Actually, this guy was pretty creepy. He kept trying to "accidentally" touch the woman next to him. She, needless to say, looked completely skeeved out. When she left, no one took that seat, despite the train being pretty crowded.
More annoying behavior
The clipper
The dipper
Quick Hits
"Repair" work preceded crash (WaPo)
Why is Metro Ctr. so hot?
Metro: "Chiller is down. Repairs underway. Hopefully fixed in next couple days." #wmata

People like this make me sit by them to irritate them the way they irritate others.
A blanantly drunk business man who smelled like tacos "accidentally" sat on me on Monday. All the other women on the train noticed and gave me looks of empathy.
Yeah -- notice the strong "hand on own genitals" and visibly open collar. Extra creepy.
ewww... get hollabackdc on this one.
Ugh, I can't stand that ... them and the IEDs (incredibly expanding derierres), where you scootch over and their rears magically expand to fill that space. I have to fight the urge to go stabbity when people feel the need to spread out. Only my boyfriend is allowed to be that close, darnit!
They're on it, Hostage Hoosier:
On a positive note, a man insisted on offering his seat to me and my sister on the Red Line today. Very surprising, but very nice. Thank you mister man.
She's definitely got the lean happening - she should've committed her legs more fully to the getting-the-hell-away cause.
Real keen sense of timing and tact with this photo. Bravo
Prior to the red line accident--when an early morning train at shady grove could still be relatively empty--I had a creepy experience that others have undoubtedly gone through. The train was empty except for me and about three other people. I have my headphones in and am reading the paper. A guy sits down next to me (train virtually empty, may I remind you) and asks me how I am doing. I say "fine" and go back to reading. I am already feeling uncomfortable. Then, I catch Mister Creepshow stealing glances at my chest. Gross. I get off the train at Medical Center and wait for the next one...ugh.
Yeah, let's put all men who don't have slumped body-language and reserved (tied into a shell) body-language in prison.
How dare they take up space and not mumble, tighten their body language and hang their body-language low.
When this guy stops getting dates, is the day when men stop acting like this.
I caught a (40-something, professionally dressed) guy trying to look up my skirt on the escalator. He was "tying his shoes," but leaning way forward and actually craning his neck. I turned around, we locked eyes--he went all deer-in-the-headlights and bolted up the escalator before I could react. Gross.
July 14 6:28 am sounds like a real genius.
Heck I woulda come over and accidentally placed my rolling luggage on top of one of his shoosies.
I seem to get a lot of people backing up into my reading material as I stand against the wall. I don't get it, just this morning I had a young lady enter the car and walk to me, turn around and back into my Express so she could lean against the vertical bar. The folded express went into her hair, so she had to have felt it, not to mention the pen I was using to do the crossword wrote on her purse as she backed in. I found out an easy way to get these people to quit being ignorant/rude is to cough a bunch of times and breath through your nose like it's stuffed.
Someone once referred to this as a man needing space for his "giant phantom schlong".
Um, that's *me*. It was a hot July day, my pants had split open at the crotch, there was a thread on her shoulder ... and I'm as gay as winged unicorn.
I dunno - look where the demarcation between the seats is. He's hardly leaning into her. In fact, it looks to me as if he's actually leaning away from HER (look at the upper body).
Are we that quick to label every male as a perv on the prowl? This to me seems like a case of manufactured sensationalism, and how quick others are to jump on the bandwagon...
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