From JG:
Dupont Circle this a.m. Trains were super crowded, then we offloaded onto the platform that was already packed.
Some people couldn't even get off the train. I actually had to go above ground and walk to Farragut West to get on the Orange Line.
@ foggy bottom at 845 am
@: Red line; woodley park; another great morning.
Memories? What memories? Wasn't that yesterday on the....
(Does it qualify as a memory if it is still in existence?)
So that's why the 38B bus was hella crowded this morning. tsk metro
Is that what a typical morning looks like at those times? I guess it's worth waking up at 5:45am!
WOW! Just look at all these people that will be paying "peak time" fares to put up with this madness starting in July! #metrofail(again)
Metro Bus Crash Sends 22 To Hospital For Check Ups - http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=102525&catid=158
I took very similiar pictures last week at Gallery Place - Chinatown, and we never did find out the cause. I saw the crowd, left and had a calming cup of coffee at McD's..lol.
I actually blogged about this debacle at Foggy Bottom this morning:
Ah yes, it will be so awesome to pay more for crappy service. Thanks again metro!
Got to Woodley Park a little bit before 9:00am to a completely packed platform. Literally 5-10 people deep along the entire length. Train-o-meter showed a 6 car train coming in 5 minutes, a no-passenger train coming in 8, and another 6 car train not coming for another 12 minutes. *TOTALLY* unacceptable during rush hour!
All 6 cars of the first train were completely packed to the brim. Luckily one person got off by my door and I was able to get on, since the only others nearby were large families who couldn't get on anyway.
On the way to Dupont, we stopped twice for ~4 minutes with no explanation. Pulling into the station, it was just as packed as Woodley. Operator threatened to offload the train before he even tried closing the doors.
Getting into Farragut, the station was empty. Odd. Had an uneventful ride from Metro Ctr to Federal Center SW. Got through the fare gates, and *all three* escalators to the street weren't working. Really, Metro????????
According to WMATA, only one escalator is out of service at Federal Center SW. Do you believe it?
all three mezz-street were out yesterday morning. yesterday PM 2/3 were back in service.
I'm in the picture in the Foggy Bottom station, which must have been taken right after I took my own picture to send to Unsuck.
Here's what was so frustrating about Foggy Bottom. There are three escalators up to the street, ALL of which were out of order. This happens... frequently. But the center escalator was blocked off. It wasn't missing any stairs and no one was working on it, yet I saw two Metro employees walk past the gates and leave them closed, leaving hundreds of people to walk up one escalator and share one with the people going down. Five minutes to make a 30 second trip.
well, you know jackie jeter would say you should be happy you made it out of the station at all, what with trying to make slaves out of all those poor hard working Metro employees ignoring an easy problem to fix.
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