Photo: mr_t_in_dc; shop: Andrew
Several people have written about the following email that was sent out to some Metro customers:
Begin forwarded message:From Rachel:
From: noreply@wmata.com
Date: August 31, 2011 1:46:47 AM EDT
To: xxxx@hotmail.com
Subject: Pilot Invitation
To SmarTrip® Account Holder
You have been randomly selected to participate in a pilot of several new system functions.
We sincerely regret to inform our MTA customers that the MTA system does not yet support these new functions.
We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause our MTA customers.
These functions will enable you to use your credit card to purchase stored value and passes for your SmarTrip® card.
You will also be able to save your credit card information to use for future purchases, and to print detailed receipts.
The next time you log in to your SmarTrip® account, you will see several new links on your account pages. For example, on the page with the header "View Card Summary", you will see the following changes:
- A shopping cart icon on the left side of the screen
- A new group of links under the heading "Online Purchases" on the upper right section of the screen; and
- Within the text in the middle of the screen, there are links to "Add value" and "Add Pass".
Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the new functions, and the steps that you will need to follow to load your purchases onto your SmarTrip® card.
These new features are intended to make it more convenient for you to manage the balances on your cards and avoid the lines at ticket vending machines.
We encourage you to take advantage of these new features. If you have questions, or experience any problems when using these new features, please contact the Regional Customer Service Center at 1-888-762-7874.
Your SmarTrip® Account Team
Great email from Metro last night.From Scott:
Paragraph 1: I'm invited to join a pilot to test new functions.
Paragraph 2: Those functions are not yet available and they are sorry. Wait, what? Then why are you sending me this? Is this a joke?
Paragraph 3: Oh wait! Yes they are available! And finally, I learn what the aforementioned (twice) functions are.
What PR person wrote this? It's terribly written, confusing, and doesn't even contain a link to the website they are trying to get me to use.
Metro should not be surprised if this pilot fails.
Awesome as always!
Metro has selected me to participate in a pilot program dealing with (I think) Metro card purchases on line. The explanation is enough for me never to attempt to use the service, as the WMATA email does a very poor job of explaining what the new features are. Also, wouldn't it been more appropriate for Metro to ask me if I wanted to participate?From James:
Also this line, "We sincerely regret to inform our MTA customers that the MTA system does not yet support these new functions. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause our MTA customers." is so f'ing out of place - as they are offering me these services.
A good gesture, but lousy execution.
Wait, is this a Metro program or an MTA program? Are the new features available or not? Where do I go? Is this a cut and paste job? Did anyone give this a second read? Why are we paying hundreds of thousands dollars to the staff of Metro's communications team when they can't even put together a basic email?Other items:
We apologize for our fail.
Metro workers receive pay raise this week (Examiner)
Daily Rider · 706 weeks ago
You are selected for a test of some new features. Here is whats new. Unfortunately, these features won't yet work on the MTA (Maryland Transit Authority) system.
I am available as a PR consultant at reasonable rates. :-)
Kara · 706 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 706 weeks ago
I will reserve my judgment of the system itself until I use it, but if anyone remembers how well Metro implemented its fare increases (which still have yet to cause any visible improvement to the system to my mind) one can only expect there to be... issues. We'll see.
Orange line rider · 706 weeks ago
Crash · 706 weeks ago
DCRider · 706 weeks ago
F'n JD · 706 weeks ago
Jack · 706 weeks ago
dcn8v · 706 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 706 weeks ago
So if it were written by someone with a brain, it would go something like this:
You've been invited to participate in a test of new functions, blah, blah, blah.
Here are the new functions and how they work, blah, blah, blah.
Please familiarize yourself, blah, blah, blah.
If you have any questions, call 1-800-WHATEVA.
These new functions are only available on SmarTrip and not yet available on other area transit systems, blah, blah, blah.'
Your SmarTrip Account Team
But then that would make sense.
Kathryn · 706 weeks ago
F'n JD · 706 weeks ago
dcn8v · 706 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 706 weeks ago
Kara · 706 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 706 weeks ago
Kara · 706 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 706 weeks ago
Good luck to those who've received it (and to those confused WMATA people who sent the darn thing out)!
Jobasaur · 706 weeks ago
Of course, MARTA didn't send out any confusing e-mails or run it as a pilot, they just implemented it system-wide... oh, and no "MTA" confusion because it's integrated with neighboring transit systems, like Cobb County Transit.
anon · 706 weeks ago
Yeah, right--i'm giving you my credit card information....
MadAsHeck · 706 weeks ago
My name is Dan Stessel. I have recently been appointed chief PR representative for Nigeria. My father was the former chief PR representative here, and had deposited the sum of $50,000,000 in an account. I am unable for political reasons to withdraw this sum, and therefore requires a partner in a foreign country.
Please enter your Credit Card information into the afformentioned website, and I will deposit this amount in your account. I will then coordinate with yourself kind sir to redeliver the amount to me.
Many thanks and humility to you sir.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 706 weeks ago
We (MetroAccess riders) have no recourse: the blind wall that Metro throws up for bus and rail raiders is further obscured by a layer of contractors. Call about a problem, send email - you either get the "boiler plate customer service email" ( and the response is to someone's question, somewhere - but NOT the one you asked) or SILENCE.
So welcome to (yet another) sometimes-functioning piece of WMATA which will part you from your money in a manner guaranteed to minimize your personal safety in exchange for a generally inefficient service - one that will rarely perform to even the most modest expectations....
As an IT guy, I would NOT hand them the ability to store any financial info, but that's just me.
Mat · 706 weeks ago
The Dude · 706 weeks ago
LMKCRB · 706 weeks ago
guest · 706 weeks ago
anon · 706 weeks ago
But you don't have to. So bear that in mind. This is true of most online shopping, too; they offer you the choice of saving the info to make it easier next time. If you don't trust Metro - and why should you? - then don't save your info.
wesindc · 706 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 706 weeks ago
The letter writers are clearly intent on finding any possible fault with Metro and ignoring any possible improvement (well, maybe except for the one who said it was "nice gesture"). I'd love to know if any of them got over their composition-anger enough to actually log in and check out their account features online.
Kes · 706 weeks ago
inDCentWMATA.com · 706 weeks ago
Terrible email, but don't let it deter you from using the online functionality. It might be the only pleasant wmata experience you have.