No Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators are out of service. The street elevator is operational. ShutOther items:
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No Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators are out of service. The street elevator is operational. Shut up. We know it makes no sense.
No Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators are out of service. The street elevator is operational. Shut your brain off- it will make dealing with Metro a heck of a lot easier if you try not to think rationally.
...shut your door and stay inside. You aren't going anywhere today.
...Shut down your computer later. You might as well stay at work until we get the mess cleared up.
No Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators are out of service. The street elevator is operational. Shut up about our poor service. Just give us your $4.35 and squeeze yourself in next to the sweaty tourist who got on the wrong train. Quit asking for Catoe's head, you're not going to get it.
...shuttle bus may or may not arrive and if they do, they're not worth it. Take a cab.
...Shut down your preconceived notions of reality. The escalators work if you believe they are stairs.
...Shutting your eyes and throwing yourself down said escalators is probably safer than continuing to ride Metro. Thank you for your patience.
No Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators are out of service. The street elevator is operational. Shut your mouths if y'all wanna try to talk nasty 'bout these difficulties. We gangsta, and we don't give a God damn.
No Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators are out of service. The street elevator is operational. Shut your piehole and do as you are told or hoses will be applied.
Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators are out of service. The street elevator is operational. Shut yo mouth and get on da dam train. And quit bitchin' 'bout delays. At least you alive.
No Line: Due to mechanical difficulties, all the station's entrance escalators are out of service. The street elevator is operational. Shut down of the entire metrorail system is imminent. Not that you'd notice the difference, but we enjoy sharing useless information that doesn't improve your situation. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for riding metrorail.
...Shut up about our incompetence. If you think you can do better why don't you build your own damn transit system.
...shut your eyes and imagine you're on a break. That's what we do whenever there's mechanical problems!
Shut-off valves for a/c, elevators and nearby water fountains have also been tripped. Thank you for riding Metro.
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