Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanks, Metro Style

I'm off til the next Monday barring some big Metro news.

Have a great, and hopefully Metro-free Thanksgiving.

 Via Tumblr*:
Looks like the DC Metro fare collection system was having some systemic problems on Oct. 27 late night.

Getting on at King St. required several tries and the Crystal City gates had some hand scrawled messages saying that “MetroPass didn’t work.”

Several of our party had between $10 and $27 wiped off of our cards according to the exit gates and the add money machines.

The stationmaster at Crystal City (about 12.45 a.m.) refused to deal with an inquiry about the missing money, and instead said that the exit gates don’t show card values. (Not that it has to do with anything.) When challenged on this point, the stationmaster started shouting and being very aggressive.

You’d think that when missing money is visible on the readouts, or the system was down, the stationmaster would put two and two together and have a standard response.

Something like “If there’s a problem with the amount on your card, please contact XYZ” or “Here’s a form if you think the money is missing,” etc.

I guess that’s too much to expect. 

*There are issues with Tumblr notifying me of new posts. Emailing your stories to unsuckdcmetro(at)yahoo(dot)com is the best way to post. Anonymity guaranteed if you so desire.

Other items:
Metrobus driver rack up traffic citations (WTOP)

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Have a good vacation!

"barring some big Metro news" - Knowing their record when you say those words maybe I should leave work before rush hour today.
Anony-moose's avatar

Anony-moose · 642 weeks ago

You know, when I saw "Thanks, Metro Style", I couldn't help but have "Gangam Style pop into my head. Then, I couldn't help but think of all the parody abuses of "Gangam Style". What would one for Metro look like? Sung by Dan Stessel: "Lying Metro Style. Fib Fib Fib Fib Fib Lying Metro Style." Anyone care to continue or is it just too horrible to live?
I had that happen - I called Amex and disputed the charge. Naturally, they failed to get any response from Metro, so I was credited the difference. If enough people do it, they'll stop doing business with Metro, which if slightly inconvenient, would be hilarious to watch.
1 reply · active 642 weeks ago
I concur. Additionally, credit card processors tack on a fee to the merchant when they process the refund. A $10 refund from Metro might actually cost them $12. I really doubt any of the processors would drop Metro though as a customer. They provide too much income.
Frequent red liner's avatar

Frequent red liner · 642 weeks ago

This annoys me too, however the displays are broken a lot of the time when I swipe, so I can't look even if I want to.
In the "other items" story regarding unpaid traffic tickets..."Stessel says it's difficult for his agency to determine the number of drivers terminated as a result of receiving more than one moving violation... " Huh? First of all, I gather it's rare for a metro employee to be fired, like more rare than finding a unicorn who poops gold coins. How crappy are their records that they can't even sort out the reasons for the few firings? "It's difficult," more like "we don't really feel like giving you that info because there have been practically zero people who have been fired for moving violations not resulting in homicide."
So... who's all going to the Metro Christmas party?

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