Yes, the Nats should fork over what basically amounts to pocket change to keep the Metro open for their fans, but Metro is not exactly playing ball with their customers either, according to Eric:
I don't know why they're not telling the truth, but just wanted to tell you that the Nats and/or Metro is not telling the truth about the times of the last train leaving Navy Yard.
Two pieces of evidence: The Metro website says the last train leaves Navy Yard for Greenbelt at 11:39 but has "no Red Line transfer."
But that's impossible, since the last train leaves Gallery Place, the Red Line transfer station, for Shady Grove at 12:02 and Glenmont at 12:08.
The ride from Navy Yard to Gallery Place is eight minutes.
The math doesn't add up.
There definitely is another train that leaves after the 11:20 train that they are telling fans to take, and it should transfer to the Red Line.
Even more evidence that there's something going on: If you look at all the Green Line stations after Navy Yard (toward Branch Avenue), they all say that the last train to Greenbelt leaves later, 11:24 from Branch Avenue, 11:37 from Congress Heights, etc. And unlike when the last train is listed for Navy Yard and Waterfront, it doesn't say that there is "no Red Line transfer."
Odd, isn't it, that there's no warning about not being to transfer to the Red Line from the Green Line on the last train if you get on farther up the line, but if you get on at the Ballpark, all of a sudden you can't transfer (or Metro is just really screwing with their customers.)
Of course you can transfer--it just seems that Metro doesn't want to possibly not be able to fit everyone on the last train, or they're lazy, or something--but they're not telling the truth.
Personally, I feel that this is on the Lerners--Leonis, Snyder and various organizations in town being willing to pay if they want to keep the train open.
Only the Nats owners are apparently too cheap--or just don't care enough about the fans--to keep the Metro open on the rare night that something like this happens.
But I still am puzzled by why Metro/the Nats are telling people to leave 20 minutes earlier than they really have to.
jdb820 0p · 656 weeks ago
@Mike0376 · 656 weeks ago
guest · 656 weeks ago
Metro and the Nats should advertise ALL options. If you're gonna be slow, take the 11:20, if not, catch a few more minutes of the game and take the 11:39. They both will get you where you need to go.
Kara · 656 weeks ago
Say it takes me 10 minutes to walk to a train. One day I stop in the middle of the walk for half an hour. Should I still expect to catch the same train?
anon · 656 weeks ago
There's no reason to rush people out of the game for that second to last train. Plenty of time to transfer.
Yes. BOO Nats.
Theo16 · 656 weeks ago
But the reason the Lerners don't care is that concession stands are long closed by then anyway, so they have stopped generating revenue by that time.
@wmata · 656 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 656 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 656 weeks ago
Andrew. · 656 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 656 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 656 weeks ago
During the regular season for hockey, overtime is five minutes, and if it comes to that, the shootout is typically brief as well. Hockey games rarely go past 10:00 or 10:30, depending on start time. The only time a hockey game might go past midnight is during the playoffs, when the overtime format changes to 20-minute periods until someone scores. That happened once this year. It didn't happen at all last year or the year before.
Being willing to keep Metro open past midnight once every few years is a lot easier than being willing to keep Metro open multiple times in a year.
Eric · 656 weeks ago
@jakesauser · 656 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 656 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 656 weeks ago
WMATA doesn't treat their paying riders with the respect they give members of the media. Do we all need Dan Stessel's cell phone number to get answers? I have it... I can tweet it if that's what it takes...
FreeMarketFan · 656 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 656 weeks ago
joe · 656 weeks ago
Can someone who was there please tell me.
Orange Crush · 656 weeks ago
FreeMarketFan · 656 weeks ago
You have 81 home games. Remove the afternoon games (1:05, 4:05) from the equation. Then remove get-away day games that occur during the week once in a blue moon. Now you're left with a smaller sample set of 7:05 games that occurred during a weeknight and ran past the typical 3 hour time-span of a game (due to things like nature or extra innings)
This should happen maybe 3-4 times over the course of the season. Have an agreement with METRO that once it hits XX:XX PM that you extend service for 1 hour. If the game is still going on at XX:XX + 1 Hour extend it another one
jkuchen · 656 weeks ago
dddddda · 655 weeks ago
One take · 656 weeks ago
Allez Expos!
@make_lemons · 656 weeks ago
The Nats got a "free" stadium built for them by DC, situated near a Metro station on purpose.
Now the Nats need to pony up.. and not just in the post season....
BPMBA · 656 weeks ago
guzzler · 656 weeks ago
Simpson H · 656 weeks ago
@Pacen8r · 656 weeks ago
dddddda · 655 weeks ago
Bitter Brew · 656 weeks ago
Are you serious? For once, WMATA is being straight with riders, and everyone is complaining?
Everyone should realize that Metro's rail system isn't timely and reliable enough for Nats fans to plan to get 4 stops in 23 minutes (11:39 to 12:02), especially with the likelihood of broken escalators and elevators at Gallery Place, the possibility the station manager will decide to close the station and turn out the lights early, and the occasional (who am I kidding -- frequent!) failure of that last Red Line train to appear *at all.*
So kudos to Stan Dessel and his WMATA team on this one for being upfront and honest: Metro simply cannot be relied upon to get hundreds of Nats fans home if they leave Nationals Park after 11:00.
Rory · 656 weeks ago
Bitter Brew · 656 weeks ago
SammyDC · 656 weeks ago
Bitter Brew · 656 weeks ago
Ever n Anon · 656 weeks ago
russell.j.coller.jr · 656 weeks ago
Guest · 656 weeks ago
That being said, its a new era. People not from Philadelphia actually go to Nats games now. Thus, the Nats really should put an agreement on the books with Metro to keep the trains running. I bet the total cost for a seson would be under $200,000, which is a few rain-delay innings worth of concessions.
Also, if you can, just drive. Parking around the stadium, even for the busiest games is actually quite plentiful. The lots never fill up, and street spaces can be had for a short walk. Plus traffic getting in and out is never an issue.
Thomas Troxell · 656 weeks ago
LMNtary,DearThomas · 656 weeks ago
WMATA does not.
Eric · 656 weeks ago
AnonE · 656 weeks ago
Ignorant people. Bliss?
DC Denizen · 656 weeks ago
NatsFan2005 · 656 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 656 weeks ago
jon pelfry · 655 weeks ago
I understand the event parking fee, but at 4:00????? Me and every other car at the station had to pay $25 to get out and none of us were going to a game that starts tonight at 7 or 8pm. That's some bullsh$%t.