Metro seems enamored of expensive technological solutions when so many of its woes could be fixed by free common sense.
From Lainy:
Can someone tell me - who is the brains behind the escalator operation at stations?Other items:
At Huntington, there are three very long escalators on the side going to N. Kings Highway, plus an elevator.
Earlier this month, the middle escalator had been out of service, and that's OK because there are still two.
But wait!
The two small (one lane) escalators on either side are controlled by morons.
Why? During evening rush hour, is one moving down for very few people coming into the station, and the other not moving at all forcing every commuter to trudge up that long set of steps?
The other day, the elevator was even out of service.
One woman had to keep stopping on the way up so she didn't go into cardiac arrest (which in turn ground the 100 people behind her to a stop).
Another man got into a verbal confrontation with a police officer because he was told the only way to get up to the exit was to walk until you faint, or to get back on the Metro, go to Eisenhower station, and take a shuttle from there, which would add another 45 minutes onto your already-completed commute.
Here's a simple solution - make one escalator carry people UP, and the other one stationary for people to walk down.
Do they need someone to have a heart attach to figure that out?
To add insult to injury, during the morning commute when everyone is going down into the station, one escalator was moving UP (and carrying no one, of course), and the other was stationary.
It's as if Metro is dyslexic when it comes to directional sensibilities.
Sarles Q&A (WTOP)
Ever and Anon · 705 weeks ago
Steve · 705 weeks ago
Also, let's be honest, we could all use the exercise. Climbing some stairs won't kill you. The fact that so many people have problems with it is a sad reflection on the state of health of our public. Look at the NY subway. Almost no escalators or elevators anywhere. Yet somewhow 2 million people a day deal with it.
Kara · 705 weeks ago
Once more, stopped escalators != stairs for several reasons:
1) Steel has less give than wood making for a harder surface to walk on, especially when it is on edge vs a single plate.
2) The rises between steps are taller so it is not the size step your leg is used to walking on.
3) The rise changes at the top and bottom of the escalator which changes your rythm.
4) Escalators are narrower. Most likely you have a different natural pace than other people and passing when you are both walking in a narrow space is often problematic.
Sue · 705 weeks ago
Anony Mouse · 705 weeks ago
ZZinDC · 705 weeks ago
Kim · 705 weeks ago
Guest · 705 weeks ago
Nancy · 705 weeks ago
Kara · 705 weeks ago
Ms. Blasé · 705 weeks ago
Sue · 705 weeks ago
Kel · 705 weeks ago
The problem is really one of design. You can't have a stair that is more than twelve feet (I believe) long, why can you have an escalator that is - especially since, when the it stops, an escalator is just a stair!
Sam · 705 weeks ago
Jamie · 705 weeks ago
ZZinDC · 705 weeks ago
William J. Simmons · 705 weeks ago
MadAsHeck · 705 weeks ago
There is always some jackhole who walks up the stairs causing a jam where two rows of people walking down the stairs have to join together to get around him.
Just ride the escalator, dammit.
UnSuck Fan · 705 weeks ago
I get on and off at Wheaton and am guessing that most of us know or have heard about what those escalators are like. The other day, I was just stepping onto the escalator to go up when it made a funny noise and ground to a halt. Thankfully, no one was hurt (at least where I was). I was close enough to the bottom that I was able to get off and walk around to the elevator. When I got off the elevator, the station manager was yelling down to the riders not to get onto the escalator as he was trying to turn it back on (someone who was closer to the top must have informed him). The eventual end result was a good one as it has been working for most of this week (watch it break down now that I've said something!).
Anony Mouse · 705 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 705 weeks ago
· 705 weeks ago
RGG · 705 weeks ago
n2deep · 705 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 705 weeks ago
steve · 705 weeks ago
Point is, per union rules they shut off escalators and keep them unfixed otherwise the union would have nothing to fix if they always worked.
Also, my question to Sarles is this; Why do we see an increase in fares, when both ridership has increased and there has been an increase in federal funding? Answer: Pensions Penseions and Pensions. About 1/3 of metro's budget is pensions and benefits. Quite frankly metro needs to cut a bloated staff (that is also itself quite bloated). Ever see 4 or 5 metro employees standing around doing nothing? I see it all the time, what do they do? what is there job? to keep the platform from floating away?
n2deep · 705 weeks ago
what crack pipe did you draw that conclusion? the union shuts them off to guarantee work??!!?? really? there isn't enough work to be done so they shut off more.
the escalators are ,for the most part out of service for parts. and generally the parts metro orders are inferior parts at best. makes you wish for the days of parts "made in China". the garbage metro orders now are the absolute bottom of the barrel in quality. parts that should last several years only lasting a couple months. installing parts that are bad to begin with and so on.
and i spend quite a bit of time"standing around" on a platform . what is my job? what "should" i be doing. you don't know? so i guess it is easy for you to just assume i am not doing anything. believe me the only place you want to see me is standing on a platform. why? because if you see me rolling through a train then you might want to start picking up your shit because you might be about to be offloaded.
John · 705 weeks ago
Nancy · 704 weeks ago
ANON · 704 weeks ago
John · 704 weeks ago
anon · 704 weeks ago
you're an idiot with a lack of knowledge
steve · 705 weeks ago
if it was truley mechanical it would be out of service boarded up for weeks (months). But, they are turned off and on (only by technians), so there purpose is validated.
ever wonder why a fix doesnt actually fix? notice how an escalator is out of service for 8 months then deemed "fixed" and then its out of service later that week?
its because "work" is constantly needed to keep the union contract.
n2deep · 705 weeks ago
i really don't know where to begin to deal that idiotic statement. first turned on and off only by technicians?? show me proof of this stupidity. station managers, transportation supervisors and even custodians have escalator keys. hell even i have a set!
i can take you into any kiosk that has the elevator log books and page after page it is right there, "no parts in stock". nothing mystical or magical there. no great conspiracy theories. just very poor parts management.
and in other posts here "John" is correct, David Lacosse has made a shambles of the parts system. everything from on hand stock ,reorder points and change of suppliers. it is not a great secret around here.
and like i said earlier, you use shit parts you get shit results. one very common failure are the escalators that have the handrail issues. you know the ones, they are constantly sounding the bells, and the handrail is always skipping and jerking. why? because the techs are doing it for what you call, "job security"? no because of inferior drive belts. the older units used to have chain drive chains like the timing belts on older cars. but when the units were overhauled metro cut corners and initial overhaul expenses by changing these chain driven units with belt drives, similiar to your fan belt on your car with the exception that it has small "teeth" on them to drive the handrail. way cheaper than the previous style but also way less reliable. before you needed hundreds of pounds of tension to cause the chain to skip a link or to shear the drive shaft pin. now it only takes less that 50 pounds of pressure to cause the nylon belt to skip a tooth and experience problems. in other words before it would take a dozen full grown men to cause a failure, now it only takes one idiot to jump up on the handrail to cause the 50 pounds of pressure to induce failure.
i really would love to drag you down into one of the escalator pits and let you get your hands dirty. i would safely assume the whining could be heard blocks away.
and to "john", no i am not that DOPE elevator tech you speak of. a minimum of 3 to 4 months per escalator to overhaul on units over 200 feet.
but i am the one who will bring your train ride to screeching halt and offload the train at my discretion. and today has been a good day for offloads.
John · 704 weeks ago
ANON · 704 weeks ago
n2deep · 704 weeks ago
John · 705 weeks ago
Also, there was some IDIOT on this blog a while back who was saying that he's an escalator tech, and they usually finish escalator repairs in 6 weeks. (BIG LIE). So I am calling that guy out again: Why are they shutting down entire entrances to stations like Dupont and Bethesda, for a YEAR, when there are only 3 escalators there? Shouldn' t it only take 4 and a half months according to that bozo's count?
Kara · 704 weeks ago
anon · 704 weeks ago
like I said before check the log books in the kiosk and you will see the dates moron.
John · 704 weeks ago
anon · 704 weeks ago
John · 704 weeks ago
You guys always ESTIMATE it takes 6 weeks, and then those estimates are pushed back MONTHS! It probably takes 6 weeks if you guys are working on that escalator every day, but 75% of the time, NOBODY IS THERE!
anon · 704 weeks ago
Arl Anon · 705 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 705 weeks ago
n2deep · 705 weeks ago
steve · 704 weeks ago
RGG · 704 weeks ago
While station managers _have_ keys to the escalators and can "re-start" a shut down escalator, they don't have the authority to completely reverse those escalators without approval from their supervisors downtown.
Turn back on: YES
Reverse: NO
n2deep · 704 weeks ago
Rory · 705 weeks ago
vanceastro 111p · 704 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 704 weeks ago
George Chamberlain · 704 weeks ago
No, it's as if they are doing it on purpose. I think this is how METRO passive-aggressively pushes back against the hate they get from us annoying customers.