From Laura:
I get on and off at Greenbelt on the days I take Metro to work, and so I routinely see tourists or travelers going to and from BWI.We asked Metro since as, on the surface, it seems like a good idea and might help with the image problem.
It occurs to me that WMATA probably makes bank off unused fare cards, i.e. travelers that put $20 on a card at the beginning of their stay, only use $10 of it, and then go back to their own cities.
So here's my question: Has there ever been an attempt to establish a program where tourists can donate their unused fare cards as they're leaving town to a program that will redistribute that money to, say, unemployed people going to job interviews, or another good cause?
Here's what they said:
This has not been an idea that has been formally considered.Other items:
Metro embraces decade-old technology, city rejoices (WMATA)
Metro studying ways to decrease Gallery Pl. crowding (Examiner)
· 704 weeks ago
DCRider · 704 weeks ago
Not from here · 704 weeks ago
Seriously though, imagine an airport having arrival and departure times that aren't correct, ha, wouldn't happen, union or otherwise. No offense to DCites, but many in this town just aren't cut out for jobs that require things like accountability, responsibility, safety, etc., something I learned quickly when I moved here from a northern town.
slb · 704 weeks ago
Sue · 704 weeks ago
John · 704 weeks ago
Kara · 704 weeks ago
James · 704 weeks ago
Sweet Bobby · 704 weeks ago
Anon · 704 weeks ago
Guest · 704 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 704 weeks ago
None · 704 weeks ago
lmnop · 704 weeks ago
At least that's how it is at DC Rape Crisis Center.
Guest · 704 weeks ago
Didi · 704 weeks ago
Guest · 704 weeks ago
Red Line · 704 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 704 weeks ago
Annony · 704 weeks ago
yup · 704 weeks ago
Guest · 704 weeks ago
KnowsAboutWMATA · 704 weeks ago
They already have your money and the trains run either way. Probably the only way it helps Metro is it saves them money (less strain on farecard gates and elevators. And maybe if people knew more about this they would just grab them and use them to reload their farecards/SmartTrip cards. But they should start some collection program to donate them.
Soylent Green Line · 704 weeks ago
Inside · 704 weeks ago
XXX · 704 weeks ago
I don't get why everyone is so "thankful" to Metro about this. This could and should have been done years ago, but as is normal with Metro, they couldn't get their act together to implement it.
Why people thank Metro for providing baseline service is beyond me. I guess it's because baseline is such a rarity.
Soylent Green Line · 704 weeks ago
S. Wong · 704 weeks ago
Laura · 704 weeks ago
iolaire 71p · 704 weeks ago
As the other poster pointed out these missing cards are an asset for Metro so they don't really benefit from the program. So think of who would actually distribute the cards and work with them to help them set up a collection system.
(Where the collection point is just outside of the metro entrance – since I’d guess it’s easier to work with Washington Metropolitan Airports than Metro.)
Alternatively you could make it your charity and set it up yourself with the help of volunteers.
Laura · 704 weeks ago
Anon · 704 weeks ago
that guy · 704 weeks ago
Guest · 704 weeks ago
WRD · 704 weeks ago
But why is this Metro's problem? Nothing stops some rando off the street from doing this himself. Hell, Craigslist probably would work for this.
And if you really think for a second, who determines what a "good cause" is? Is an unemployed worker going to a job really a good cause? I think so, but there's another side to it. And eventually, some unpopular group would end up getting the benefits and that would blow back on Metro.
We'd see posts "What were they thinking!?!" right here.
Bottom line: if you think it's a great idea, do it yourself. WMATA is under no reasonable obligation to assist or involve themselves.
Meredith · 704 weeks ago
jkuchen · 704 weeks ago
Anon · 704 weeks ago
1. My daddy worked there and retiared.
2. I will lie for management.
3. I will do anythin for jeter./s
4. She/he is my wife and now is promoted to a 3 figure salary too.
5. I am a mason or eastern star member.
6. I do handyman work for managers.
7. I am young and just stared driving a bus and do not know any better but want more money.
8. I will do what managment asks so I will get overtime in large amounts even if it means hurt/lie against another local member.
9. Make suggestions to managment and then let them taake the credit and put their name on it as their IDEA.
10. Have social/drinking parties, gather money together for the buddies and friends if they lose their jobs (for a minute) or need something. Make it look like you care about the community who is on welfare.
Guest · 704 weeks ago
Anon · 704 weeks ago
We do not need another "social program" paid for by working persons. i am tired of my tax dollars being distributed to programs and groups which preach a culture of safety, integrity and ethics but in fact they are a bunch of LIARS!
Return the customers money!
@VeggieTart · 704 weeks ago
And this isn't a social program. This is about someone voluntarily donating a leftover SmarTrip with some fare to someone who needs it--like someone trying to find a job or the working poor who could use a SmarTrip to help them get to and from work. The problem with putting them at the stations is someone still needs to go to the airport to leave town. It would work at DCA and Union Station (for those who use the train), but they'd have to have a farecard collection box at the airports.
I keep a couple extra SmarTrips on hand for when I have family visiting. I meet them at the airport with the cards when they arrive and go to the airport with them when they leave and take the cards with me.
KnowsAboutWMATA · 704 weeks ago
guest · 704 weeks ago
@W_SWARTZ · 704 weeks ago
Nature · 704 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 704 weeks ago
Kathy · 704 weeks ago
ms~ · 703 weeks ago
@JeffersonEng · 703 weeks ago