Friday, January 11, 2013

'Champion of Change'

Metro union boss Jackie Jeter has been regaled with what appears to be quite an honor.

According to the award citation, she's a "dynamic leader" and someone who ensures "safe and affordable public transportation."

Who thought that?

Click here to find out.

Oh, and here's a choice Jeter quote from yesterday:
"Things have been happening on buses since Jesus was born."
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pro union's avatar

pro union · 635 weeks ago

WOW! We're so screwed.
1 reply · active 635 weeks ago
As another pro-union guy, I have to say that it's people like her and unions like hers that give all the others a bad name.
BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 635 weeks ago

I just spit my milk out and fell out my chair laughing.
1 reply · active 635 weeks ago
I laughed my head off when I read that, as well. I thought oh this is cute, she's trying stand-up comedy, bless her heart.
She's a champion for change alright--for the worse.

Labor fringe benefit costs up $30 million this year.

Oh and Metro is not counting on wage increases...hahahahah
I've officially lost all hope things will ever get better.
"...and someone who ensures 'safe and affordable public transportation'."

BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 635 weeks ago

Change you CAN'T believe in.
Clearly the president doesn't take Metro.
2 replies · active 635 weeks ago
BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 635 weeks ago

The Secret Service won't let him as it is too unsafe.
She does not take the Metro, she drives to the Union hall and did not drive a Bus very long either
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 635 weeks ago

"If it wasn't for unions, Rome wouldn't have been built in a week."
-Jackie Jeter
Nothing Obama does surprises me anymore. Hope and Change indeed.
1 reply · active 635 weeks ago
This is about as low as Obama could possibly go. Didn't somebody inform the White House what a sad joke this award would be? Or are they so beholden to the unions that they don't mind being a public laughing stock?
Oh. My. God.
If anyone here works for a democratic or republican representative, please send this tidbit up the chain, while explaining what a piece of garbage Jeter is.

Hopefully either democrats who dont want to be associated with her or republicans who want to use this to attack them will make the effort to take notice of this and get her removed from this list.

2 replies · active 635 weeks ago
I do not see any white men or women supporting her anymore. I think she has lost her mind with this off the wall comment.
Perhaps, but people have been making off the wall comments since the days when Julius Caesar would take the subway to Egypt.
Actually this makes perfect sense. She's enabling spending now and forfeiting the future.

Jeter has done an excellent job of instilling a deep sense of entitlement for her members, and she's foiled Metro at every turn, securing wage increases in a time of fiscal crises and maintaining a pension program into which union members pay nothing. That's right nothing.

In the long term, this is not sustainable and something will have to give.

Dark days for Metro are ahead.
1 reply · active 635 weeks ago
She has entitled herself and her husband. Do you realize her salary + her husband's salary. These totals go toward their retirement.
Also, before the new year, someone said something to the tune of "Alpert is one of the most ridiculous caricatures of a smarmy liberal I've ever seen"

I just have to say...

I'm surprised they haven't based a character off of him in Portlandia....
2 replies · active 635 weeks ago
I said that, he really is. I really hate guys like him.
If there was a Portlandia character based on him, who would it be?

The aggressive bicyclist guy?
The link that's supposed to go to the Metro budget is going to a dead end.
3 replies · active 635 weeks ago
Was there this morning. Not sure why they took it down.
BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 635 weeks ago

b.c. they realized they were oversharing, not the Metro way
Ever Confoozed's avatar

Ever Confoozed · 635 weeks ago

Jesus rode a bus? Who knew?! I thought it was a donkey. Silly me.
4 replies · active 635 weeks ago
Haven't you heard? Donkeys will now be used instead of buses when there's single-tracking during weekend maintenance because they are slighter faster.
As a red line rider, I would have loved to be able to catch a donkey to work this morning. Not only would it have been faster, but it would have smelled better.
Remember the Joan Osborn song from the 90's? "What if god was one of us....just a stranger on a bus...." I think that's where this woman got her information.
Or maybe from ZZ Top," Waiting for the Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago."
BTW, the fox5 link is also the bad wmata one.
1 reply · active 635 weeks ago
Bad day for links! It has been fixed.
Everyone knows that when the Three Wise Men came to Bethlehem to give their gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh to the newborn Savior, they had to take the bus to the inn just outside of town. Obviously they can't follow a star riding on an underground train!
No problem. Nominate yourself and require Union members to vote for you a thousand times each.
1 reply · active 635 weeks ago
Her husband probably nominated her. Anyone can nominate anyone on this link. What is up with Jeter's black eyes

I think we should nominate the men and women who risk their jobs and livelihood to report anomalies for the safety of the riding public...

not people like Jeter who ignore helping the members after being notified
Democrats and unions make wonderful bedfellows. you got what you voted for!
The pants off subway pranksters are apparently going to try their annual stunt on Sunday:

Is their any chance they'll actually stumble across a running train?
I really think Jackie Jeter deserved a public shaming for the way she's run metro into the ground via unprecidented union power. It is shameful and she needs to hear from the hundreds of thousands of WMATA patrons about the disgust we have for her union's power mad tactics leading to totally UN industry standard labor perks. It's not anything close to normal and is undeserved based on performance of the average WMATA employee.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 635 weeks ago

Wow, are you serious?!? I saw a tweet on your feed indicating she worked for the White House, but wow! Maybe it would explain why we're in this recession. Just like the Metro system, Jackie Jeter got on the economic train and drove it into the ground too! I guess everything she touches suffers some sort of malfunction and derails!
WTF is up with the double banner?

white house fail on two accounts
This seems to be using Jesus' name in vain and I am really appalled.
I see a promotion in her future to Secretary of Transportation. Minority - check. Union card - check. Incompetent - check. She has a bright future ahead of her. Or maybe Secretary of Labor.
1 reply · active 635 weeks ago
I work at DOL - please, not Labor!

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