Order is reversed to read more easily:
- metroopensdoors Metro posted the unabridged 308-page escalator/elevator report on its website at: http://www.wmata.com/vtx/
- metroopensdoors Metro report: major factor of the state of escalators/elevators is result of years of lack of adherence to Metro's maintenance standards
- metroopensdoors Report identifies escalator brakes among several issues to be addressed. Greater emphasis should have been placed on brakes as safety issue
- metroopensdoors Metro has inspected 405 units; replaced 25 brakes & taken 47 units out of service for brake pad replacement or oil contamination remediation
- metroopensdoors Any Metro escalator inspection that reveals a potential safety hazard results in that escalator immediately being removed from service
- metroopensdoors Metro is on schedule to complete all brake inspections this week
@ChrisHowdy · 749 weeks ago
John · 749 weeks ago
@deafinthecity · 749 weeks ago
John · 749 weeks ago
krikket · 749 weeks ago
I also think it would be helpful if WMATA would announce which stations have both escalators and elevators down at the same time. Normally I ride the train to the Pentagon Station where I board a bus home. On Wednesday (11/10/10) evening the street elevator was out of order (but no sign was up) and all the escalators were down. For medical reasons I can't walk up 40-50 steps, but didn't know there would be a problem because no such announcement was made. I got off at the station, but had to re-board and go to the King Street Station (where I can walk down the steps) and take a DASH bus home. It meant a longer walk to my apartment, which I didn't mind, and the weather was nice which helped...lol. My complaint is that my commute home cost me almost twice as much as normal because of departing and re-entering at the Pentagon than if I had just gone all the way to King Street. It also meant that the trip took an extra hour, waiting for a train and then the bus. "There must be a less efficient way for Metro to handle this problem, so I'm sure they just haven't studied the problem."
Over_the_River 77p · 749 weeks ago
jeffrey · 748 weeks ago
kate · 748 weeks ago