Friday, November 5, 2010

The Two Types of Metro Eaters

Secret EaterPhoto courtesy bclinesmith

Not-so-secret Eater

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HA! Made my day.
I can't help but think that if metro was a source of civic pride, passenger behavior would be different. People would not eat in the system and would give some serious grief to anyone who did so. People would not leave newspapers all over the train. Etc.

Given the state of decrepitude of the system, however, it is silly to even blink and eye at this behavior. I'm much more concerned about busted escalators, busted elevators, and trains that run so slowly that I often get to work late in the morning and miss my bus in the evening.
4 replies · active 750 weeks ago
Right? There is so much BS going on with metro this past week and they are focusing on two people eating on the train. Who the F cares? Talk about the failure at the rally, the incompetent escalator manager, the corrupt union, etc. Get the word out about the real issues, not crap like this!
For someone who professes to hate this blog so much, you sure are a loyal reader/commenter.
As long as they don't leave chicken bones on the ground or make a mess, I don't really care if a few people eat or drink. That said, eating on metro is pretty gross, I don't even like touching any of the handles.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 750 weeks ago

It is not just the civic pride in the metro system. It is systemic of our entire country's lack of courtesy towards each other. (How many people do you see even cover their mouths when they yawn anymore?) Rudeness and self-centeredness have become acceptable and commonplace. It's a sad situation.

And to those who say they don't care about eating or drniking on the trains, come say that again when you either sit in the leftovers crudely spilled on the seat or get nailed with someone dropping that hot coffee all over you during a bump on the ride.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 750 weeks ago

oh pulease tell me not-so-secret eater uses the elevator and not the escalators. ;-)
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Personally, I either wash or sanitize my hands after being on metro and before I eat. Even if I knew that nobody ever supped on metro, I'd still do it, because a subway escalator handle is still probably a haven for bacteria, Subway sub or not.
Every city will have some riders break the rules. Posts like these are worthless. Lets focus on the incompetent management instead. Or isssues like shutting down half the orange and blue line over the weekend?
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Au contraire my friend. Posts like this are hilarious and make the Metro just a tad more tolerable. Thanks Unsuck!
Posts like these are a waste of time. Its more productive to criticize the incompetent management. Posts like these are lazy.
Look, $100! Metro could easily start working on that budget shortfall by enforcing the LAWS on Metro trains and buses - including eating, drinking, and music.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Enforcement of the no eating/drinking rule puts revenue in the local jurisdictions' pockets, not Metro. They don't see a penny of that fine money.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 750 weeks ago

In all honesty, it's hit the point where I have to have a granola bar or a nutrigrain bar or something on me when I take the Metro home from work, because there is a really strong chance that it will take me 2+ hours to get home (i.e., leave the office at 5, get home just after 7). And the end of my commute is a one-mile walk, that I just can't do if Metro's screwed me around so long that my blood sugar has completely crashed out. (Leaving at 5, I should get home around 6 and be eating before 6:30.) Sometimes I totally see the need. Mornings, too.

But that's the need for a small snack, not for a three-course take-out meal...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Well then in terms of this blog, you are more of a threat to metro than incompetent management!
It's no secret that the second one probably eats lots of fast food.
I counted 5 people eating and drinking on Metro Thursday. Two today.

For the love of God Metro, please start some enforcement. Close the budget gap by cracking down on rules and laws that are currently in place.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
metro doesnt get the money for any enforcement that is maybe you should complain to the board about letting metro get the revenues from parking tickets and any other tickets the metro police write. Then maybe they could close the budget gap.
Agreed, there's a brightly lit sign next to the 5A bus stop all the time and it reminds people of the rules for the bus which includes no food/drink. Almost everyone who prepares to board the bus reads the signs, yet half the people still get on the bus w/their McCafes and breakfast. Makes me wanna BARF!
its amazing. I've been riding the London Underground frequently for two months. they allow people to eat/drink. It has not caused a single problem whatsoever, and I have hardly seen any garbage (and there are noooo garbage cans anywhere in London) and no rats/mice ect... i have seen cockroaches and mice in DC where you cant eat--to prevent that. it's working real well.

it's kind of like anything goes here...and it actually freaking works.

also was on Berlin's U-bahn. Talk about no rules or regulations, and yet still no problem. people are civil and just mind their own business. there are no ticket gates, no lines, no staff to be rude, no nothing, and yet , it all runs smoothly and more frequently than the DC metro.

something is not right.
I have a confession, last weekend, while trapped in a red line car on my way home from the Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive, I ate the last half of a cookie I bought at Union Station, and finished off water from the water bottle I brought... luckily because it was crowded, there was no chance I was going to get arrested.

Now that I got that off my chest, I can go back to sleeping through the nights.
Know what's just as predictable as an Orange line disruption? The snarky, mean comments re: not so secret eater. Can't not bash an overweight woman, can you?
"Hmm, demand is down. I know! We'll raise prices!"
The Good Doctor's avatar

The Good Doctor · 750 weeks ago

Now why couldn't one of THESE photos been the subject of the Caption Contest?!?
Metro Lover's avatar

Metro Lover · 749 weeks ago

Dear Metro,
I'm tired of having people drop their crumbs or spill their coffee one me getting to and from work. Here's my proposal. I would like to apply for a job enforcing the eating/drinking rules. I'll be there every day gladly giving out tickets to those who make a mess of our metro. You won't even have to budget for my salary, I'll simply take a percentage of the tickets collected and you can use the rest to help with the shortfall.

Your new employee
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Oh, please. I'm SO sure that people regularly spill on you. Yeah, the people are breaking the rules, and it's annoying, but I've been riding Metro daily for over 13 years, and never once has someone's crumbs or drink actually spilled on me. Get over yourself.
Juwanna Mann's avatar

Juwanna Mann · 745 weeks ago

she look hunnrry

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