Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Setting the Tone?

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The above was posted on the ATU Local 689 Facebook page and has been there for days. No one, including union president Jackie Jeter, who is active on the page, has flagged it.

I hope it's not representative of the tone the union is bringing to the negotiating table as it attempts to iron out a new contract with Metro.

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Wow. Just WOW!
2 replies · active 659 weeks ago
Can there be a FOI request for the Union top 5 officers for the last 10 years and all the many shop-stewards? I would like to know their salaries.

I heard from my friend that 689 Union dues went up again and part of the dues money goes to the International Union on Wisconsin Ave in Washington DC.
My inner grammarian was screaming!
3 replies · active 659 weeks ago
Based on his grammar, the union we might want to be complaining about here is the NEA.
BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 659 weeks ago

That's why Metro uses colours for lines because their staff can't read the words on them.
The sad part is this shouldn't shock anyone who follows Metro. The union leadership is all about race.

If you look at other parts of their Facebook page, you'll see them posting about a Support Trayvon Martin event in DC. Regardless of your views on that incident, what does a transit union have to do with a shooting in Florida? Oh that's right -- race is involved.
6 replies · active 659 weeks ago
Unfortunately not everyone can read the page--when I try I just get two posts, one about Emancipation Day and one about free dinner for whoever can bring the most people to a meeting.
thats why i left metro. i 'am white and was always seeing whites treated as lower class.
employees's avatar

employees · 659 weeks ago

Whites are not provided with the respect, promotions, equality and grooming that blacks get.

I believe Congress, the Senate and the House needs to mandate equality and diversity at Metro and mandate many races to be put in place of different races that have English communication skills. Also how about promoting the few whites that have applied for promotions. Start from there with those that are QUALIFIED and EDUCATED.
Dang, that's a reverse of the every other aspect of American society. Better fix it to how things usually are
How about just balance Metro. All races should be supervisors, employees, managers and others. Balance Metro NOW!
It is a race thing when you go to union meetings. I used to be one of a handful of whites at the 689 Union Meetings. I wasted my time and gas to be ridiculed and mocked on the floor. Grievances are for her friends and other blacks. You see, the maintenance shop-stewards who are white males help other white males. Who helps the white females? No one!
Question --- is there a reason you are blocking out the name and picture?
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
I don't think it matters. It's the sentiment expressed that does.
Sweetness's avatar

Sweetness · 659 weeks ago

It's just completely unsustainable to maintain a pension fund that receives zero contributions from the employees themselves. The intransigence of the union stems from the notion that WMATA cannot fail. I can only imagine these high employee costs are partially motivating the preference for allowing excessive overtime pay rather than filling new positions, and this is especially problematic in an industry where worker fatigue is detrimental to ride safety. In the meantime, the system continues to crumble and fare continue to rise for the sole purpose of financing a pension system for employees who are often very vocal with disdain towards their customer base.
Sadly, this isn't shocking. Everybody knows that WMATA operates a jobs program, not a transit system.
2 replies · active 659 weeks ago
100% Correct. Metro is a job program, not a transit agency. Once you come to that realization, all of their decisions and actions begin to make sense. [since, cents ....] Sorry still stuck on the grammar from the entry.
And it's clearly a jobs program only for members of a certain race...something they obviously do not want changed.
Ok, I REALLY need to fix the first few sentences (before the writer tries to imitate someone else) or it will be bugging me all day.

Rather than 'contact' I assume they wanted 'contract'?
The word 'open' should be 'opened'.
The word 'thing' should agree with 'Some' so use 'things'.
The phrase 'is out right' is all wrong. Try 'are outright'.
The word 'since' should be 'sense'.
Why is 'Racially' capitalized?
The word 'motive' should be 'motivated'.

Ok, that does not solve all of the problems but it gets the most glaring ones in those sentences. I would also recommend using line breaks/paragraphs for the entire thing somehow. Personally I can not stand "y'all" but since it is in the style of a hypothetical person I will let it pass.

It appears that a spelling checker may have been used on the first part but not a grammar checker. Where in the world did the writer learn English?
4 replies · active 658 weeks ago
A -6? Guess I really annoyed the WMATA peeps. :)
former employee's avatar

former employee · 658 weeks ago

Are you traveling each starbucks to make a ppint.. Yeah, you were -6 and not one person has justified that. Please do not be snotty or offend anyone here.. Most of the infromation Unsuck gets is from insiders. Your judgemental comments will only keep them away. It is starting to happen.
former emplyee's avatar

former emplyee · 659 weeks ago

Hire a limo... with this much education.. you can.. Insiders is Unsuck resourses. Your are a spoil, snotttttty bitch...
got dat right
Ever n Anon's avatar

Ever n Anon · 659 weeks ago

Not shocking that it is still up there. They've probably lost their login password and haven't found the recover password button yet.
The grammar was actually more painful for me than the content itself.
Today's comments should be interesting...
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 659 weeks ago

It was real admiral of you to post this, unsuck.
2 replies · active 659 weeks ago
Horsey FTW!
If the union members actually worked hard enough to keep Metro running smoothly, help customers, and generally 'not be rude to the public' then I might have a little bit of a sympathetic ear. As it is, they can all go to hell, be fired/strike, and go stand in a bread line with the rest of the unemployed in the country.
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
new resident 's avatar

new resident · 659 weeks ago

That would require effort and a sense of pride. Two things that are lacking in Metro.
I think what the original FB poster is missing is that if Metro ran right, and if the employees acted right, there wouldn't BE a problem.
Jackie Jeets's avatar

Jackie Jeets · 659 weeks ago

1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
This guy is merely parroting (in a not so subtle way) the race baiting employed by the union president.

I think it's pretty much the Rosetta Stone in terms of why so many Metro employees are nasty to customers. They've been told again and again that everyone hates them because they're black.

Sad, really.
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
For most of it, yes, but not the first few sentences.
I have too much of a headache to wade through this gibberish....This guy is basically saying that Metro's contract proposals are a way of putting "the workers back in their place"? And that the workers need to get more involved to fight back?

Someone help translate for me. I feel like I am reading the ramblings of a semi-literate dope addict (and come to think of it, maybe I am).
6 replies · active 659 weeks ago
First the writer complained about the negotiations. After which followed an exaggerated rant that had the writer's impression of what the other side was thinking (albeit most likely exaggerated).
I thought the main complaint was that other members aren't coming to the meetings to 'represent'.
Why is everyone thumbs downing the folks trying to decipher this crap?!?
I was going to ask for an interrupter, but I'm so sure I want that much information now. sheesh!!
Orange Crush's avatar

Orange Crush · 659 weeks ago

Did you mean interpreter? Although thinking about it, that spew does merit interrupting after about the third word!
The guy basically is probably retired and he sees all the retirees attending meetings but not enough "saltines" (he means crackers) since there are few to begin with mostly maintenance employees who are fed up with the Jeters (Husband and wife top 2 officers of Local 689-ATU)

Only a handful of whites left on trains, station managers and bus drivers. I never see a white person driving the Train or Station Manager. How many are left unsuck?
There's a white station manager at the upper end of Huntington or at least there was. I started driving 10 months ago.
It looks as though it was taken down. This is good because it shows that when exposed to the world, racists scatter away like roaches when the light is turned on.
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
Agree Ryan. There are racists in all cultures.
Can we get the racial breakdown of the WMATA employment stats?
2 replies · active 659 weeks ago
former employee's avatar

former employee · 659 weeks ago

I was the only white woman in CMNT for 8 hellish years. Discrimination was just a part of the hell. Retaliation was the worst. Just think if the situation was reversed??

Washington Times ran a accurate story back in March 2012 about hiring stats
The Post ran an article about hiring stats but did not include the current demographics which is not a balanced picture. This Transportation agency receives Federal Tax dollars, grants and money/fares from the tri-state jurisdictions which if is from all races of persons. Yet in still Metro can not abide by it's own Diversity Standards, Title VII Standards and hire, promote, groom/train, all races of persons including Caucasians.
If the Washington Post doesn't run a story on this, then that confirms what many of us have known for a while--they are somehow in bed with Metro and DO NOT want to expose malfeasance or mismanagement by the agency.

Having said that, my first reaction to this was disbelief. I mean, I can see reading something like this on a personal FB page, but this is an organizational account. I assume someone at the ATU 689 exercises some control over what is posted on their page.

So I have to wonder whether the account was hacked or there is some other explanation for what is clearly an inflammatory message.

C'mon, Washington Post (Fox News, WJLA, NBC4, etc.). INVESTIGATE!
Is it not up there anymore?
A man's crazy rant is another man's PhD dissertation.
Certifried's avatar

Certifried · 659 weeks ago

So they have 2 different FB pages, apparently.
asdfsadf's avatar

asdfsadf · 659 weeks ago

The DC public schools are just fine!

Let ultra racist Jackie Jeter what you think of her race baiting tactics...
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
No thanks. I would rather spend my time in peace not with drama queen's facebook
Looks like this will be a good chance to use Google translate
I've read this three times. I'm still not entirely sure what it says.
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
That is just it. It says nothing. Race is a part of it and politics is the other and neither make a bit of sense.
What a surprise, another union related post, and all of the underlying racist sentiments of regular unsuck readers come out.

As a white person who understands american history, this facebook post does not bother me.
14 replies · active 659 weeks ago
and let's see how many thumbs down i can get, i'm going for a record!
regular reader's avatar

regular reader · 659 weeks ago

Please explain your understanding of American history and how a black person being a racist makes me a racist.
RR, I don't mean to get all textbook on you, but to answer your question:

When I studied Race and Ethnicity at university, one of the first things we learned was that persons in minority positions cannot be racist. Racism requires a position of privilege. Contrary to popular terms like "reverse racism" and "reverse sexism," a person can only exhibit racism or sexism from a superior position. Thus, when a minority makes inflammatory comments about the empowered majority, it is not by definition racism. It's inflammatory, but it's someone from the lower rung speaking out against those above her. As blacks have been disenfranchised in the USA for centuries, they are not in a position to exhibit racism towards a white person, because to this day they remain below whites on the ladder of social status in this country. They can be rude, they can hurt your feelings, but they can't be racist.

I agree that the anti-union sentiment is a little silly. I would kill to be a part of a union that could earn me wages like those that wmata employees get. I don't understand how whenever we hear about someone enjoying something nice, our reaction isn't "Oh, I would like that, too. Let's get nice benefits for ALL American workers! Yay!" But the reaction is: "How DARE someone have it better than me! I demand that they be taken down to MY miserable level! They don't deserve it because if I'm not happy, NO ONE can be happy!"

We can't say whether every single wmata employee works hard enough to deserve a big paycheck and great benefits in YOUR mind (this is objective, don't you agree?), but I think we CAN say that ALL people SHOULD have access to a nice salary and great benefits, which unions provide. Wouldn't you want that for yourself and YOUR family?
Bull. There are no African Americans in positions of power where they can use those positions to discriminate? Cops? Bosses? Teachers? People in charge of hiring who discriminate against white people? That isn't racism?

At Metro, there are clearly black people in charge of hiring who are showing preferential treatment toward black people. Having a 98% African American staff doesn't happen by accident.

It happens because of discrimination, aka, RACISM.
But all of that doesn't change the status of black people in the USA. One black cop in a sea of white officers doesn't change the tide of racial profiling that nearly every black person in the US will experience at some point. One black teacher doesn't overturn decades of laws that forbid black people from attending schools, period. For every instance of a black person abusing her position of power to the detriment of a white person, how many instances of the reverse do you think there are? Statistics won't be on your side if you want to claim that "reverse racism" is a real problem. There's a reason the expression has the word "Reverse" in it- because it rarely happens. It's the REVERSE of typical racism.

I think you're grasping at straws by saying that a mostly black staff is because of deliberate discrimination. When most teachers are females, is it because schools discriminate against males? When most apple pickers are Hispanic is it because farmers are refusing to hire white people for the job? Are YOU lining up for those jobs? Or, like me, are you a white person with a degree working in an air-conditioned office in an expensive city, who hasn't worked for minimum wage since high school?

It would be interesting to see how many white people applied for positions at metro. My guess is that there is a fine economic line between those of us white collar folks riding the line into our downtown jobs and those who service the tracks that get us there- as the author of the facebook post pointed out, most metro workers don't have university degrees. That tells you something about the applicant pool right there - local men and women without university degrees. Most of us rush hour riders are transplants with at least a BA. If we lose our jobs, you won't find us looking to repair tracks or man a booth or pick up poop in metro stations.

Lastly, discrimination is NOT the same thing as racism. Those are two very different words with very different definitions. A course in cultural sensitivity or Race and Gender could teach you the difference, if you're willing to check your privilege at the door.
To justify racism based on the race of the offender is antithetical to the notion of racial equality.

Perhaps more importantly, attitudes like this are counter-productive to achieving true equality because they further divide the white and black communities and also further propagate the racism that exists on both sides.
"But all of that doesn't change the status of black people..."

Kick around straw man much? I haven't said JACK about the status of black people. Don't act like I'm saying racism against black people doesn't exist because I've done no such thing. What I have said is they ARE, in fact, capable of being racist and that having 98% black employees at Metro is an excellent example of that.

"Lastly, discrimination is NOT the same thing as racism."

Try telling black people that discrimination isn't the same thing as racism. If there's a hair to split, you're shaving it mighty thin.

You're lying to yourself if you think white people aren't sending their resumes to Metro to try and get those jobs driving trains. It has nothing to do with Mexicans picking apples, that's an issue of people not wanting to pay a living wage. Metro employees get paid handsomely and white people DO want those jobs. Shoot, I'll quit my job right now to go sleep in a station manager kiosk.

And I don't want a cultural sensitivity or Race and Gender course because it'll obviously turn me into a condescending prick who's brainwashed into thinking black people can't be racist.
So, to be clear- it is racist when an institution has more black than white employees while the hiring staff is black. What about, um, EVERY OTHER PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT EVER where the people in charge of hiring are white and the majority of their employees are white?

I'm imagining your response containing something about qualifications. A law firm that is 100% white is only that way because there are no qualified blacks, right? Not because of discrimination! Certainly not!

So if it's about qualifications, I still believe that most people applying for jobs with WMATA are black. Note, THERE ARE WHITE EMPLOYEES AT WMATA. White people applied for jobs, were interviewed by black people (according to you, who said that the entire hiring staff is black) and then hired by them.

Yet, according to you, the majority of employees are in fact black. Why? Because WMATA offers jobs for people who live in a major city without degrees. What kind of people predominantly live in major cities and lack degrees? You're lying to yourself if you think that the majority of DC's poor and uneducated are white.
Maybe that is why the Judges in Va MD and DC cannot find for women and men who have been discriminated against by the Managers who are mostly white at Metro and find "no cause". These lawsuits have merrit and have cost the agency hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend. How about just be fair to all the employees and promote those who are qualified reguardless of race, sex, age, etc......
"Racism requires a position of privilege."

Open a dictionary. Racism is the belief that your 'race' is superior. It has nothing whatsoever to do with privilege.

You don't have to be wealthy or powerful to hate others.
This is right, and the initial statement was stunningly ignorant.

Racism is the elevation or deprecation of one race over another, e.g., blacks are better swimmers, whites are all meth heads, Asians drive poorly. It can have a positive connotation for one race to the detriment of another.
I'm going to ignore your sophomoric explanation of how non whites can't be racist. Let's go to the UNION part of it.

There is nothing wrong with Unions, nor is there anything wrong with people earning good wages. What angers is people is when this Union can provide poor services, rude service, unsafe commuting environments, and yet demand (and receive) ever more money and benefits. This is happening because Metro is accountable to no one. They can routinely force metro management to raise rates while providing worse service, all the while telling customers to "go F themselves" in full knowledge that no consequence will ever come of it. (I was told to "go F myself" when asked about a continuing escalator outage, reported it and nothing happened. Not even a follow up call.).
This is not about unions in general, but about metro and this union. I was in a union, and if anyone wasn't holding their weight we got rid of them as it reflected poorly on all of us and could potentially discourage our ability to get business. Of course, if someone was doing their share we defended them. Only in this situation is there a union that can collectively provide poor services and rude customer service, yet be insulated from any backlash.

The riding public is held hostage, essentially. Our choices are limited. This isn't about unions or workers getting a good wage, it is about this union and the ridiculous benefits they receive from OUR MONEY all the while being completely untouchable.
I'm pretty sure her use of the term Saltines and her mockery of what she considers to be a white guy voice makes her a tad bit racist herself.
“…can sit back and think that all you need is a Jackie Jeter or a Garland!....”
Sure, Jeter is a pain, but what’s the author got against Judy Garland?
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
Wayne Garland is her "go to" (gofer, kiss ass, suck up, but kisser, crumb snatcher, do anything, ) He is a shop-steward or was for Bus Drivers. Probably a higher position now like keeping the minutes at the union meeting. He gets a pretty good salary and will keep one as long as he follows his job duties (........).
The Anti-TB Guy's avatar

The Anti-TB Guy · 659 weeks ago

Gee, I didn't know "Saltine" was a slang term for white people before reading the ATU post. According to the Urban Dictionary, it's related to the term "cracker" (also spelled "cracka", a la "nigga"). Also, "cracker" derives from the white slave driver because he would "crack" the whip.

I guess it wouldn't be PC to say that Metro needs a CEO who'll really "crack the whip" and get the organization in shape, eh? That would be believing in slavery.
If you look at the faded pic put up by Unsuck and then one of the FB pages that Metro has, you can figure out who it is. Then if you go that person's FB page, you will see a rant he made a few weeks ago where Jackie Jeter chimed in. Interestingly, this guy and Jeter get into an argument as this guy attacks Jeter in a rant that started about why churches need to do more about problems in SE DC.

Here is what the guy said to Jeter:

So you think I lack character huh? I thought I was entitled to a opinion? Maybe only you can have a opinion...:-( As for how I would characterize U! I think You are out of touch with your core membership. I don't think you have the patience nor the ability to carry this union into next level! Because if you did you had six years to do it? I believe you are a self promotor..and are only concerned about the issues of a small percent of the membership. I have been reading a lil bite about your history on/off the job..and I can't say that .I have seen any evidence that in the Six plus years that you have been our President where you have done anything Major that you can say that benefited the whole Union! The only thing that I though was going to give your reputation a Major boost was the new contact...but that didn't happen! Because after reading the Judges notes I realize that We basically let Metro use our own money(the pendition ) to pay us our rises!
1 reply · active 659 weeks ago
Union man I agree that the Union has suffered great divisions since Jeter and her husband has been in office. The union membership is not driving out to attend meetings and is tired of the lies, deceit.
Former Member.
Let's see, a blog with a racist name? Probably not worth my time.
I'm a regular reader of unsuck and will continue to be, but I'm disappointed in this particular post which is clearly race-baiting...something the blog's author often chastises WMATA for doing.
2 replies · active 659 weeks ago
Please explain how this is "race baiting."
former emplyee's avatar

former emplyee · 659 weeks ago

You tell me one diveristy event that Metro had America/ indian that they had where tthe blacks came and could not even have enough repect to hold their mouth shut around the food train to hear about our hertiage.. but when came Blace History... well you beeter damm pay repecet to HR Winn and Jackie Jetter..
Thank you for your reply.

I consider it race baiting because you took a racially charged facebook post and presented it to a mostly white audience with the intent to cause anger.

Just look at the replies- nearly all are people ripping into the grammar, mocking a person's lack of education, and bemoaning the lack of white people working in the metro system. The original facebook post, which is highly inflammatory and offensive, should have been left alone. Presented to a presumably black audience (the union), it was meant to stir anger towards white people. That was race-baiting. Instead of letting it lie, you presented it to a white audience with the goal of stirring anger towards black people- you race baited right back.

This is a terrible cycle and engaging in the race-baiting won't fix unsuck anything.
4 replies · active 659 weeks ago
I think you're making some pretty big assumptions about the FB post, my intentions and about who reads the blog.
former emplyee's avatar

former emplyee · 659 weeks ago

You work? Are you a white person who works at Metro??? and if you are? what is you sex? If you are white female, your life is a living hell. Diveristy at Metro: hell no. I will trade you shoes
This is a factual post. You may not like what it is but "It is what it is".
Where are you getting your facts from??? Its a pretty big assumption that people who read this blog are predominantly white.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 659 weeks ago

Jackie Jeter created the divison of races. Not one poster is of diveristy in the union hall.. it is all about the first black this and that.. Thank her for this shit that is going on. She brought this on her own.. she is racist..
It is shocking that someone who obviously failed out of the 5th grade and has the literacy skills of a tree stump not only has a job, but one that undoubetedly requires some level of technical skill.

Is it any wonder we have to pay outside engineering firms to build and maintain the escalators, and train doors randomly open midstation?

It has anecdotally been suspected that WMATA has long been DC's employer of last resort. I guess we should thank this mental midget for proving it.
everybody here is crazy if you think wmata is only out to hire peoples with melanin. and the fact that u guys are still out here separating each other by layers of skin is saddening.

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