Photo: nevermindtheend
A PR stunt aimed to make riders feel safer may have inadvertently made riding Metro more dangerous, according to two Metro sources.
We already know that bellying the 1000-series cars in the wake of the Red Line crash was for show. Putting them in the middle of trains does nothing to increase safety as anyone with simple understanding of physics would know. Those cars are apt to accordion on impact no matter where they are in the train.
But there was an unanticipated problem with mixing 1000-series cars in with the others.
Apparently, the emergency intercoms of the 1000s don't work well in mixed trains said two Metro sources. Specifically, from the 1000 car back, in many cases, there is often no ability to communicate with the operator via the emergency intercom because of an incompatibility glitch.
For example, in a 6000-6000-1000-1000-3000-3000-5000-5000 train, riders in the last four cars might not be able to communicate with the operator because of the glitch.
Both sources said the issue is sporadic, noting the intercoms don't fail every time, but they also added that the problem is widespread. They both confirmed Metro management has known about the problem for over a year, but nothing has been done to fix the issue.
Maybe this explains why there have been so many complaints from riders about not being able to contact the train operator in emergencies.
Other items:
Yet more on the new Metro map (WaPo)
@davinpet · 707 weeks ago
n2deep · 707 weeks ago
former employee · 707 weeks ago
Metro Engineers is suppose to make sure all new cars are compatiable with current ones before they accept them. I think Metro would be wise to hire a consulatant for this one. Instead they think hiring a former GM as a consultant to get advice of how to make Metro run smoothly makes better sense. Go figure
Sizzle · 707 weeks ago
Matt G · 707 weeks ago
Nearly ExMetro · 707 weeks ago
· 707 weeks ago
Dezlboy · 707 weeks ago
... · 707 weeks ago
Anony Mouse · 707 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 707 weeks ago
And to quote Ron White "...you can't cure stupid".
These decisions are implemented because there is no accountability. Until the funding sources for Metro begin to require MEANINGFUL accountability for the money WMATA receives, stupid decisions will continue to be implemented.
WMATA will continue to do whatever it can get away with - and use PR to cover up the rest.
And yeah, I ride the system and know I do so at my own risk.
Another Anon · 707 weeks ago
dcn8v · 707 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 707 weeks ago
What exactly are people hoping for when the mainstream media picks up on things like this? I mean it's good for people who don't know about this website. Personally, I gave up on the mainstream media for WMATA information and get all of my WMATA information here at UnSuck's website. When the mainstream media gets around to whatever WMATA topic people feel the media needs to address, I find it to be a little too late.
dcn8v · 707 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 707 weeks ago
It seemed to me that Fox5 seemed to remind people of their e-mail addressed specifically designated for Metro problems, but it seems like either little is covered, or it's about the non-working escalators again.
anon · 707 weeks ago
Thankfully, the train pulled into the next stop, and I got off.
I wrote to Metro about, but didn't even get a canned reply.
Word Wrestle Stessel · 707 weeks ago
First, this is a tremendous concern and it has been plaguing our thoughts all summer (while we were on vacation). What we at Metro propose to do is calculate the failure time of the intercoms, based on a complex formula of where the 1000 trains fall in any given series of trains. After an exhaustive study by some outrageously paid consultants, we will take these failure times, and set our goals to 10% BELOW that, so that we always exceed your expectations! Similar to our Rail On Time Performance Goal, we will just keep shaving the goals down until we have exceeded every one! And you, dear riders, will benefit from a Metro that Opens Doors and Exceeds Expectations. You're welcome!
Word Wrestle Stessel · 707 weeks ago
*The term "Cirque du Soleil" is a trademark of Cirque du Soleil, Inc. Metro is not affiliated with Cirque du Soleil even though the fantastic tangles you encounter on your commute will amaze and awe you. All that in the price of your fare! You're welcome!
CMNT · 707 weeks ago
This has been brought to their attention again and again. I think the inaction is because they don't know how to fix the problem.
former employee · 707 weeks ago
Kara · 707 weeks ago
BTW, just TRY getting to the lead car from the back of the train without using the doors between the cars. Oh, and the usual dwell time at stops of course and throw in some people filling the aisles at random points. Let us know how long it took (if it worked that is, I can only get to the next car at a stop, MAYBE someone can do 2 cars but that is risking missing the train) and if that is acceptable in an emergency.
former employee · 707 weeks ago
You don't need lead car # to report a problem with train or operator, you can remember any car # , time. Metro has record of consist.
n2deep · 707 weeks ago
Pissed Off · 707 weeks ago
Is it true? Seems like Metro would want to correct the record if it wasn't.
So I assume it's true.
So what does Metro have to say about what they're doing about it?
Screw you Metro management for putting your customers and workers lives at risk with bullshit equipment.
former employee · 707 weeks ago
former employee · 707 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 707 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 707 weeks ago