Via @dcmetrosucks: @wmata @fairfaxpolice almost 30 min and we are still not moving at south Vienna park garage pic.twitter.com/c6XP3fFq
Apparently, Metro has been taking riders hostage in the Vienna parking lot for the past couple days.
From Aubrey:
The newest parking garage at Vienna was an absolute madhouse yesterday. After work, I walked to the parking garage and up to my car. As I left the stairwell, I noticed a long line of cars winding up the entire structure. They were not moving slowly, they were not moving at all.From Eric:
I got in my car and patiently waited in my spot. Fifteen minutes passed, then 20 then 35.
At this point I had not even been able to move out of my spot, and the line of cars in front of me had moved a grand total of one car-length.
I called customer service. The first number I called rang for about three minutes straight I let it ring – nothing.
Back to the drawing board. I looked up and found the number to the administrative office. Someone picked up, and I politely asked for someone I could talk to that had any leverage at the Vienna station. I was given a number and called parking. The woman who picked up there was uncooperative from the get-go. I always like to remain as calm and pleasant in these situations as humanly possible, because people are more apt work with you.
I began by telling her what was going on and recommended someone take a look at it. Obviously, she hadn’t listened to a word I had said because she replied “Well, have you tried holding your card to the target again?”
It took me a couple of moments to process this response to which I replied “Oh no, ma’am, I think you misunderstood me. I haven’t even been able to get out of my parking spot, much less down to the turnstile.”
Again, apparently not trying to process what I said, she asked “well, what’s the problem?”
I was starting to get annoyed, but didn't want to show it.
I replied “I honestly have no idea, as I said, I can’t even get down there to check it out.”
She responded with “Well no one has called in with a problem, and if I don’t know what it is, I don’t even know that it’s a Metro problem.”
I told her “I’m surprised that this is the first you are hearing, but I’m sitting in the middle of it, and I can assure you there is definitely a problem!”
This is where I started getting really frustrated. She said “Well there is nothing I can do if I don’t know what the problem is.”
I asked her “Can’t you call and send someone from Metro over there to check it out? There is definitely a problem, and there are a lot of angry people in here." (I'm thinking she must hear the horns blasting in the background at this point.)
She rudely argued back and forth a couple times saying that there was nothing she could do, while the tone of her voice sounded much more like “there is nothing I feel like doing to help you.”
Finally, very obviously irritated, she said “Ugh, I’ll call the attendant” and hung up the phone.
By time I got out of there, I saw two attendants working on the SmarTrip targets. My entire wait was 48 minutes.
Metro – this was the last straw. I’m not paying for this kind of service/customer service any longer. You just put one more car on the already crowded roads during rush hour.
Second day in a row there was only one working exit booth for the entire garage. One exit is shut for construction so we were down to two exit booths, but now it is one.
Useless lady refused to call her supervisor and told me to.
Another guy was a little more convincing, and the arm is now raised. Traffic is backed up to the roof.
— dcmetrosucks (@dcmetrosucks) August 9, 2012
@wmata it took me 45 min to exit the south Vienna park garage. That was longer than my train commute. And somehow this is acceptable...
Other items:
Metro refuses to share "mystery rider" program details which YOU paid for (Examiner)
Danny DanDan · 658 weeks ago
Fed up · 658 weeks ago
HackTheGate · 658 weeks ago
A wrench set may serve you well.
Anon5 · 658 weeks ago
That or a wrench. In this case, WMATA's negligence reaches the level of criminality. You would be arguably within your rights to take down the arm and remove the illegal obstruction.
annonymous · 658 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 658 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 658 weeks ago
Andi · 658 weeks ago
in the mornings, they have only one lane marked with a green light, and that lane has the arm down. when you drive up to the arm, it raises. sometimes. other days you have to back up and go through the lane marked with the red light. this is helpful, especially when you have traffic behind you.
the garage looks nice, smells better than the old one (for now), and it's far less crowded than the old one, but it definitely is NOT user friendly.
guest · 658 weeks ago
as for the readers--half the time it rejects my smarttrip on the first try--i just touch it again and it usually works.
but my deepest sympathies to you vienna folks. :-(
Sara P · 658 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 658 weeks ago
Sabrina · 658 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 658 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 658 weeks ago
mikedonatello 0p · 658 weeks ago
BTW, a wrench set isn't going to help when you're stuck in row 4-3 for half an hour -- unless you want to use the down time to change your own oil.
Stan Dessel · 658 weeks ago
Anyway, you got off to the METRO safe right?
You're welcome
BrianKal · 658 weeks ago
Alex · 658 weeks ago
Driver · 658 weeks ago
Dan Stessels · 658 weeks ago
You're welcome.
DC Denizen · 658 weeks ago
Chris · 657 weeks ago
The Gridlock Doctor · 658 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 658 weeks ago
Whether I'm dealing with WMATA or PEPCO customer service... this is what it feels like to me....
jimlcunningham 80p · 658 weeks ago
eed017 · 658 weeks ago
PeeWee · 658 weeks ago
Rory · 658 weeks ago
I was expecting a call from the police or some kind of letter because I thought we might have broken the arm, but nothing ever happened. At least not yet.
JoeB · 658 weeks ago
Everyday there is a gamble within this system...
Kat · 658 weeks ago
Guest · 658 weeks ago
Guest · 658 weeks ago
Yes, the Metro is a big joke, and the employees are totally incompetent. But stop coming on this website and complaining about it. Do something about it instead!
Kara · 658 weeks ago
As to the elevator comment. Did the thought of people in wheelchairs ever enter your brain?
Guest · 658 weeks ago
As for the elevator, I made a spelling mistake....I meant escalator. I often see stopped elevators blocked off, even though there's no work being done. Doesn't make much sense, and is actually incredibly dangerous during rush hour, when the platforms become extremely crowded.
anon · 657 weeks ago
the escalators are out to get us, i tell ya.
anon · 658 weeks ago
heard in the glenmont station today, from a wmata employee explaining the backup from the train going down at rockville (apparently he didn't think it really needed to be offloaded):
"That's Metro. I love it but I hate it."
Kara · 657 weeks ago
"The elevator at Woodley Park is broken. Again."
anon · 658 weeks ago
hmm. the description of the first station manager sounds spot on; i think she made up the second one though:
Guest · 657 weeks ago
anon · 657 weeks ago
alpchngi · 657 weeks ago