Monday, November 8, 2010

Metro Knew of Escalator Brake Issues

An internal document obtained by Unsuck DC Metro appears to reveal that Metro was warned by its own outside contractor of serious escalator brake problems at least a month before a major escalator brake failure at L'Enfant Plaza on Oct. 30 that injured more than a dozen, one seriously, and a similar incident at Gallery Place last Wednesday.

Metro appears to have done nothing with that knowledge.

In an internal audit of Metro's escalator problems conducted by outside consulting firm Vertical Transportation Excellence (VTX), numerous issues were addressed and made public, including dirty escalator switches, accumulation of garbage and water, and a shortage of workers.

But that wasn't the complete list. Below is a complete list of maintenance issues cited by VTX during its assessment of escalators and elevators at Woodley Park, Dupont Circle, Bethesda and Foggy Bottom:
Obvious signs of conditions requiring immediate maintenance/service address are being overlooked. Some examples witnessed during our assessments of the elevators and escalators include but are not limited to the following:
  • Major amounts of oil and lubricant on step treads and risers. Symptomatic of major leak at drive motor / reducer coupling. (scary)
  • Significant accumulation of metal shavings around hand rail newel areas from worn newel wheels.
  • Brake pads worn beyond usable life expectancy and out of adjustment allowing unit to freewheel to stop.
  • Numerous switches in safety circuits were dirty, out of adjustment, and ineffective. (scary)
  • Skirt panels were adjusted too tightly to the steps, creating metal shavings along the step roller tracks in the interior of the unit.
  • Hoist ropes severely rouged [corroded] and worn beyond acceptable life expectancy. (scary)
  • Sheet plastic being used to protect equipment from water intrusion. This is a critical life safety issue.
The draft document, which was accepted as the final, according to a Metro source, is dated Sept. 30, a full month before the L'Enfant incident.

Of course, in typical Metro style, the authority began "precautionary" inspections of all 588 escalator units in the system last Thursday night, almost a week after the L'Enfant incident and more than a month after being warned of the problem.*

"In light of recent incidents, [Assistant General Manager Dave Kubicek] decided that a proactive precautionary measure would be in the best interest of safety, keeping in mind we have a strong safety culture that we are growing here," Metro spokesman Lisa Farbstein told the Washington Post Nov. 5.

Proactive? Best interest of safety? Utter BS!

The transit authority has had two previous chances to come clean with riders about what they knew, once at an Oct. 14 Board meeting where the audit was discussed and again immediately after the L'Enfant incident. More importantly, they had over a month to do something about it.

They passed, and even said all safety issues were addressed "immediately."

Here's what Metro released publicly about the audit, and here's what Metro announced they were going to do in response to the audit.

Nothing about brakes.

Instead, Metro appears to have waited until more riders ended up in the hospital--again--before taking any substantive action.

One has to wonder what the point of spending our money on outside contractors if Metro is going to hide the findings from us. More importantly, what's the point of having an audit done if no action is taken on the findings until after an incident in which people are injured?

At this point, it's really hard not to think WMATA executive management is more concerned with keeping their jobs than the safety of the riding public.

David Lacosse, director of Metro's Office of Elevators and Escalators, and his boss Kubicek need to go--now.

* Brake issues date back almost two years

Other items:
Judge limits Metro liability for Red Line crash (WaPo)
WMATA seeks input on new railcars (WMATA)

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Wow! Simply wow!
"David Lacosse, director of Metro's Office of Elevators and Escalators, and his boss Kubicek need to go--now."

Yes, they sure do. How do we make this happen?
7 replies · active 669 weeks ago
I'm goin to write a LONG, LONG letter making my case as to why this guy needs to be fired. I will post the response when it is received (in 2012)

I wonder if a whole bunch of us got together to write a letter and perhaps op-eds to the major regional newspapers and our elected officials if we could actually make some headway. Is anyone actually interested actually working together on something like this?
I wrote to WMATA today (although I bet it will be weeks before I get a response) and hope to write into a few newspaper about why David Lacosse hasn't been fired yet, and why he hasn't even made a statement (His name isn't in any articles other than this blog, no quotes from him, NOTHING).

I will definitely inform this blog what I get back.
A Company named Schindler Elev Escalator used to clean, maintained and repair the equipment but you know who does now
Ever since metro has taken over their own escalators and elevators from the local elevator union (IUEC Local 10) which Schindler is apart of they have just gone down hill. All that you hear about reasons for break downs and accidents are just excuses, non replaceable parts, plastic parts breaking, companies being out of business, etc. All excuses, union companies can maintain these same escalators and not have these issues. Metro did a study not long ago on cost and effectiveness between them maintaining and servicing compared to the local union, their study showed what most people already know. With the local union taking care of them you have less break downs, faster repair times, faster response times and would cost them millions less but why has this not been brought to the public eye?? They spent millions to start a schooling program so that they can educate the metro workers on how to be "elevator workers", something that local union has already done. They have a 5 year schooling program which is taught by their experienced members and is accredited by the NEIP program. Why is this not an option?
Local 10 are prejudice white folk, they have sabatoged the preventive maintenance in the system, used jumpers to short cut the troubleshooting end of the safety string. Bad business,
Read Dave Kubicek and Board Member Benjamin's testimony about how, who over sees Safety Initiatives in the NTSB Transcripts after the Train Wreck and see what we are dealing with intellectually and just how the Good ole' boys promoted him.
"We are all in trouble now"
I've given you guys a hard time for not mentioning this guy, but THANK YOU for calling for the ouster of David Lacosse! He is an incompetent fucktard.
Well there goes our fare increase $$ the victims of Metro's malfeasance.

Do they not have ANY lawyers working at Metro?
This is some sinister stuff. I've cut way back on Metro, but this may make me go cold turkey.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
While this comes as no surprise, it is still really scary. I realize I'm taking a risk every time I ride the Metro, but I'm making an informed decision about riding. Most people aren't and they're not aware of the risks until they're at the bottom of a people-pile caused by a rogue escalator. Metro should at least have the decency to avoid using BS phrases like "we have a strong safety culture that we are growing here."
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 750 weeks ago

Is there anyone we can send this to that might pay attention and help get some results? Sen. Milkuski et al? Do these other people even know about this? I noticed New Carrollton's escalators were not working this morning. One blocked off and the other attempting to handle two-way traffic. I suppose shutting all of them down is Metro's concept of proactive measures. Heaven forfend their concepts ever include getting anything accomplished.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
ppppppppp's avatar

ppppppppp · 749 weeks ago

Barbara will fix it and ask Congress for more $$$$$Money

That is how Ms Barbara fixes things! U need to Fix the Leadership and FIRE some incompetent managers!!!!!!!!!!!!
hrh king friday13's avatar

hrh king friday13 · 750 weeks ago

This is... appalling. And that's not even a strong enough word. I hate Metro for a lot of reasons, but I generally feel like their incompetence is related to just that: incompetence. This, on the other hand, was obviously a calculated decision to do nothing to protect the safety of Metro riders. I understand that Metro is underfunded, but hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured into it, with seemingly no improvement whatsoever to the system. I had finally reached the determination that the executives were either dumber than a bag of rocks or entirely corrupt and having read this, I've finally settled on entirely corrupt.

There are not enough words to describe my horror at what is written here, so I won't try, but I will comment on one major problem I have always had with Metro. At many stations, and all of the stations I use, there are no alternatives to the escalators because there are NO staircases. Even with the escalators turned off, I still have to trust that the brakes will stay in place and not slip while I'm walking down the escalator. And in places like Rosslyn and Dupont, stairs wouldn't be a practical alternative anyway. That makes it imperative that Metro get this figured out, and soon, and be held accountable to the public.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Incompetent and corrupt Metro mgmt. NEED

Corrupt and incompetent mgmt. and union leaders need to GO AWAY!!!!!!!
Metro needs to stop hiring incompetent jerks based on the "Buddy System" Stop hiring idots who retired from other jobs not related to transportation. They are collecting tax payers money. Their hardest job is covering up their incompetency. Meto mgmt. and the Union could not organize a one car funeral without screwing it up and then blame funding for the screw-up. GREED is the # 1 priority, not safety.
An interesting fact to note: the lower level north escalator at Federal Triangle, one of three middle level and two of three top level escalators were all turned off this morning.
As the guy who was quoted in the TBD story about the Chinatown incident, I find this shocking and appalling. I generally still feel pretty safe on Metro, but to know that they had findings and recommendations predicting exactly what ended up happening twice in one week, I'm dismayed that they didn't at least share the knowledge. Good reporting Unsuck. Scooped the Post.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 750 weeks ago

Brake pads need regular replacing. I just spent $300 on the brakes in my car this past Friday. It's one of the things about owning or operating any kind of motored devices with mechanical brakes, period. Good lord. So instead of having a maintenance schedule and budget, they just assume that once repaired, they're good to go forever?
Metroopensdoors's avatar

Metroopensdoors · 750 weeks ago

"Metro appears to have done nothing with that knowledge."

Per our New Release dated October 14, 2010 ( In response to the findings, Metro has developed an action plan and timeline beyond the steps already taken. The brake issue is noted in the fourth bullet and states that testing the stopping distance of the escalators (brakes) is taking place and will be completed this month.
6 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Classic Metro- and Washington-speak: A non-denial denial!
You SUCK Metro's avatar

You SUCK Metro · 750 weeks ago

Sorry, but it's totally unclear that you're talking about brakes, and moreover, there's no mention that the escalators could freewheel to stop as what apparently happened at Lenfant.
Your press release should have said "Internal Audit Reveals Serious Safety Issues" and then outlined a plan to IMMEDIATELY inspect all of the escalators for the various problems in the report.
Instead you waited until people were hurt before a "precautionary" inspection.

He is an incompetent jackass who needed to be fired a year ago! Why do I have to pay that moron's salary every time I ride metro?
This doesn't excuse running escalators you know to be faulty, especially during high volume travel time. You knew it and you ignored it, as always.
WMATA Action Plan:

If it's broken, wait until people get hurt to fix it.
TheCheeseStreet's avatar

TheCheeseStreet · 750 weeks ago

I would like to call together my fellow Metro passengers to actually do something about this. Anyone have any good ideas? As much as it helps to vent about these issues, I think action is warranted. Who's with me?
6 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Write in to WMATA and demand David Lacosse is fired. I plan on doing that when I get home from work tonight.

One day we will have to have a protest outside their headquarters.
WMATA's headquarters is right next to Verizon Center, so it's pretty easy to get there. If there was going to be a protest we'd just have to be sure not to take the Metro to it...
Thats Ironic... its next to the verizon center, right by a metro, and all these assholes working for Metro drive to work, taking up expensive parking, on our dollar....

None of them should be allowed to drive to work.
How about we just stop riding. Force government intervention
TheCheeseStreet's avatar

TheCheeseStreet · 750 weeks ago

Boycotts and protests seem to be the best ideas. Sucks that it's almost winter time, because my only other option to get to work would be riding my bike. In any event...stay tuned, as I'd be more than happy to organize a protest.

"If there was going to be a protest we'd just have to be sure not to take the Metro to it..."

Hahahaha...when you mentioned it was next to the Verizon Center, I immediately thought "Awesome, it's Metro accessib...............crap."
I think we need to try and get a group together and just write letters to everyone and anyone willing to listen - TV media, newspapers, WMATA, elected officials, local blogs - but I think we need a group to get this going. I am willing to work with whomever to get this rolling - it's long overdue!
Over the River's avatar

Over the River · 750 weeks ago

I really do like the direction your Web site is taking with the gloves-off watch of Metro. I'd like to see a no-holds-barred "Metro Watchdog - Watching Metro Because They Aren't Watching Themselves" Web site and retain the Unsuck DC Metro for folks eating on the train, Hall of Shame, etc.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Why can't it be both?
Over the River's avatar

Over the River · 750 weeks ago

Of course it can be and you have been successful as such. Maybe I was thinking a method to "take the high road" with a name more befitting the watchdog aspects, while retaining the name about the things on Metro that irate us (but are beyond the control of Metro).
popopopopopo's avatar

popopopopopo · 749 weeks ago

The Metro OIG after you report to her, Helen Lew does absolutely nothing. I say let Gov Bob McDon appoint me I will clean house fire, drug/alcoholics and liars!
Unsuck and its breaking story just made WTOP!

The link is here:
I wondered why the every escalator I used this morning was off. Guess I now have an answer. If the breaks are going on the escalators, how do we know they are doing proper preventative maintenance on the breaks on the trains?
Just saw. Shameful. Thanks for the heads up. Unsuck ABC7!!
We see Metro news on other outlets, but we know where a lot of it comes from. WAY TO GO UNSUCK!!
How come Metro can get away with Lacosse not doing media interviews? He's the face of one of the biggest problems with Metro, and he just doesn't want to talk about it.

1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Because metro believes in maintaining a culture that lacks accountability in any way whatsoever. He is the worst, Jerry, the worst!
Perhaps metro should replace most of its escalators with conventional staircases. That would eliminate many mechanical issues, increase space available on the way up and lower costs. We might still keep some escalators where steep ascents make them necessary such a dupont. But at places like foggy bottom we could use the extra throughput afforded by stairs and do without the frequent breakdowns that further constrain an already restricted exit.
Another Metro Rider's avatar

Another Metro Rider · 750 weeks ago

On July 26, 2010, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affaires recommended S.3638: Public Transportation Safety Act of 2010 to the Senate for passing. In August, 2010, Senator Coburn of Oklahoma placed a stop on the bill. The bill will require Metro and other rail transit systems to regulated by the Department of Transportation .

Now that congress has returned the bill needs to place on the calendar by majority and minority leaders of the Senate (Senator’s Harry Reid of Nevada and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky). This is the only way that we can hold the board of director and the leadership of Metro accountable. So, instead of us blogging that “Metro Sucks”, how about calling,, emailing and/or writing the leaders of the Senate to place the bill on the calendar of business for the Senate for passage before the Christmas recess.

Senator Harry Reid

522 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542
Fax: 202-224-7327

Senator Mitch McConnell
361-A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2541
Fax: (202) 224-2499
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Coburn stops nearly everything that costs the federal government any funds if there isn't a plan to take those funds from another program. If someone were to propose a funding solution (even one as unpopular as taking the money that the federal government uses to pay for SmarTrip funds for employees and sending it to the DOT for regulation costs), then he'd most likely release the stop.
If they are Democrats NO way!

Do you know what Metro incompetent managers are bring home? Your hard earned TAXES!
Heard this mentioned on NPR (WAMU) this morning with credit to Unsuck for the story.
And what do you think about the reading of the report?
Agreed. Most of the comments on that post are incredulous at the slack GGW authors seem to give Metro.

Stay tuned. Some real amazing stuff coming.
I used to read the GGW blog, but they're just too blind to Metro's problems and frankly, I don't really trust a blog run by a google millionaire who doesn't have to work.
bring back the elavator and escalator contractors,the people that installed them and have the knowledge and proper training to do it right. metro has been trying for almost 20 years and these accidents prove they can not handle it.
Didn't Metro originally say that the descriptions of the escalator speed up at L'Enfant Plaza simply weren't possible? I think that's what scares me most of all - they deny things that evidence later shows to be true, and that they knew them to be true. Thanks for your service in rooting this out, Unsuck!
DC metro escalator's are a DEATHTRAP! TWICE (on two different escalators - Eastern Market and Metro Center) they came to a screeching halt while I was on them this morning (11.18.10), toppling people over and scaring the crap out of everyone. This is two days after a write-up in the Express about how dangerous they are! Unacceptable!!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
you lack common sense,the escalators are designed to stop like that to protect people and the equiptment the problem is most of the time it's public that cause's the escalators to stop.because it stops does not make it a death trap.
This won't go over well, but it's the safe thing to do. It will also reveal the true depth of the problem, and get enough people interested to have action taken. SHUT DOWN EVERY DAMN ESCALATOR IN THE SYSTEM AND TURN EACH UNIT BACK ON AFTER IT PASSES A COMPLETE SAFETY CHECK !! Maybe you could make an exception for really deep stations, but I bet you would get VERY QUICK ACTION !

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