Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street eOther items:
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"Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street elevators have been caught texting and are currently on a 5 day suspension."
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street elevators are being offloaded and other elevators will be single-tracked through the area. Expect delays of at least 30 minutes, or just take the stairs.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street e...wait. We don't even know the station. Nevermind.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street elves thought it would be quite the prank to plug them all up with magic asphalt dust! See? Not our fault.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street elevator has not worked since Clinton was president- the first term. Walk your ass to another station and hope for some luck there.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street elevator smells like piss and stale waffles, so I'd avoid that shit, too. Really, your best bet is to get off ASAP and overpay for a cab.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street entrance stairs are also out of order. Don't ask us how we managed that.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street expands expands expands expands OH GOD IT'S ENORMOUS
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street elves have been enlisted to fix the escalators since we are incompetant and can't seem to do it right.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street exits are all closed as well. Free shuttle bus service will be provided to passengers that find a way out.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street eats people.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street exsits only in your mind, though, so there's really no reason to leave the station.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street entrances are blocked by hordes of angry Orange Line commuters. Free riot gear and shuttle bus service will be provided to all Metro employees.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street exists only if you allow it to exists. The underlying reality of things is Metro. All is Metro. There are no escalators, and there never were any escalators. We do not apologize.
Red Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street easily is your best bet. You need the exercise and if you walk we will not need to hear your complaints, will we?
Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators on the 19th street entrance are out of service. The street elevators are not our thing. Look people, we're in the train business.
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