UPDATE: From Metro: "Based on the photos posted on you site indicating that a Metrobus operator stopped a bus to pick up some fast food, Metro started an investigation. The operator admitted that he had indeed done that, and he was given a three-day suspension without pay."
Why do passengers get irate and assume the worst when a bus driver pulls over for no apparent reason?
The stills, compiled in a video format with text commentary, were taken by bigblockz8, a "metro bus and rail enthusiast," on April 1, at around 5:45 p.m., but they were posted to YouTube on Aug. 9.
Bigblockz8 is the same person who took the infamous sleeping Metro operator video.
These stills were taken with a Sony Ericcson 350i phone on a cold and windy April day, he said. He often carries a video capable device.
The bus was an R5, a NABI 60LFA BRT #5403, according to bigbockz8.
He said the operator pulled a full bus across several lanes of traffic in order to get to the KFC. No announcement was made. "He just left."
Bigblockz8 says it took the driver 15 minutes to get his food, and by the time he came back, an R2 bus pulled up, and almost everyone jumped ship, cramming from a 60-foot bus to a 40-foot bus, he said.
"I think that the Board of WMATA should ride every line [and] route and commute and see what is really up," he said.
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Not a surprise! Just two weeks ago in Rockville I went to lunch at a chicken place and I saw a driver bust in saying he was in a hurry. The owner gave him his food (a chicken salad) and he complained about the price. Meanwhile outside his bus was sitting idle in the middle of a busy road with only one lane of traffic getting by. I wish I had my phone with me!
the union said it was a complete fabrication by a kid!!!
Man. That union needs bustin'.
The fact that doing this would even occur to a driver tells you everything you need to know about the organizational culture at Metro.
Jobs program.
Ok, I'm not one to defend metro by any stretch - I've had some pretty unbelievable experiences myself. But - nothing in those stills proves that the bus driver did what this guy said he did. Yes, there is a photo of a metro employee coming out of a KFC and there is a photo of an empty bus, a couple of sign etc - but I'm not actually seeing any evidence of what this guy is alleging. I think we all need to continue to force metro employees to be honest and professional folks; but that does not mean we should proceed to engage in a full on witch hunt, particularly with fairly weak evidence like this.
and i supose you believe the metro bus rider didn't put a hit out on his friend either?
Is it hard to believe that it would be more economical for Metro to let this person stop and get some lunch, instead of having him/her drive all the way back to a garage with an empty bus (all these pictures and no a single one of a full bus), a convenience for both?
That this person may be pulling a double shift therefore get a little hungry and stoping somewhere to eat is worked into his schedule?
This is definitely a complete fabrication. If everybody got off the bus to catch another bus, why did you have a picture of him getting back on the bus....if you truly got off! This is bullcrap! Find something better to do.
Did you read the post? The driver admitted to this. WMATA gave him 3 days w/o pay.
Something similar happened to me on the 42 bus a couple weeks ago. The driver stopped at L and Connecticut and said he'd be right back and ran to a street vendor cart. I don't think he realized there were two of us (paying customers mind you) still on the bus because he kind of stuttered and made an excuse about being really hungry. This happened between 8:15 and 8:45 in the morning.
Ummm, to those who are claiming it was a fabrication... the bus operator ADMITTED to it, ya freakin' idiots! Learn to read the article before you formulate your biased opinion.
when i rode the r2 this driver would always do this but one time i remember a bus supervisor driving by, and he said he had an personal emergency but yet came out with food from the mcdonalds
The only way to bust these drivers is to catch them on camera/tape!
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