Friday, September 23, 2011

A Good Idea?

From Laura:
I get on and off at Greenbelt on the days I take Metro to work, and so I routinely see tourists or travelers going to and from BWI.

It occurs to me that WMATA probably makes bank off unused fare cards, i.e. travelers that put $20 on a card at the beginning of their stay, only use $10 of it, and then go back to their own cities.

So here's my question: Has there ever been an attempt to establish a program where tourists can donate their unused fare cards as they're leaving town to a program that will redistribute that money to, say, unemployed people going to job interviews, or another good cause?
We asked Metro since as, on the surface, it seems like a good idea and might help with the image problem.

Here's what they said:
This has not been an idea that has been formally considered.
Other items:
Metro embraces decade-old technology, city rejoices (WMATA)
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Of course it's a good idea, but it involves giving back to the community Metro "serves," so forget about it ever happening. Metro only knows about taking.
3 replies · active 704 weeks ago
It also involves doing something else on top of what they already can't do effectively. I mean, if they WMATA hasn't even been able to master the technology to keep escalators functiong that malls and airports have, I'd be willing to bet they'd find a way to screw the pooch on this one too....
Not from here's avatar

Not from here · 704 weeks ago

Hell, they can't even get the electronic arrival signs to work properly!

Seriously though, imagine an airport having arrival and departure times that aren't correct, ha, wouldn't happen, union or otherwise. No offense to DCites, but many in this town just aren't cut out for jobs that require things like accountability, responsibility, safety, etc., something I learned quickly when I moved here from a northern town.
They can't even get the clocks above the station managers' booths to function right! IT'S A CLOCK. It's not that hard! If they can't get a digital one to work, just hang up the $20 one they sell at Target or something and change the battery every 5 years.
I think this is a great idea. How hard could it be? Set up some boxes at Reagan, BWI, maybe Union Station. That'd pretty much have the bases covered.
3 replies · active 704 weeks ago
Someone would steal/break into the boxes.
Of course it is harder than that! They have to bring in consultants for every phase of the project. Delay it a few years. Then bring in more consultants to tell them the same exact thing the first ones did.
Very hard.....when you're WMATA.
Sweet Bobby's avatar

Sweet Bobby · 704 weeks ago

While I think it is a noble idea, it is one that could only be successfully executed by an organization that has its act together; unfortunately WMATA does not. The existing inertia and the resulting additional bureaucracy would make the process of applying for those fares more costly than the fares themselves, and a time of constant budgetary shortfalls and administrative mistakes, it just wouldn't make economic sense for WMATA to do something like this, which is a shame.
Could do, but won't.
As broke as they are, I can't see them volunteering to give "found money" away to anybody ...
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 704 weeks ago

I agree. They used to have a line item in their budget for money not used, didn't they? Started screwing up the budget when they forced people into smartcard use.. something like that.
I don't think it's a good idea. I can already see the homeless hawking for these farecards...will probably cause more sketchy people lingering around stations hoping to score one of these. Metro is pretty shady enough as it is in some stations. No need to make it worse.
2 replies · active 704 weeks ago
Usually, the programs work so that the people put the money up front and then the non-profit reimburses them.

At least that's how it is at DC Rape Crisis Center.
Or, conversely, I can see people applying for these, then selling 'em for drug money. This is a great idea in theory, but it would be pretty badly abused
I'm not sure I see this as something for wmata to do - even if they could. There are already orgs like Dress for Success that could probably incorporate this into what they already do. Any nonprofit in the area could work with hotels to get something like this started. And it would probably be easier to drop off your unused metro fares at the hotel front desk when you check out than to expect someone to stop by metro on the way home. If they're using metro to get to amtrak or an airport - then work with amtrak and the airports to have drop off points. Wmata doesn't really need to be involved at all. That might actually be for the best.
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
Completely agree - make part of a non-profit already in service, and let them be responsible for sharing with those in need.
I think if this was a Metro run initiative it would be a disaster, and Metro should probably focus on providing basic services well before it tries to do anything new...but this could be a good resource for unemployed job seekers if it was run by a different organization. Metro is pretty expensive and if someone is struggling to pay their bills, free rides around the city to interviews would probably help a lot.
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
Knowing WMATA, they would probably end up accidentally donating money to al-Qaeda.
A family member has been a consultant at times for Metro. WMATA is sitting on a crap ton of cash based on these lost tickets. They don't want to tell the general public and they're not sure they can spend the money, because legally the money still is tied to the tickets.
3 replies · active 704 weeks ago
That's why they should make farecards expire after a certain period, like they do in NYC.
This is why it would be good for a non-profit to seek donations of left over fare cards - then WMATA cannot keep sitting on the money!
KnowsAboutWMATA's avatar

KnowsAboutWMATA · 704 weeks ago

I don't see how keeping the card benefits Metro in terms of it being worth money. I don't even think Metro keeps them (most people probably toss them or find out they have it when they return home).

They already have your money and the trains run either way. Probably the only way it helps Metro is it saves them money (less strain on farecard gates and elevators. And maybe if people knew more about this they would just grab them and use them to reload their farecards/SmartTrip cards. But they should start some collection program to donate them.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 704 weeks ago

Great idea; never gonna happen.
And now you see one of the biggest scams in the Metro book of scams!
Regarding the SmarTrip thing.

I don't get why everyone is so "thankful" to Metro about this. This could and should have been done years ago, but as is normal with Metro, they couldn't get their act together to implement it.

Why people thank Metro for providing baseline service is beyond me. I guess it's because baseline is such a rarity.
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 704 weeks ago

With Metro, late is better than never. It's also normal. is a good system that allows you to donate either in person or online.
4 replies · active 704 weeks ago
I'm the OP, and I was hoping someone would point me to an organization exactly like this. Thanks!
Laura, it’s a good idea for a third party to do.

As the other poster pointed out these missing cards are an asset for Metro so they don't really benefit from the program. So think of who would actually distribute the cards and work with them to help them set up a collection system.

(Where the collection point is just outside of the metro entrance – since I’d guess it’s easier to work with Washington Metropolitan Airports than Metro.)

Alternatively you could make it your charity and set it up yourself with the help of volunteers.
My question was less "has Metro thought of this" and more "has ANYONE thought of this." I agree completely that it's an awful idea for WMATA to try to implement itself, but for a non-profit, I think it's definitely a viable idea.
They need a system online where you can trace the steps of your returning your damaged card for replacement. We sent in a card by way of the envelope and never got a single response.
I've seen wmata employees running what appeared to be "lost" paper farecards through the gates- so, i highly doubt they'll ever do something like what the original poster suggested.
This is a great idea but of course Metro can't be counted on to do it. But I do know for a fact that the Hampton Inn in Alexandria has a box at its front desk for exactly that purpose. Having stayed at that hotel on numerous occasions (used to live in DC, now I come down for work occasionally), that box always has plenty of farecards dropped in it.
You could even make money off it by selling the cards at a steep discount to eligible people.

But why is this Metro's problem? Nothing stops some rando off the street from doing this himself. Hell, Craigslist probably would work for this.

And if you really think for a second, who determines what a "good cause" is? Is an unemployed worker going to a job really a good cause? I think so, but there's another side to it. And eventually, some unpopular group would end up getting the benefits and that would blow back on Metro.

We'd see posts "What were they thinking!?!" right here.

Bottom line: if you think it's a great idea, do it yourself. WMATA is under no reasonable obligation to assist or involve themselves.
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
I guess I'm a "rando" then, because I do this all the time. Not here in DC, but elsewhere - if I end up with more on a farecard, ticket, or other device that somebody else could use, I find somebody entering the system or location and give mine to them. They're always grateful.
A system similar to the one that Laura suggests is set up in Singapore. Their transit system does not use paper fare cards--you place a deposit on a thick plastic card, and when you're done, you can return the card via a fare machine and get your deposit back. (They also have thinner plastic cards that are akin to our SmarTrips, but at least you can get your $5 back in Singapore.) Each station has bins for people to "donate" cards--the idea is that the value of the deposit, along with any fare left on the card, would be put in an account for charity. (IIRC, it supported the blind.) The bins are secure, but then again a Singapore station would never be confused for a WMATA station.
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
How do you get into the "buddy network" at metro?
1. My daddy worked there and retiared.
2. I will lie for management.
3. I will do anythin for jeter./s
4. She/he is my wife and now is promoted to a 3 figure salary too.
5. I am a mason or eastern star member.
6. I do handyman work for managers.
7. I am young and just stared driving a bus and do not know any better but want more money.
8. I will do what managment asks so I will get overtime in large amounts even if it means hurt/lie against another local member.
9. Make suggestions to managment and then let them taake the credit and put their name on it as their IDEA.
10. Have social/drinking parties, gather money together for the buddies and friends if they lose their jobs (for a minute) or need something. Make it look like you care about the community who is on welfare.
I believe that USOs at airports also accept farecards with money left on them, and give them to service men/women who are staying in the area. For people traveling back to the airports in the area, it'd be pretty simple just to drop them off at the USO for re-use.
The unused portion and the $5 for the smartcard should be returnable to the customer.
We do not need another "social program" paid for by working persons. i am tired of my tax dollars being distributed to programs and groups which preach a culture of safety, integrity and ethics but in fact they are a bunch of LIARS!
Return the customers money!
3 replies · active 704 weeks ago
KnowsAboutWMATA's avatar

KnowsAboutWMATA · 704 weeks ago

Couldn't you just put the exact amount you need for your trip into the machine therefore avoiding the unused portion? And why would anybody buy a smartrip card if they weren't planning on re-using it? Though then again I know a co-worker who has 4-5 of them because she kept forgetting she had one in her wallet.
Don't forget that SmarTrips are the only method of payment to get out of Metro's parking lots. A lot of people who visit and stay outside the city are forced into spending $10 for a $5 parking fee, and probably have no intentions of using their card again...
roughly 20 to 28 million a year. WMATA used it as revenue. They can't give up.
I tweeted this post under the text "Persuading Metro toward Altruism instead of opportunism."
The Green Door organization assists DC residents with mental illness and accepts unused Metro fare cards.
...already covered -- takes unused farecards from hotels and consolidates them with the help of volunteers to donate/provide to the homeless... I know coz I used to help out... They've changed leadership about a year ago/dunno if they're still active...

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