From John:
On Sunday at 1:45 p.m. at Waterfront Metro, while waiting for the Green Line toward Chinatown, I was assaulted.
I was leaning against the rail at the bottom of the stairs waiting for my train when all of a sudden I got sucker punched from the back on my right temple.
My glasses flew off my face. My vision is really bad without my glasses, so the first thing I thought was to find them.
I was looking around for them on the ground while three people casually and slowly walked up the stairs, sort of trying to gauge what my response was going to be.
I found my glasses halfway up the stairs, so the person who assaulted me must have grabbed them in the same punch and threw them. The three were chuckling to themselves and then hurried up the rest of the stairs.
They didn't try to steal anything. Not sure what the hell they were thinking. Maybe they were just bored and wanted a laugh.
The three were Waterfront area black kids, in their late teens or early twenties. One of them was wearing a white t-shirt that was a Southwest crew/gang shirt.
I went to the station manager and told her I just got assaulted by the kids who just walked by her and that I didn't know if they left the station or went back downstairs on the other side.
All the manager said was "Oh yeah, they just hopped the gate."
She did not give a flying f*ck what happened.
Jeff · 657 weeks ago
Ever n Anon · 657 weeks ago
Which is why I cannot attend Metro public meetings. I'm terrified of riding Metro so late after the meetings end..
Emily · 657 weeks ago
106 SW · 657 weeks ago
micah · 657 weeks ago
Terry · 657 weeks ago
One take · 657 weeks ago
The worst would you get from the Georgetown frat boy and/or sorority girl students is that one of them might vomit on your shoes because he or she has had too much to drink.
The violent youth excrement are taught from a very young age in their communities that the only way to randomly assault someone is from behind and in a group. You will never see them face-to-face.
Emily · 657 weeks ago
Tom Tom · 657 weeks ago
John · 657 weeks ago
This type of thing has happened dozens of times. Its been documented on this blog at least 10 times. And each one of those 10 times, I've came on here and said in the future, please turn on your cell phone camera when you are dealing with these station managers. Otherwise your complaints will go no where (previous complaints went nowhere). And then each time, a couple of months later, another story like this will surface. And the person didn't turn on their camera. And the station managers get off scott free.
I'm sorry you were assaulted. However I can no longer feel sorry for this type of interaction with the station manager. If you decided to be proactive, you'd have gotten justice, and forced them to change their behavior. Instead all you got was a post on a blog...
@NoPants_McGee · 657 weeks ago
John · 657 weeks ago
Also, what did he do after the station manager did this? Just walk away and cry to Unsuck? Why not stand outside the booth, call the police and report the assault and call Metro and report the station manager?
I'm sorry but the riders just continue to let Metro walk all over them like this. Until actions are taken to stand up to them and out the problem employees for what they are, this crap will continue.
Not easy to say, but its the truth.
anon · 657 weeks ago
Shannon · 657 weeks ago
I don't think the point of this was get metro's attention. Its a good way for someone to vent and make others aware of the asshats that work at metro. More importantly, that riders should be aware of their surroundings at all times especially at Waterfront.
I completely agree with you on turning on your phone to record the conversation. Even if you don't capture them on video, you can still hear the conversation.
But in general, most people who are assaulted on the metro or in the station aren't going to think "well I'm gonna nail that metro employee if they don't show a stick of professionalism or humanity," *gets phone ready.*
No. They're going to be confused, hurt, scared, maybe angry and they will seek help. We don't know how this story ended...but all in all, you're response is rather unfair. It's quite possible this person has never had a bad interaction with a metro employee until now. That's why and how most people come to find this blog.
John · 657 weeks ago
Its any case where something happens and they need to speak to a station manager. People need to (unlike metro) be proactive in these instances.
Nuf Said · 657 weeks ago
Kara · 657 weeks ago
Guest · 657 weeks ago
lightbrownis · 657 weeks ago
Kara · 657 weeks ago
Brando · 657 weeks ago
SoSa · 657 weeks ago
Terry · 657 weeks ago
One take · 657 weeks ago
Another Nick · 657 weeks ago
I choose to believe she is literally the only white lady manager.
Ryan · 656 weeks ago
RGG · 656 weeks ago
micah · 657 weeks ago
Rep. Akin · 657 weeks ago
eed017 · 656 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 657 weeks ago
Also, yes, what NoPants said. It's easy to say what you think you would do in that situation, but when it comes down to actually doing it in the heat of the moment... That's another question entirely. Any victim of a crime should not be blamed for not pulling out their cellphone to record events during or immediately thereafter the assault. Sheesh. Wouldn't have been my first reaction, either, and I don't have the additional worry of getting the glasses punched off my face.
OP- please report this to the MTPD. I'm really sorry this happened to you.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 657 weeks ago
In this case, Metro has yet to contact me.
Kyla · 657 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 657 weeks ago
If you are in a state of mind to collect information, get the name, file an official report with Metro and cc me.
That said, there's very little evidence that Metro takes any kind of meaningful action against employees like the one mentioned in this post.
Ever Offended · 657 weeks ago
You're a metro employee aren't you?
Bitter Brew · 657 weeks ago
In the meantime, remember that many of Unsuck's stories do not come from daily readers -- or the smaller group that reads the comments. Often they come from people who tell friends or colleagues who are Unsuck readers and who then suggest to the victim that they pass the story along.
Anony · 657 weeks ago
A competent transit agency would immediately cue the video tape.
Guest · 657 weeks ago
@NeonLights52 · 657 weeks ago
Nuf Said · 657 weeks ago
anonymous · 657 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 657 weeks ago
Ryan · 657 weeks ago
guest · 657 weeks ago
1. It's a lot easier to say what you should/would do in these situations when you're thinking about it calmly and objectively and not actually dealing with it in the moment. Adrenaline can take over when you feel threatened.
2. Not everyone has a cell phone camera. Yes, most do, but not all.
3. Whipping out a camera phone may not even have been a smart thing to do in this situation. If the punk kids were still around, they may have stolen it. If they had left, taking out your phone and starting the camera could have wasted valuable time while he thought maybe the kids could still be caught.
John · 657 weeks ago
You think they are fazed by a couple of posts on this blog?
Guest · 657 weeks ago
DCDriver · 657 weeks ago
John · 657 weeks ago
2) All I know is I'd be pretty scared/shaken up after being roughed up, but if I went to a station manager and they pulled that crap, that emotion would turn in to pure anger.
3) I have been mugged in the past, so yes, I know how I'd react, you jackass
Nuf Said · 657 weeks ago
MET · 657 weeks ago
And we shouldn't have to boycott or 'take action' to get a reasonable amount of reliable transportation and customer service from a transit authority that we pay through the nose for.
Mariterri · 657 weeks ago
@JGPennypacker · 657 weeks ago
@ConGrpThink · 657 weeks ago
Yakker · 655 weeks ago
@JGPennypacker · 657 weeks ago
@ConGrpThink · 657 weeks ago
PeeWee · 656 weeks ago
Dezlboy · 657 weeks ago
The station manager is 100 percent to blame. He should have (1) called the metro police (2) possibly called for first aid (3) made sure the passenger had his bearings, and had a way to get home (assume stil Metro), etc etc. Bottom line, the station manager has a job to do, and it's not just calling the police, which he didn't do.
SHAME on the manager. And, likely SHAME on Metro. They if anything, will say it's a personnel matter and they can't comment.
John · 657 weeks ago
MHR1979DC · 657 weeks ago
I live at Waterfront, and I know exactly the type of kids you're talking about...and whenever they are around, I make sure to keep anyone I perceive as a potential threat in my range of vision. That said, you did nothing wrong - we all have let down our guard, and we shouldn't have to be on high alert when waiting for a train.
Did you get the Station Manager's name or anything to identify her? Seems to me it's time to take a cue from the NYC transit system and build floor to ceiling turnstyles so these hoodrats are either kept in, or kept out of the system. That said, I hope Metro is able to get footage from the security cameras, and turn it over to the police. I hope also, you filed a police report. Keep us posted.
Stan Dessel · 657 weeks ago
You're welcome!
Guest · 657 weeks ago
Mike · 657 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 657 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 657 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 657 weeks ago
Jackie Jeter · 657 weeks ago
Dan Stessel · 657 weeks ago
"On Sunday afternoon, one of our loyal customers who wasn't paying attention placed his head in the way of another customer's moving fist. The customer's face struck the second customer's fist. As a result, the second customer's fist received minor bruising. The customer who was not paying attention had misplaced his glasses, which could be why he didn't see the second customer's fist coming. The customer suffering bruises to his fist was assisted out of the station by our attentive station manager.
Safety is our number one priority. We encourage all customers to never put their face in the path of other customer's fists.
eed017 · 656 weeks ago
DSteller · 657 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 657 weeks ago
Part of why this happens is that there are certain kinds of people in the world who don't think of the consequences of their actions. Making sure those consequences more-reliably happen HELPS stop this kind of thing.
Brando · 657 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 657 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 657 weeks ago
And I thought this was taking a turn, what with the citizen take down of robbers of late.
I couldn't watch someone get victimized and do nothing. How DOES one do that?
THAT'S why everyone went to jail at the end of SEINFELD!
Terry · 657 weeks ago
Corey · 657 weeks ago
Mark · 657 weeks ago
ooo · 657 weeks ago
PS. if you take a look, there's a black person calling the perps "hood rats."
Is he racist?
C;mon son.
@ConGrpThink · 657 weeks ago
anonymous · 657 weeks ago
Was the station manager supposed to have stopped the kids and arrested them or something?
Kathryn · 657 weeks ago
Guest · 657 weeks ago
I use the Waterfront Station frequently and my observations with the Station Mangers there are quite different than other stations. At other stations many times there will be someone planted on a stool near the gate to discourage hurdling to avoid the fare. At Waterfront, the Station Mangers could care less. For example, this past weekend I watched a young man nonchalantly jump the gate and didn’t even bother to run. Just strolled by because he knew he would not be challenged there. And yes, there were three METRO employees in the booth engaged in what I’m sure was a meaningful conversation.
Adam · 656 weeks ago
montagthezine 51p · 656 weeks ago
i say, if the people want a safe metro, it's up to the people to make it safe.
Guest · 656 weeks ago
Mike · 656 weeks ago
In a polar bear hunt, a group of usually three or four young black teenagers picks out a sole victim walking by himself, and one of the youths comes up from behind and sucker punches him in the back of the head for no real reason other than a bit of fun. The victim is almost never robbed, just left lying there wondering what in the world happened.
You can all probably figure out on your own what race the designated "polar bear" always is.
jokesfb · 656 weeks ago