probably four evenings out of five, the train conductor doesn't hit the mark on the first try when she gets into the station. Of course, since she often mumbles or the speakers aren't working properly, half the people who stood up as the train approached the platform can't hear when she announces (sometimes) that the train is moving forward. I've seen people go flying -- it's a wonder I've never seen anyone injured. (My motto is: Never let go until the doors are open.)

That is my beef with manual control.
russell.j.coller.jr's avatar

russell.j.coller.jr · 644 weeks ago sale.... the Train Drivers WILL NOT fall asleep --- when they are the only one to blame--- hence Manual is worth seeing people do the "Funky Chicken," while walking to exit the train-car. ---also, if you're woozy, have a few drinks before taking MetroRail... lord knows, i do.
Vienna Bound's avatar

Vienna Bound · 644 weeks ago

Unsuck, I'd put a call out to one of the news organziations that follow the blog and ask that they make the same FOIA request.
3 replies · active 644 weeks ago
I know for a fact that the Examiner has received similar treatment to some FOIA (PARP in Metro-ese) requests.
I see you have 89p as of right now. How can I give you more p? You deserve it!
Vienna Bound's avatar

Vienna Bound · 644 weeks ago

The same Examiner that is handed out for free at every Metro Station and left behind by many more riders?

Maybe Metro doesn't want riders walking all over the news story if made public to an audience perceived to be broader than the Unsuck readership.

How disappointing.
Sure it’s not a great solution - but start a tip jar and you'll have your $1,800 within days.

It’s better to force them to give the information and rely on your readers to foot the bill. People will pay through the teeth to support a good cause.
1 reply · active 644 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 644 weeks ago

Agreed. I'd dontate money to a kickstarter account for this. It might take time but at least we can beat Metro at its own game. Hell, with all the lawyers and campaign experts in this region, dare I say somebody form a superpac, get donations from wealthy DC and VA residents, take down Elanor Homes Norton for refusing to request Congressional investigations into Metro, the Metro Board or any governor that attempts to appoint useless board members, and the Jackie Jeter Racebaiets, and get the NTSB off thier asses.
You could also challenge their denial of a fee waiver in court. It might be more expensive than what you'd pay just to receive the documents, but you also might set a precedent that prevents Metro from trying to extort journalists in the future (and who knows, maybe you can convince an established local paper to back you, since they benefit too).
Mariterri's avatar

Mariterri · 644 weeks ago

Set up a paypal account...I will donate!
1 reply · active 644 weeks ago
Me too!
This is just disgusting. They promised more transparency and want to charge an individual rider almost $2,000 for it? You pay them (way more than their service is worth) to use this dangerous system, and then when you ask for more information they demand MORE money? This makes me sick.
2 replies · active 644 weeks ago
In general, fees per se are not unreasonable. For one there's the printing costs, and if the FOIA request is going to require research, there's that too.

The problem here (other than the absurd two year delay) is that not only does Unsuck more than qualify for a fee waiver under WMATA's own rules, they're requesting something that already exists.
You have a point, some fee is expected for a private individual, but I don't see how $2,000 is a reasonable fee. The organization I work for charges about $35-$40 for these kinds of information releases, the idea being that we already have this information in house. We're just not going to print it up for you without some kind of compensation for time and resources. But, like you said, Unsuck clearly qualifies for the waiver.
The reason the news about Metro is so negative is that Metro is a POS corrupt, marketing scam, not a transit system. If you happen to get from a to b, that's just a nice side benfit.
2 replies · active 644 weeks ago
Oh by the way, this kind of comments reflects the culture that pervades this blog that I have been talking above. Bashing a system that most riders are at most mildly annoyed with like it's some cartoonishly evil villein.
herpedWhenUDerped's avatar

herpedWhenUDerped · 644 weeks ago

Remember the quarters? Workers getting paid leave for punishment? These are examples of corruption.
Remember rush+? Marketing scam. (How is that a scam? Marketing and implementing a plan that was intended to appeal to your customers without research our results... that's a marketing scam.)
"POS" probably expresses his frustration of all the negative aspects of metro.

Constantly ragging on people without reading, comprehending, and analyzing what had been presented to you is not going to lend you any credibility or earn respect. Sound familiar?

PS, as someone who has been on the internet nearly my whole life, you are indeed a troll.
You have to stop writing FOIA requests in the "Do-you-still-beat-your-wife?" style. Don't be surprised if any semi-government agency responds to these with thousands and thousands of useless pages that will cost you big bucks.

If you can name a specific document by a specific employee/group about an incident at a specific location on a specific day, you will do a lot better. Look at NTSB dockets or TOC meeting summaries for titles/names/dates/incidents.
1 reply · active 644 weeks ago
Dan Stessel's avatar

Dan Stessel · 644 weeks ago

Once you accept that we're a jobs program, not a transit agency, all of this will make more sense. We employ many people to creatively and summarily deny any request.

You're welcome.
Let's ask the Donald for the money!
From the author:
Thanks, folks, for lively discussion. A few thoughts:
-- Yes, I have HUGE problems with how Metro operates. But the attitude of the requester, whether Bambi-like or Limbaugh-ish, has exactly zero legal relevance in fulfilling public record requests.
-- Postive reporting? You'll find it on this site. I've written some myself, saying explicitly that hopefully, by praising Metro when it does well, more good things will happen. So far, not so much.
-- Re: tip jar and collecting the $1,818...thought about that, but concluded that only legitimizes a corrupt practice. As GHWB/Dana Carvey said, "Not gonna do it." Hence, the directors challenge.
-- Most people are only "mildly annoyed" with Metro? Best I can say is that's some alternative reality fantasy. Ask around -- lots of people very upset. And not without good reason (see Unsuck, last several years...)
(continued, one more item)
6 replies · active 644 weeks ago
But let’s say you raise $1800 in three days, doesn't that get the root issue of why Metro should not charge you?

There is huge public interest in the topic of your FOIA request as illustrated by people putting down cash. You then go to the board and say Metro is out of touch, as illustrated by 60 people paying $1800 in three days so that they can have access to the information… At that point you have proved that Metro is out of touch, then you can proceed with your lawsuits.

You can stand on morals, but that’s not going to get you the requested information and its not going to communicate to the board what the public’s interest is.
Interesting point, hadn't considered that angle. Still, on balance, I judge not legitimizing them, or not enabling them, as the bigger issue. If you pay them off, it's $1,818 today, $5,000 tomorrow...where does it end?
Well I guess my question is do you want to start utilizing the information?

Do you think the board is going to respond with the information?

If the board doesn’t not help you, are you happy to not have the information?

If you don't really need the information does that by default means Metro is correct in stating there is not “an urgency to inform the public about an actual or alleged WMATA government activity.”

Basically, if you’re not ready to put someone else’s money where your mouth is it re-enforces metro’s activities. People change bad FOIA responses via lawsuits and forcing the issue. If you really want FOIA information you better be ready to follow the rules and work within the rules – and/or fight it legally and that will be much more costly than just paying the fee.
part 2

Getting a group to cough up the cash is a story in itself. If you get some paperwork and you trying to pitch your analysis to the Post or Examiner it makes for a great lead the fact that a group of people came together and “freed” the information from the unreasonable WMATA.

You do run the risk of asking for the money and not coming up with enough, but there are web apps for that that would handle returning the money to the donors…
-I've said multiple times that I'm not excusing Metro for being slow, but that if you care about getting results over getting mad than changing you attitude will help.
-The little positive reporting is usually something like a station manager was helpful, framed in a SO SHOCKING! way, often coming off as a backhanded compliment. 95% of it is negative. I would say Metro does a good thing when most every morning I wait no more than 5 minutes for a train, when they finally decided to invest in improving the system, when I get out of a Nationals game to find a metro train waiting at the platform and another a minute behind it. Many view this as providing the service we pay for, which it is, but it's not like the system is a disaster as portrayed here.
-Please explain how asking for the expenses they incurred while doing your FOIA is corrupt. It's fine to disagree with their conclusion about whether the penalty should have be given, but it's not going into some guys beer fund. Using words like corrupt instead of misguided or burdensome are what I'm talking about, it emits a clear bias that makes your reporting untrustworthy.
-I do ask around actually, I often get fun poked at for wanting to talk about the metro. I would say a select few people are very upset. Most people don't let things like a delayed commute ruin their day, and so are mildly annoyed or don't think about it. You live in a bubble of anger if you think that the entire city hates the metro. If it did, you'd see much more action.
burdensomeLol's avatar

burdensomeLol · 644 weeks ago

... because "burdensome" and "misguided" would totally not suggest bias.

This is a biased blog. It's called UNSUCKMETRO! Bias may skew opinion, but if you prefer to swallow opinions rather than to read past that layer and come to your own conclusion, please do not vote.
-- Re: the suggestion to ask for a specific document, etc. Good insight. This often comes up with FOIA (or PARP) requests. The problem, though, is simple: How do you ask for things you don't know exist? As GHWB/Dana Carvey might say, "How gonna do it?" So, you do what Unsuck did: Ask for documents generally about a very specific topic.
2 replies · active 644 weeks ago
Why would you ask for something, if you don't know it exists? General suspicion of things being wrong is not a good enough reason to waste their staff's time. You may be giving the impression that, like House Republicans are doing to the Obama administration, you're asking for documents over and over until you get something that proves you're right. Try giving a different impression.
trollerskates's avatar

trollerskates · 644 weeks ago

By stating that his request can be fulfilled for a fee, metro has acknowledged the existence of documentation regarding his request. I'm not sure you picked this up, but the issue is not of existence of documentation, it is not knowing specifically what to ask for from within that documentation.
third rail's avatar

third rail · 644 weeks ago

"It was 2 years, and over two months after we filed the request – under a Metro public records policy that requires the agency to repond in no more than 20 working days – that Metro recently delivered up a complete response to our request. After lo those nearly 800 days, here’s how it shakes out: "

It should read 20 CONSECUTIVE working days...
There ARE so many bigger issues than a metro system that happens to be just decent. I was born here have taken the train since I can remember, have ridden subways in many cities in the US and outside of, and DC metro is one of the best on an overall scale. Get over it.. Public transportation is not a right, if bothers you so much ride a bike, drive your car, walk, move to a place that is convenient to places you frequent. There are a lot of people on here who need someone to love to distract them from their hate from metro. I will pray you release your pent up anger towards an innate system.
1 reply · active 644 weeks ago
asNietzscheSaid...'s avatar

asNietzscheSaid... · 644 weeks ago

Killing nine people? Get over it.
Making a pregnant lady vomit on her way to work? Get over it (just have a drink, dummy!)
Disregarding the law? Get over it. (this one's about the FOAA)

There are bigger issues than the metro, certainly.
Metro IS an issue. Issues should be resolved. Metro has failed to acknowledge and solve issues (please note, I did not say ALL issues, which would change the meaning of this sentence). Making these issues apparent may help metro address these issues. Solving issues is good.

Being apathetic or apologetic about issues affecting the public, especially those you have lived with your whole life, does everyone a disservice and is negligent of your role as a community member.

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