I've reported this to Metro via their Web site as well.
This morning at about 9:30 on the Orange Line, in a crowded car (train ahead had offloaded), with no discernible air conditioning on, the riders determined it was sufficient to be called an "emergency" to ask the driver for air.
One person pushed the red emergency button, the red light came on, and ... NOTHING happened.
The driver did not respond.
The red light stayed on.
No response, nothing.
When there was no response, nobody was actually too surprised. We knew if it had been a real emergency we could've gotten word to the driver since we were in the first car.
After, everybody pretty much went back to their reading, etc.
Here's what Metro says about how to use the intercoms:
To report an unusual situation to the train operator, use the intercom at either end of the car.
■ Push and hold the red button and speak into the intercom. To hear responses from the train operator, release the red button.
■ Report the rail car number that’s on the front of the intercom. Describe the problem clearly and briefly.
■ Wait for instructions from the train operator.
Photo: nevermindtheend

Well, from the description of the incident, it sounds like our hot riders in the first car did not use the intercom correctly--perhaps meaning the driver was not aware the intercom was being used. If they simply pushed the button and didn't say anything.... then the driver may have simply thought someone was leaning against the button or kids were pushing buttons, etc, as no one spoke into the intercom to describe the emergency.
meh, the red line regularly doesn't have air conditioning...and thats in the afternoon, when it's actually unbearably hot.
this morning, the air conditioner was raining water droplets on everyone at the end of the car. welcome to metro?
It would be NICE if the instructions were near the button, if it's that complicated. Are we supposed to wait to look up the instructions online? By the way the guy who pushed the button said "hello...hello". Most people riding the Metro are pretty well-educated.
You'd think ANY sound coming from an "emergency" communication system would at least prompt the driver to check things out.
This happened to me too, the day after the accident on the Red Line our train was overcrowded (shocking) and we stopped in the tunnel between Woodley Park and Dupont Circle for several minutes because one of the doors wasn't closing completely. A woman fainted in the middle of the car, so someone in the back (near where I was standing) used the intercom to talk to the conductor, but got no response. This resulted in some people yelling "Is anyone a doctor?" and one woman yelling "IS ANYONE A LAWYER??"
I was in a Blue Line train at LEnfant Plaza once that had stopped at the station and, with doors open, was not moving. We waited and waited - a Metro Supervisor got on and pushed the Intercom button, saying "This is Supervisor (So and So) -- what is the reason for your delay?" We all heard a garbled "Huh"? come from the driver -- and NOTHING more -- the Metro Supervisor tried once again -- NO response from the driver. FINALLY the doors closed and the train started to move.
So I guess if the Metro personnel can do this to their OWN supervisors, who are we mere "customers", to expect any more respect???(Boo...Hissss.....)
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